Difficult Questions and Answers In Leviticus 20:2–5, why would an omniscient God require death for sacrificing children to Molek, yet historically many other cultures that practiced similar rites seemingly flourished? Bible Study Questions 1. What does God's instruction to Moses convey about His character and His expectation from His people? 2. How does the concept of holiness apply to us today? 3. How can we apply the principles behind these laws in our present-day context? 4. In what ways do these verses challenge our views on idolatry and spiritism? 5. How can we ensure that we respect and uphold the family structure as instructed in the passage? 6. How does God's condemnation of child sacrifice reflect His love and care for children? 7. What is the significance of the penalties associated with these laws? 8. What can we learn about cultural adaptation from God's warning against following the practices of other nations? 9. How does the concept of distinguishing between clean and unclean animals apply to modern dietary laws? 10. Why do you think God puts so much emphasis on sexual relations and morality? 11. How can we discern and react to practices in today's society that are akin to prostituting oneself with mediums or spiritists? 12. How can we apply the principle of consecration in our daily lives? 13. What strategies can we employ to avoid following the perverse practices of the surrounding culture? 14. How does this passage inform our understanding of God's holiness? 15. Discuss how the principles outlined in this passage can guide our decisions and relationships. 16. How can the Christian community today stand against practices that parallel the idolatry and spiritism condemned in this passage? 17. Discuss how understanding these laws can impact our view of sin and God's righteousness. 18. How do these laws about sexual relations inform our understanding of God's design for sexual intimacy and marriage? 19. How does God's demand for holiness challenge the way you live your life? 20. Given the harsh punishments for breaking these laws, how does this passage inform our understanding of grace and mercy in the New Testament? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |