Job 21
Difficult Questions and Answers
In Job 21:7, how can the wicked seemingly live long and prosper if divine justice is supposed to hold them accountable?

In Job 21:13, what evidence exists (historically or archaeologically) that would suggest the rich die at ease without facing retribution?

In Job 21:19–21, does the idea of children suffering for a parent’s wrongdoing clash with other biblical teachings on individual responsibility?

In Job 21:22, how can humans teach God anything if He is described elsewhere as all-knowing and beyond counsel?

In Job 21:29–31, why does the community seem to uphold or admire the wicked instead of condemning them, and how does this align with other biblical portrayals of evildoers?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Job 21 challenge conventional wisdom about good and evil?

2. How does Job's perspective on the wicked's prosperity contrast with his friends' views?

3. What might Job's questioning teach us about the nature of faith and doubt?

4. How do you reconcile the prosperity of the wicked with the concept of divine justice?

5. How does Job's lament reflect his relationship with God?

6. What does this chapter reveal about human suffering and divine mystery?

7. How might you respond to someone today who, like Job's friends, equates prosperity with righteousness and suffering with wickedness?

8. In what ways do you relate to Job's feelings of frustration and despair?

9. How does Job 21 challenge or affirm your understanding of justice?

10. How can Job's debate with his friends guide us in providing comfort to those in distress?

11. What does this chapter teach about the limits of human understanding in comprehending God's ways?

12. In today's world, where do you see instances of the wicked prospering?

13. How does the notion of God's justice presented in Job 21 apply to your personal life?

14. Why do you think Job values direct punishment of the wicked over their children bearing the consequences?

15. How does Job's emphasis on God's inscrutable ways influence your perception of your own life challenges?

16. What insights does Job 21 provide for dealing with unhelpful counsel or false assumptions?

17. How do you deal with life's apparent injustices and contradictions in your faith journey?

18. How would you handle a situation where you, like Job, feel misunderstood or misjudged by friends?

19. How does Job's persistent questioning inspire you to approach difficult questions in your own life?

20. How can Job's experience help you empathize with and support those who are suffering around you?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Job 20
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