Matthew 23
Difficult Questions and Answers
(Matthew 23:9) How is “call no man father” reconciled with traditions that use fatherly titles for clergy?

(Matthew 23:2) Is there historical or archaeological evidence for the “seat of Moses” mentioned here?

(Matthew 23:5) Were “broad phylacteries and long tassels” actually commonplace, or is this an exaggeration?

(Matthew 23:35) How can Abel and Zechariah, separated by centuries, both be cited as if they belong back-to-back in a single bloodguilt narrative?

(Matthew 23:36) Did Jesus’ prophecy of impending judgment occur exactly as described, or does the historical record conflict with it?

Bible Study Questions

1. What does Jesus' criticism of the scribes and Pharisees teach us about religious hypocrisy?

2. How does Jesus redefine greatness in His admonition to the disciples?

3. What can we learn from the "Seven Woes" about the dangers of legalism and losing sight of faith's heart?

4. How does Jesus' lament over Jerusalem underscore God's love for His people, even when they reject Him?

5. What practical steps can we take to ensure our religious practices are not merely outward shows but sincere acts of faith?

6. How does Jesus' rebuke of the religious leaders affect your understanding of spiritual authority and leadership?

7. How can we balance adherence to religious rules with prioritizing justice, mercy, and faith?

8. In what ways does Jesus' criticism of those appearing righteous externally but are internally corrupt challenge us to cultivate inner righteousness?

9. How does Jesus' sorrow over Jerusalem's rejection impact your view of God's heart towards those who reject Him?

10. How do you respond to Jesus' assertion that the greatest must be a servant?

11. What steps can we take to avoid the pitfalls of religious hypocrisy outlined in the "Seven Woes"?

12. How does Jesus' desire to gather Jerusalem under His wings reflect His care for us today?

13. How can we live out Jesus' teaching of humility and servanthood in our daily interactions?

14. What changes can we make in our lives to prioritize justice, mercy, and faith as Jesus instructed?

15. How can we encourage an environment that fosters internal righteousness over external appearances?

16. How does Jesus' lament over Jerusalem affect our understanding of His love and longing for humanity's salvation?

17. How can we guard against misusing religious authority as the scribes and Pharisees did?

18. What does the sorrowful prophesy about Jerusalem tell us about the consequences of rejecting Jesus?

19. How can we actively strive to maintain the purity and sincerity of our faith in light of the "Seven Woes"?

20. How does Jesus' lament over Jerusalem influence our response to those around us who reject Him?

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Matthew 22
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