Ker A Worldly Choice and its Consequences | J. Ker, D. D. | Genesis 13:10-12 |
Instability | J. Ker, D. D. | Genesis 49:4 |
The Burial of Moses | John Ker, D. D. | Deuteronomy 34:6-12 |
God Declining First Offers of Service | John Ker, D. D. | Joshua 24:19-28 |
The Ark Taken and Retaken | J. Ker, D. D. | 1 Samuel 4:11 |
Barzillai the Gileadite | J. Ker, D. D. | 2 Samuel 19:31-41 |
Hadad the Edomite (Love of Country) | J. Ker, D. D. | 1 Kings 11:21-22 |
Is Man Entirely Selfish | John Ker, D. D. | Job 1:9 |
The Gospel and the Magnitude of Creation | John Ker, D. D. | Psalm 8:3-4 |
Life on the Human Side and the Divine | J. Ker, D. D. | Psalm 56:8 |
Trouble At the Thought of God | John Ker, D. D. | Psalm 77:3 |
Prayer for a Complete Life, and its Plea | John Ker, D. D. | Psalm 102:24 |
A Necessary Prayer | John Ker, D. D. | Psalm 119:18 |
God's Word Suited to Man's Sense of Wonder | John Ker, D. D. | Psalm 119:18 |
Buying the Truth | John Ker, D.D. | Proverbs 23:23 |
Increase of Knowledge, Increase of Sorrow | John Ker, D. D. | Ecclesiastes 1:18 |
Apparent Failure | J. Ker, D. D. | Isaiah 49:4 |
Christ in Prophecy | J. Ker, D. D. | Isaiah 49:4 |
The Complaint for Frustrated Aims | J. Ker, D. D. | Isaiah 49:4 |
The Assurance of God's Fatherhood | J. Ker, D. D. | Isaiah 63:16 |
The Cry of the Orphaned Heart | J. Ker, D. D. | Isaiah 63:16 |
The Jewish Sense of Orphanhood | J. Ker, D. D. | Isaiah 63:16 |
Hope and Patience | John Ker, D. D. | Lamentations 3:26-36 |
Christ the Day-Dawn and the Rain | John Ker, D. D. | Hosea 6:3 |
Faith Foes to Christ | Dr. J. Ker. | Matthew 9:20-22 |
Faith's Approach to Christ | J. Ker, D. D. | Matthew 9:20-22 |
The Woman of Canaan | J. Ker, D. D. | Matthew 15:21-28 |
Judas and the Priests -- End of Evil Association | J. Ker, D. D. | Matthew 27:1-10 |
What is that to Us? | J. Ker, D. D. | Matthew 27:1-10 |
The Possibility of Unbelief | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 6:5-6 |
The Christian Uses of Leisure | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 6:30-31 |
The Necessity for Rest | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 6:30-31 |
The Struggle and Victory of Faith | John Ker, D. D., John Trapp. | Mark 9:24 |
Crossing the Line | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 12:34 |
Not Far from the Kingdom of God | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 12:34 |
Reasons Why a Man Who is Near the Kingdom Should Strive to Enter It | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 12:34 |
Work and Watching | John Ker, D. D. | Mark 13:34-36 |
The Pharisee's Mistake | J. Ker, D. D. | Luke 7:36-50 |
The Last Passover -- Christ's Desire for It | J. Ker, D. D. | Luke 22:14-20 |
The First Home Mission | J. Ker, D. D. | John 1:40-41 |
Christ's Delay to Interpose Against Death | J. Ker, D. D. | John 11:32 |
Christ Absent and Present | J. Ker, D. D. | John 12:1-16 |
Man's Hope of Immortality Uncontradicted by God | J. Ker, D. D. | John 14:1-4 |
The Heavenly Home | J. Ker, D. D. | John 14:1-4 |
Christ and His Words | J. Ker, D. D. | John 14:22-24 |
Christ's Reticence in Teaching Truth | J. Ker, D. D. | John 16:12-15 |
Christ's Prayer for His Disciples | J. Ker, D. D. | John 17:15 |
The Lord's Question to Mary | J. Ker, D. D. | John 20:15 |
Christ's Coming | J. Ker, D. D. | Acts 1:10-11 |
Moses and Stephen: the Old Testament and the New | J. Ker, D. D. | Acts 6:15 |
The Sorrow that Arises At the Departure of a Christian Minister | J. Ker, D. D. | Acts 20:37-38 |
Christ not Pleasing Himself | J. Ker, D.D. | Romans 15:2-3 |
Spiritual Judgment | J. Ker, D. D. | 1 Corinthians 2:15-16 |
The Best Gifts to be Coveted | J. Ker, D.D. | 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 |
A Name Above Every Name | W. L. Ker, M. A. | Philippians 2:9 |
Revelation and Conscience | J. Ker, D. D. | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
The Power of Christ's Endless Life | J. Ker, D. D. | Hebrews 7:14-24 |
The Better Resurrection | J. Ker, D. D. | Hebrews 11:35-36 |
Good Standard-Bearers | J. Ker, D. D. | Hebrews 12:4 |
Things Passing and Things Permanent | J. Ker, D. D. | Hebrews 12:25-29 |
The Eternal Future Clear Only in Christ | John Ker, D. D. | 1 John 3:2 |