Job 36:24
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Remember that thou magnify his work, which men behold.
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(24) Which men behold.—Some render it, “Whereof men sing,” but the other seems to suit the context best.

Job 36:24-25. Remember — Call to mind this thy duty; that thou magnify his work — Every work which he doth; do not condemn any of his providential works, but adore them as done with admirable wisdom and justice. Behold — With admiration and astonishment. Every man may see it — Namely, his work last mentioned. The power, and wisdom, and greatness of God are so manifest in all his works, that all who are not stupid must see and acknowledge them. Man may behold it afar off — The works of God are so great and conspicuous, that they may be seen at a great distance. Hence Elihu proceeds to give some instances, in the works of nature and common providence. His general aim is to show, 1st, That God is the first cause and supreme director of all the creatures; whom therefore we ought with all humility and reverence to adore: 2d, That it is presumption in us to prescribe to him in his special providence toward men, when the operations even of common providence about the meteors are so mysterious and unaccountable.

36:24-33 Elihu endeavours to fill Job with high thought of God, and so to persuade him into cheerful submission to his providence. Man may see God's works, and is capable of discerning his hand in them, which the beasts are not, therefore they ought to give him the glory. But while the worker of iniquity ought to tremble, the true believer should rejoice. Children should hear with pleasure their Father's voice, even when he speaks in terror to his enemies. There is no light but there may be a cloud to intercept it. The light of the favour of God, the light of his countenance, the most blessed light of all, even that light has many a cloud. The clouds of our sins cause the Lord to his face, and hinder the light of his loving-kindness from shining on our souls.Remember that thou magnify his work - Make this a great and settled principle, to remember that God is "great" in all that he does. He is exalted far above us, and all his works are on a scale of vastness corresponding to his nature, and in all our attempts to judge of him and his doings, we should bear this in remembrance. He is not to be judged by the narrow views which we apply to the actions of people, but by the views which ought to be taken when we remember that he presides over the vast universe, and that as the universal Parent, he will consult the welfare of the whole. In judging of his doings, therefore, we are not to place ourselves in the center, or to regard ourselves as the "whole" or the creation, but we are to remember that there are other great interests to be regarded, and that his plans will be in accordance with the welfare of the whole. One of the best rules for taking a proper estimate of God is that proposed here by Elihu - to remember that he is great.

Which men behold - The Vulgate renders this, "de quo cecinerunt viri" - "concerning which men sing." The Septuagint, ὧν ἦρξαν ἄνδρες hōn ērxan andres - "over which men rule." Schultens accords with the Vulgate. So Coverdale renders it, "Whom all men love and praise." So Herder and Noyes understand it, "Which men celebrate with songs." This difference of interpretation arises from the ambiguity of the Hebrew word (שׁררוּ shorerû) some deriving it from שׁור shûr, "to go round about, and then to survey, look upon, examine"; and some from שׁיר shı̂yr, "to sing, to celebrate." The word will admi we sthe Vulgate. So Coverdale renders it, "Whom all men love and praise." So Herder and Noyes understand it, "Which men celebrate with songs." This difference of interpretation arises from the ambiguity of the Hebrew word (שׁררוּ shorerû) some deriving it from שׁור shûr, "to go round about, and then to survey, look upon, examine"; and some from שׁיר shı̂yr, "to sing, to celebrate." The word will admi we sthe Vulgate. So Coverdale renders it, "Whom all men love and praise." So Herder and Noyes understand it, "Which men celebrate with songs." This difference of interpretation arises from the ambiguity of the Hebrew word (שׁררוּ shorerû) some deriving it from שׁור shûr, "to go round about, and then to survey, look upon, examine"; and some from שׁיר shı̂yr, "to sing, to celebrate." The word will admi we sthe Vulgate. So Coverdale renders it, "Whom all men love and praise." So Herder and Noyes understand it, "Which men celebrate with songs." This difference of interpretation arises from the ambiguity of the Hebrew word (שׁררוּ shorerû) some deriving it from שׁור shûr, "to go round about, and then to survey, look upon, examine"; and some from שׁיר shı̂yr, "to sing, to celebrate." The word will admi we sthe Vulgate. So Coverdale renders it, "Whom all men love and praise." So Herder and Noyes understand it, "Which men celebrate with songs." This difference of interpretation arises from the ambiguity of the Hebrew word (שׁררוּ shorerû) some deriving it from שׁור shûr, "to go round about, and then to survey, look upon, examine"; and some from שׁיר shı̂yr, "to sing, to celebrate." The word will admi we sthe Vulgate. So Coverdale renders it, "Whom all men love and praise." So Herder and Noyes understand ion e retnesok ies' Nottut we are tgsremembegsreoyes understand it, "Which men celebrate with songs.

Hastings t of26; Homiletics
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