Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The LORD Listens to His Servants |
28:1 4314 28:1 προς 28:1 To |
2896 κεκράξομαι I shall cry out. |
3902.1 παρασιωπήσης remain silent |
3379 μή ποτε lest at any time |
3902.1 παρασιωπήσης you should remain silent, |
3666 ομοιωθήσομαι I shall be likened |
2597 καταβαίνουσιν ones going down |
28:2 1522 28:2 εισάκουσον 28:2 Hear, |
28:3 3361 28:3 μη 28:3 Do not |
2038 εργαζομένων 4ones working |
4881-1473 συναπολέσης με 2destroy me together]! |
2980 λαλούντων ones speaking |
28:4 1325 28:4 δος 28:4 Give |
468-1473 ανταπόδομα αυτών their recompense |
28:5 3754 28:5 ότι 28:5 For |
2507 καθελείς You shall demolish |
28:6 2128 28:6 ευλογητός 28:6 Blessed be |
28:7 2962 28:7 κύριος 28:7 The lord |
997 εβοηθήθην I was helped; |
330 ανέθαλεν [2flourished again |
1843 εξομολογήσομαι I will make acknowledgment |
28:8 2962 28:8 κύριος 28:8 The lord |
2901.1 κραταίωμα is the fortification |
5231.5 υπερασπιστής [2 the defender |
4992 σωτηρίων 4deliverances |
28:9 4982 28:9 σώσον 28:9 Deliver |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.