Difficult Questions and Answers Luke 13:1–5: Why is there no clear historical or archaeological corroboration for the falling tower in Siloam and its connection to the Galileans? Bible Study Questions 1. How does Jesus' teaching on the need for personal repentance speak to the concept of individual responsibility in spiritual matters? 2. What does the parable of the barren fig tree teach about God's patience and judgment? 3. How does Jesus' healing on the Sabbath challenge legalistic attitudes towards religious observance? 4. What do the parables of the mustard seed and yeast reveal about the nature and growth of God's Kingdom? 5. How does Jesus' teaching on the narrow door shape our understanding of salvation and commitment to God? 6. How does Jesus' lament over Jerusalem reflect His heart for the lost? 7. How might the healing of the crippled woman on the Sabbath challenge our perspectives on observing religious traditions? 8. How can we apply the lessons from the parable of the barren fig tree in our personal lives? 9. What does the parable of the mustard seed teach us about the potential impact of small acts of faithfulness? 10. How does the parable of the yeast inspire us to be leaven in the world for God's Kingdom? 11. How does Jesus' teaching on the narrow door challenge the concept of 'cheap grace' or easy-believism? 12. How can we respond to Jesus' lament over Jerusalem in our own contexts and communities? 13. How does Jesus' response to the Pharisees' warning reveal His determination to fulfill His mission? 14. How can we cultivate a sense of urgency in response to Jesus' call to repentance? 15. How can the healing of the crippled woman inspire us in our ministries of compassion and healing? 16. How can the growth patterns of the mustard seed and yeast guide our expectations and efforts in kingdom work? 17. What lessons about persistence and humility can we learn from Jesus' teaching on the narrow door? 18. How does Jesus' lament over Jerusalem motivate us to intercede for our cities and nations? 19. How can Jesus' interaction with the Pharisees regarding Herod inspire us to courageously fulfill our mission? 20. How does the theme of repentance in this chapter challenge us to regularly examine our hearts and lives? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |