Difficult Questions and Answers In Matthew 8:2–3, how could a single touch supposedly cure leprosy when such a disease has no immediate natural remedy? Bible Study Questions 1. What does Jesus' willingness to touch and heal the leper say about His view of those considered unclean or outcasts in society? 2. How does the faith of the centurion challenge your understanding of faith? 3. In what ways can you emulate the faith of the centurion in your life? 4. How does the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law shed light on Jesus' approach to sickness and healing? 5. What does the mass healing in Matthew 8:16-17 teach about Jesus' compassion and authority? 6. How does Jesus' teaching about the cost of discipleship affect your commitment to Him? 7. What can you learn from Jesus' calming of the storm about His power over nature and life's challenges? 8. How does the healing of the demon-possessed men showcase Jesus' authority over spiritual forces? 9. How would you apply the lesson of faith shown by the leper and the centurion to your own life? 10. How does the healing of the demon-possessed men change your perception of Jesus' authority? 11. How does Jesus' compassion towards those who are sick or demon-possessed affect your view of Him? 12. How would you respond to Jesus' call to follow Him, knowing the costs outlined in this chapter? 13. How can Jesus' command over the wind and waves provide comfort in your personal storms? 14. What are some 'storms' in your life where you need to trust Jesus' authority? 15. How can the fear of the townspeople at the healing of the demon-possessed men inform your understanding of people's reactions to the supernatural? 16. How can you practice your faith in Jesus' healing power in your daily life? 17. Reflect on the sacrifices required to follow Jesus. What might you need to give up? 18. How does the authority of Jesus over sickness, nature, and spiritual forces bring you comfort? 19. In what ways can you extend your faith as the leper and centurion did? 20. How do the miracles of Matthew 8 reinforce your faith in Jesus' divine authority and power? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |