Difficult Questions and Answers If an angel physically rolled away the stone (Matthew 28:2), how can this be reconciled with modern scientific understanding of natural laws? Why do details in Matthew 28 about the resurrection differ from accounts in the other Gospels? Bible Study Questions 1. How does the resurrection of Jesus affirm your faith in His divinity? 2. What do you learn about obedience and courage from the women who visited the tomb? 3. How does the reaction of the guards contrast with that of the women? 4. How does the conspiracy of the chief priests affect your understanding of truth and deceit? 5. How does Jesus' appearance to the women enhance your understanding of His post-resurrection encounters? 6. What does the Great Commission mean to you personally? How can you apply it in your life? 7. How does the phrase "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" offer comfort and encouragement in your faith journey? 8. How does the disciples' worship and doubt coexist in their encounter with the risen Jesus? 9. How can you handle and respond to misinformation or false narratives about Jesus in today's context, similar to the story spread by the chief priests? 10. How does the resurrection event affect your understanding of life, death, and eternity? 11. How can the actions of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary serve as an example in your own faith practice? 12. How can you work towards fulfilling the Great Commission in your everyday interactions? 13. What impact does the assurance of Jesus' omnipresence have on your approach to challenges? 14. How does the angel's message to the women about Jesus' resurrection inspire you to share the Gospel? 15. How does the resurrection story impact your view of the nature of God? 16. How does Matthew 28 inform your understanding of discipleship? 17. What can you infer about the authority of Jesus from His words in the Great Commission? 18. In what ways does the plot of the chief priests challenge the courage of your convictions? 19. How does the contrast between the faith of the women and the doubt of the guards speak to your own spiritual journey? 20. How does the ending of Matthew's Gospel inspire you to continue exploring the story of Jesus in other New Testament writings? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |