Revelation 5
Difficult Questions and Answers
How can Jesus be both the Lamb receiving the scroll (Revelation 5:7) and also God on the throne if they appear as separate entities?

Why does the Lamb have seven horns and seven eyes (Revelation 5:6), and is there any scientific or historical precedent for such a creature?

If the scroll in Revelation 5 is so central to end-time events, why is there no corresponding mention or artifact in other historical texts or archaeology?

How do we reconcile the universal worship of the Lamb (Revelation 5:13) with other parts of the Bible that emphasize worship of God alone (e.g., Exodus 20:3)?

If the natural order on earth is altered by the events following the sealed scroll, why is there no historical or scientific evidence of such worldwide cataclysmic occurrences?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does the imagery of the Lamb and the Lion provide a comprehensive understanding of Jesus' character?

2. How does the scene of worship in Revelation 5 shape your personal understanding of worship?

3. How might the redemption of people from "every tribe and language and people and nation" influence our perspective towards diversity and unity in the Church?

4. How does the concept of "worthiness" depicted in this chapter apply to our lives?

5. Why do you think John wept when no one was found worthy to open the scroll?

6. Why is the Lamb described as having been slain yet standing? How does this paradox resonate with the gospel message?

7. What does the response of the elders, the four living creatures, and the myriad of angels teach us about our response to Christ’s work?

8. How does the "new song" sung in verses 9-10 inspire your personal praise to Jesus?

9. How might this vision of heavenly worship affect how you approach worship in your local church setting?

10. If you were in John’s position, witnessing these events, how would you react?

11. How can Revelation 5 bring comfort and hope in the face of present-day tribulations?

12. The scroll represents God's divine plan. How do you handle situations when God's plan seems obscure or challenging?

13. The worthiness of the Lamb is tied to His sacrifice. How does this concept influence your understanding of your worthiness or identity in Christ?

14. The Lamb is identified with the seven Spirits of God, denoting the fullness of God's Spirit. How does this notion inform your understanding of the Holy Spirit's work?

15. Considering the universal worship in Revelation 5, how can we promote a culture of praise and worship in our daily environments?

16. The elders and creatures in heaven immediately fell in worship when the Lamb took the scroll. How can we cultivate such an immediate and profound response to God’s actions in our lives?

17. How can we reconcile the images of God's judgment (implied by the sealed scroll) with His love and mercy (shown by the Lamb's sacrifice)?

18. How can this chapter's emphasis on Christ's redemption help those who feel unworthy or distant from God?

19. How can the portrayal of unified worship in heaven guide the way for unity among believers on earth?

20. How might this depiction of the Lamb's worthiness influence the way we share the gospel with others?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Revelation 4
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