Psalm 15
Difficult Questions and Answers
Psalm 15:1 says only certain people can dwell with the Lord; doesn’t this contradict the broader biblical idea of God’s universal invitation?

Psalm 15:2–3 demands complete truthfulness and no slander; how do we reconcile this with instances of approved deceit (e.g., Rahab in Joshua 2)?

Psalm 15:4 endorses despising the vile while honoring the godly; does this clash with New Testament commands to love enemies (e.g., Matthew 5:44)?

Psalm 15:5 forbids charging interest; how does this align with other Old Testament passages that allow interest to foreigners (e.g., Deuteronomy 23:20)?

If Psalm 15 is attributed to David, how can a flawed king instruct perfect moral conduct without undermining his own credibility?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Psalm 15 challenge our understanding of what it means to be a godly person?

2. How can the qualities listed in this Psalm apply to our modern-day lives?

3. In what ways can you strive to speak the truth from your heart as described in verse 2?

4. How does verse 3's description of not slandering with our tongues or doing harm to our neighbor apply in the context of social media?

5. How can you actively honor those who fear the Lord in your community as instructed in verse 4?

6. In a world where interest rates and usury are common, how can we interpret and apply verse 5's message today?

7. What does it mean to you personally, that those who live righteously will not be shaken?

8. How do the principles in Psalm 15 guide your daily decision-making process?

9. How does this Psalm deepen your understanding of righteousness beyond just following rules?

10. Can you share a situation where you had to keep a promise even when it was difficult? How did it affect your relationship with God and others?

11. How can we ensure we do not cast scorn on our friends, as mentioned in verse 3, in our daily interactions?

12. How does Psalm 15 challenge your understanding of financial ethics in terms of lending and receiving bribes?

13. How does Psalm 15 encourage you to live a life of integrity?

14. How does this Psalm guide your understanding of who is worthy to dwell in God's sanctuary?

15. In what ways can the church or a faith community embody the principles laid out in Psalm 15?

16. What steps can you take to apply the characteristics mentioned in this Psalm to your life?

17. How does your view of God change after reading and understanding Psalm 15?

18. Are there any characteristics listed in this Psalm that you find particularly challenging to uphold? Why?

19. How does the concept of 'dwell in your sanctuary' apply to your personal relationship with God?

20. After studying Psalm 15, how would you describe the characteristics of a person who truly "lives on God's holy mountain"?

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Psalm 14
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