Psalm 86
Difficult Questions and Answers
Psalm 86:5 – How can a God said to be “abounding in steadfast love” align with the severity of punishments described elsewhere in the Old Testament?

Psalm 86:8 – Does acknowledging the existence of “other gods” conflict with the Bible’s insistence on strict monotheism?

Psalm 86:11 – What historical or archaeological evidence exists to support that David personally composed this prayer?

Psalm 86:15 – How do we reconcile a “compassionate and gracious” God with accounts of divine wrath and destruction throughout the Bible?

Psalm 86 – Can claims of miraculous divine intervention withstand scientific scrutiny when viewed alongside purportedly natural explanations?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Psalm 86 reflect David's humility and dependence on God?

2. What does David's repeated plea for God's mercy suggest about his understanding of God's nature?

3. How does David describe God's supremacy in verses 8-10? What implications does this have for our understanding of God?

4. How does David's pledge in verses 11-13 reveal his commitment to God?

5. How does David's prayer against enemies reflect his faith in God's protection and righteousness?

6. What can we learn about David's perspective on worship from Psalm 86?

7. How does David portray his trust in God throughout the Psalm? How might this inform your own faith journey?

8. In what ways does Psalm 86 challenge your understanding of prayer and petition?

9. How can we apply David's attitude towards adversity to our own struggles in contemporary times?

10. How does the concept of God's unfailing love in Psalm 86 resonate with your personal experiences?

11. How does the plea for guidance in verse 11 relate to seeking direction in our personal or professional lives today?

12. How can Psalm 86 inspire a deeper sense of humility and dependence on God in our lives?

13. What aspects of David's relationship with God in Psalm 86 can we emulate in our own relationship with God?

14. How can the assurance of God's goodness, as illustrated in Psalm 86, affect our responses to challenging situations?

15. How does David's confidence in God's responsiveness inform your prayer life?

16. How can we foster a spirit of unwavering faith, as portrayed by David in Psalm 86, in times of personal crisis?

17. How might the themes of mercy and love in Psalm 86 help us cultivate more compassionate attitudes towards others?

18. What strategies from Psalm 86 can we use to strengthen our faith during difficult times?

19. How does David's anticipation of God's intervention inform our understanding of hope and patience?

20. How can we cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude for God's deliverance, as illustrated by David in Psalm 86?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Psalm 85
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