Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Joash Repairs the House of The LORD |
936-1473 βασιλεύειν αυτόν his taking reign, |
24:2 2532 24:2 και 24:2 And |
4160-* εποίησεν Ιωάς Joash did |
24:3 2532 24:3 και 24:3 And |
2983-* έλαβεν Ιωδαέ Jehoiada took |
1080 εγέννησεν he engendered |
24:4 2532 24:4 και 24:4 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
24:5 2532 24:5 και 24:5 And |
24:6 2532 24:6 και 24:6 And |
1533 εισενεγκείν to carry in |
1826.1 εξεκκλησίασε the assembly |
24:7 3754 24:7 ότι 24:7 For |
4160 εποίησαν they appointed |
24:8 2532 24:8 και 24:8 And |
1101 γλωσσόκομον a container, |
24:9 2532 24:9 και 24:9 And |
2784 κηρυξάτωσαν let them proclaim |
1533 εισενεγκείν to carry in |
24:10 2532 24:10 και 24:10 And |
2165 ευφράνθησαν [3were glad |
1533 εισέφερον they carried in, |
1101 γλωσσόκομον container, |
4137 επληρώθη it was filled. |
24:11 2532 24:11 και 24:11 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
4367.1 προστάτας superintendents |
4121 επλεόνασε [3was superabundant |
1573.2 εξεκένωσαν they emptied out |
1101 γλωσσόκομον container, |
4863 συνήγαγον they gathered |
24:12 2532 24:12 και 24:12 And |
2901 κραταιώσαι to strengthen |
24:13 2532 24:13 και 24:13 And |
450 ανέστησαν they reestablished |
1765 ενίσχυσαν they strengthened it. |
24:14 2532 24:14 και 24:14 And |
4931 συνετέλεσαν they completed, |
3010 λειτουργικά for the ministry, |
3646 ολοκαυτωμάτων whole burnt-offerings, |
3646.1 ολοκαυτώσεις whole burnt-offerings |
24:15 2532 24:15 και 24:15 And |
1095-* εγήρασεν Ιωδαέ Jehoiada grew old, |
5053 ετελεύτησεν he came to an end |
24:16 2532 24:16 και 24:16 And |
24:17 2532 24:17 και 24:17 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
4352 προσεκύνησαν did obeisance to |
Judah Abandons the House of The LORD |
24:18 2532 24:18 και 24:18 And |
1459 εγκατέλιπον they abandoned |
3000 ελάτρευσαν they served |
24:19 2532 24:19 και 24:19 And |
1263 διεμαρτύρατο they testified |
24:20 2532 24:20 και 24:20 And |
3756-2137 ουκ ευοδωθήσεσθε your way shall not prosper? |
1459 εγκατελίπετε you abandoned |
1459 εγκαταλείψει he shall abandon |
Joash Kills the Son of Jehoiada |
24:21 2532 24:21 και 24:21 And |
2007 επέθεντο they assailed |
24:22 2532 24:22 και 24:22 And |
2289 εθανάτωσε he put [2to death |
24:23 2532 24:23 και 24:23 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
2704 κατέφθειραν they utterly destroyed |
24:24 3754 24:24 ότι 24:24 For |
3860 παρέδωκεν delivered up |
4970 σφόδρα 1an exceedingly], |
1459 εγκατέλιπον they abandoned |
4160 εποίησαν they executed |
24:25 2532 24:25 και 24:25 And |
565-1473 απελθείν αυτούς their going forth |
1459 εγκαταλιπείν abandoning |
3119 μαλακίαις [2infirmities |
2289 εθανάτωσαν they killed |
24:26 2532 24:26 και 24:26 And |
24:27 2532 24:27 και 24:27 And |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.