Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Job Held Liable for His Words |
15:1 5274 15:1 υπολαβών δε 15:1 And undertaking, |
15:2 4220 15:2 πότερον 15:2 Is it |
4907 συνέσεως of an understanding |
15:3 1651 15:3 ελέγχων 15:3 reproving |
1252 διέκρινας you litigated |
1413 δυναστών of mighty ones. |
15:6 1651 15:6 ελέγξαι 15:6 May [3reprove |
2649 καταμαρτυρήσαισάν may they bear witness against |
4078 επάγης 1were you banked up]? |
15:8 4928.2 15:8 σύνταγμα 15:8 [2 the arranged order |
191 ακήκοας 1have you heard]? |
4920 συνιείς do you perceive, |
15:10 2532 15:10 και 15:10 And |
926 βαρύτερος more weighty than |
15:11 3641 15:11 ολίγα 15:11 [2 but little |
3146 μεμαστίγωσαι 1You have been whipped], |
5234 υπερβαλλόντως above measure |
2980 λελάληκας have you spoken. |
15:12 5100 15:12 τι 15:12 What |
2018 επήνεγκαν have [2added to see |
15:13 3754 15:13 ότι 15:13 that |
1084 γεννητός 1 who is born |
1135 γυναικός 2of a woman]? |
15:15 1487-2596 15:15 ει κατά 15:15 forasmuch as |
15:16 1436 15:16 έα 15:16 Alas |
948 εβδελυγμένος [2 is abhorrent |
15:17 312-1161 15:17 αναγγελώ δε 15:17 But I will report |
15:18 3739 15:18 α 15:18 what |
15:19 1473 15:19 αυτοίς 15:19 To them |
15:20 3956 15:20 πας 15:20 All |
705.1 αριθμητά [3are counted |
1413 δυνάστη 2to the mighty one], |
1380 δοκή the impious should seem |
15:22 3361 15:22 μη 15:22 Let him not |
1781-1063 εντέταλται γαρ for he has been given charge |
15:23 2697.1-1161 15:23 κατατέτακται δε 15:23 And he has been delegated |
15:24 318-1161 15:24 ανάγκη δε 15:24 And distress |
4755 στρατηγός 3a commandant |
4414 πρωτοστάτης 4of the front rank |
4098 πίπτων 1 His falling down]. |
15:25 3754 15:25 ότι 15:25 For |
3841 παντοκράτορος the almighty |
5135.1 ετραχηλίασεν he stiffened his neck. |
15:26 5143-1161 15:26 έδραμε δε 15:26 And he ran |
15:27 3754 15:27 ότι 15:27 For |
15:28 835-1161 15:28 αυλισθείη δε 15:28 And may he be lodged |
2048 ερήμους 1in desolate], |
516.2 αοικήτους 1uninhabited]; |
667 αποίσονται shall carry away. |
15:29 3777 15:29 ούτε 15:29 Nor |
4148 πλουτισθή be enriched, |
5224 υπάρχοντα 2possessions]; |
15:30 3762.1 15:30 ουδέ μη 15:30 Neither |
1628 εκφύγη shall he flee from |
1601 εκπέσοι [2may 5fall off |
15:31 3361 15:31 μη 15:31 Let him not |
5278 υπομενεί he will remain behind, |
576 αποβήσεται shall result |
5351 φθαρήσεται 1shall be corrupted], |
4436.1 πυκάση shall become dense. |
15:33 5166-1161 15:33 τρυγηθείη δε 15:33 And may he be gathered |
15:34 3142 15:34 μαρτύριον 15:34 [3 is the testimony |
765 ασεβούς 4of an impious man |
1434.1 δωροδεκτών of the ones taking bribes. |
15:35 1722 15:35 εν 15:35 [4in |
2983 λήψεται 2he shall conceive |
576-1161 αποβήσεται δε and there shall result |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.