Difficult Questions and Answers Mark 14:25 – If Jesus vowed not to drink wine again until God’s kingdom, why do some passages suggest he ate and drank after his resurrection? Bible Study Questions 1. What does the woman's act of anointing Jesus in Bethany teach us about devotion and sacrifice? 2. Judas agrees to betray Jesus for money. What modern forms of betrayal can we see in society today? 3. How does the Last Supper help Christians understand the meaning of Communion? 4. How might Jesus' prediction of Peter's denial deepen our understanding of human weakness and divine foreknowledge? 5. Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane is an intense moment of vulnerability and surrender. How can we apply His example in our own times of crisis? 6. How does the disciples' sleepiness in Gethsemane parallel spiritual lethargy in today's believers? 7. How might the betrayal of Jesus with a kiss by Judas inform our understanding of trust and deceit? 8. The disciple's failed resistance during Jesus' arrest resulted in a healed ear. How can we interpret this event in the context of responding to violence? 9. How does Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin reveal the extent of His persecution and the unfairness of His trial? 10. How does Peter's denial and subsequent remorse serve as a warning and lesson for believers today? 11. What is the significance of Jesus' affirmation that He is the Christ during His trial? 12. How can the woman's act of anointing Jesus inspire modern believers to express their devotion to Jesus in meaningful ways? 13. How can Jesus' acceptance of His upcoming suffering guide believers in accepting their own hardships? 14. How does the act of betrayal by one of His closest followers reflect on the themes of loyalty, trust, and forgiveness in Christianity? 15. How can we relate the disciples' failure to stay awake in Gethsemane with our own spiritual alertness? 16. How does the contrast between Peter's earlier confidence and his later denial of Jesus impact your understanding of faith under pressure? 17. How can Jesus' peaceful acceptance of His arrest inform the Christian response to injustice? 18. How does the response of the high priest to Jesus' claim of being the Christ illustrate the conflict between Jesus and religious authorities of His time? 19. What can we learn from Jesus' silence in the face of false accusations during His trial? 20. How does the culmination of events in Mark 14 help us understand the significance of Jesus' passion and His role as the Savior? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |