1 John 3:4-5 Whoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.… I. SHOW THAT ALL MANKIND IS UNDER THE LAW OF GOD, WHICH STILL REMAINETH IN FORCE AS AN INVIOLABLE RULE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. 1. That man is God's creature, and therefore His subject. The subjection of man to God is built upon his absolute dependence upon God, both as to creation and preservation. 2. Man being God's subject, hath a certain law given to him, which doth require obedience from him, and doth determine his duty, particularly wherein it shall consist (Micah 6:8). 3. Man being under a law, should be very tender of breaking or disobeying it, for God never dispenseth with it, as it is purely moral, and standeth much upon keeping up His legislative authority; which may appear by these considerations(1) If man could have kept it, he would have gotten life by it; that was God's first intention; and the reason why it succeeded not was through our sin. (2) In that God would not release the penalty of the law, nor pardon any sin against it without satisfaction first made by the blood of Christ; the law is both the rule of our duty and God's judgment; it showeth what is due from us to God, and also what is due from God to us in case of disobedience. (3) Before man can have actual benefit by this satisfaction, he must consent to return to the duty of the law, and live in obedience to God (Acts 26:18). (4) Christ merited regeneration, or the spirit of holiness, that all new creatures might voluntarily keep this law, though not in absolute perfection, yet in sincere obedience (Titus 3:5, 6). (5) The more we keep this law, the more pleasing we are to God, and the more communion we have with Christ. (6) That we cannot have full communion with God till we are perfectly conformed to His law; for we are not introduced into the heavenly glory till we are perfect and complete in holiness (Ephesians 5:27). (7) That the law is the rule of all God's judgments in the world, and His righteous process, whether against nations or persons (Romans 1:18). (8) That He will not spare His own children when they transgress it by heinous sins (Proverbs 11:31). (9) That Christ came not to dissolve our obligation to God, or ever intended it, but to promote it rather. II. THE NATURE AND HEINOUSNESS OF SIN IS TO BE DETERMINED BY A CONTRARIETY OR WANT OF CONFORMITY TO THIS LAW; for sin presupposeth a law and law giver, and a debt of subjection lying upon us. 1. By omitting what is commanded as a duty to God or man; as suppose invocation of God (Jeremiah 10:25). 2. By committing what God hath forbidden, or breaking through the restraints God hath laid upon us, in worshipping idols, or satisfying our revenge, or fulfilling our lusts. III. THAT THOSE THAT LIVE IN SIN, OR ANY ALLOWED BREACH OF THIS LAW, ARE STILL UNDER THE CURSE OF IT, AND CANNOT LOOK UPON THEMSELVES AS GOD'S ADOPTED CHILDREN. 1. It is certain that when we come to take the law out of the hand of a redeemer, we are all sinners and transgressors before God. 2. Though God findeth us sinners, and we apprehend ourselves to be so, yet when He taketh us into His family He doth not leave us so; but on God's part regeneration maketh way for adoption (John 1:12, 13). 3. None are so exact with God in the obedience of His law but that still they need the same grace that brought them into the family to keep them in the family, and to pardon their daily failings. 4. Though God's adopted children may through infirmity break His law, yet there is a manifest difference between them and others that live in a state of sin, either in enmity to godliness, or in a course of vanity, sensuality, or any kind of rebellion against God, rejecting His counsels, calls, and mercies, which should reclaim them. (T. Manton, D. D.) Parallel Verses KJV: Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.WEB: Everyone who sins also commits lawlessness. Sin is lawlessness. |