Jeremiah 26
Difficult Questions and Answers
In Jeremiah 26:1–6, how do we verify historically or archaeologically that God threatened the temple’s destruction?

In Jeremiah 26:7–9, could Jeremiah’s prophecy have been exaggerated or misunderstood, given the intense reaction of the people?

In Jeremiah 26:10–11, why is there no clear external evidence of formal court proceedings against Jeremiah outside the biblical record?

In Jeremiah 26:12–15, what proof exists that Jeremiah truly spoke God’s words and not his own personal agenda?

In Jeremiah 26:20–23, how do we reconcile the account of Uriah’s fate with the lack of corroborating records for his murder by King Jehoiakim?

Bible Study Questions

1. How do Jeremiah's actions in chapter 26 inspire you to act boldly in your own faith journey?

2. Compare and contrast the responses of Jeremiah and Uriah when faced with death threats. What can we learn from their reactions?

3. How does the reaction of the officials and people change from the beginning to the end of the chapter? What does this teach us about the power of a well-presented defense?

4. What does the reaction of the people to Jeremiah's prophecies reveal about their relationship with God?

5. In what ways does the story of Jeremiah 26 resonate with the current state of the world?

6. How can we apply Jeremiah's courage and faithfulness to our personal and professional lives?

7. How does the mention of Shiloh in verse 6 tie into the larger narrative of Israel's history?

8. What does this chapter reveal about the consequences of heeding or ignoring God's warnings?

9. How does Jeremiah 26 challenge your understanding of the role of a prophet?

10. What lessons does the story of Uriah teach about fear and faith?

11. How does this chapter shape our understanding of repentance and God's grace?

12. How do the elders use historical context to sway the opinion of the officials and the people?

13. Why do you think Ahikam son of Shaphan protected Jeremiah? What does this teach us about allyship and advocacy?

14. How does the concept of "innocent blood" play out in this chapter and what implications does it have for modern justice systems?

15. If you were in Jeremiah's position, how would you handle the backlash?

16. How might this chapter inform a Christian's response to persecution?

17. How does Jeremiah 26 inspire you to speak truth even when it's unpopular?

18. How can the experiences of Jeremiah and Uriah guide us in dealing with fear and threats in our lives?

19. If you were a part of the assembly hearing Jeremiah's prophecy, how would you have responded?

20. How does the story of Jeremiah 26 inspire you to defend your faith and beliefs in challenging situations?

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Jeremiah 25
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