Mark 8
Difficult Questions and Answers
In Mark 8:1–9, how can 4,000 people be fed with just a few loaves and fish without violating natural laws?

In Mark 8:11–12, why does Jesus refuse to provide a sign from heaven after performing other miracles?

In Mark 8:22–26, why is the blind man’s healing done in two stages instead of instantly if Jesus is all-powerful?

In Mark 8:14–21, why do the disciples still misunderstand Jesus’ power after already witnessing miracles?

In Mark 8:27–30, why does Jesus insist on secrecy about His identity when other passages emphasize proclaiming Him?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does the feeding of the four thousand reflect God's provision in your life?

2. Why do you think the disciples struggled to understand Jesus' warning about the leaven of the Pharisees?

3. What does the two-step healing of the blind man signify?

4. How does Peter's confession resonate with your understanding of Jesus?

5. Why do you think Peter rebuked Jesus when He predicted His death?

6. What does it mean to you personally to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus?

7. How does Jesus' rebuke of Peter challenge your understanding of the Messiah?

8. How do you react when you don't understand Jesus' teachings or God's plans?

9. How can you apply the cost of discipleship in your daily life?

10. In what ways can you ensure you're not gaining the world but losing your soul?

11. Why is it essential to understand Jesus beyond His miracles?

12. How can we guard against the "leaven" or wrong teachings in our day?

13. How would you explain Jesus' predictions of His death and resurrection to a new believer?

14. What is the connection between faith and understanding in Mark 8?

15. What does the blind man's healing teach us about spiritual sight?

16. How can Peter's confession influence our confession of faith?

17. How can we live out the principle of denying ourselves in a culture that often promotes self-centeredness?

18. How does the cost of discipleship compare with the benefits?

19. How does Jesus' message about the worth of one's soul challenge the value system of our world today?

20. How can we support each other as a community in bearing our crosses and following Jesus?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Mark 7
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