Isaiah 6
Difficult Questions and Answers
Isaiah 6:1 – How can Isaiah physically see God in the temple when other passages state God is invisible or cannot be seen?

Isaiah 6:2 – Are there any historical or archaeological indications of six-winged seraphim, or are these beings purely symbolic?

Isaiah 6:3–4 – Is there any scientific or historical evidence to support the temple shaking and filling with smoke in this vision?

Isaiah 6:8 – If God is omniscient, why does He ask for a volunteer to deliver His message instead of simply choosing someone?

Isaiah 6:9–10 – How does a just God justify hardening people’s hearts so they cannot understand or repent?

Bible Study Questions

1. Reflect on Isaiah's reaction when he encounters God's holiness. How does this inform your understanding of God's holiness?

2. Isaiah felt unworthy in the presence of God. How do you experience God's holiness in relation to your own shortcomings?

3. How does the seraphim's act of touching Isaiah's lips with a coal symbolize purification? How do you see this symbolism at work in your own spiritual journey?

4. What does Isaiah's immediate response to God's call ("Here am I. Send me!") say about his faith and devotion?

5. Why does God ask "whom shall I send"? What does this say about God's desire for willing servants?

6. God's message to the people through Isaiah is one of judgment and hardening. How does this contrast with your understanding of God's nature?

7. Discuss the implications of the phrase "Be ever hearing, but never understanding". How does this apply to society today?

8. How do you interpret the "holy remnant" in the present context? What hope does this give you?

9. How long is Isaiah to prophesy according to God’s command? What does this reveal about God’s judgment and mercy?

10. How would you handle a situation today where you're called to deliver an unpopular message, like Isaiah's?

11. How do you respond to situations where your message or truth might not be understood or accepted?

12. How does Isaiah’s purification before his mission apply to us as Christians in contemporary times?

13. Can you think of a time when you felt an overwhelming sense of God's presence, like Isaiah did? How did it change you?

14. How do the themes in Isaiah 6 guide your actions and decisions in everyday life?

15. In today's world, where can we see the effects of people hearing but not truly understanding?

16. How does the concept of a "holy remnant" provide hope in the face of a world that often seems chaotic and godless?

17. What does it mean for you, in your personal life, to answer God's call as Isaiah did?

18. How does Isaiah's experience in God's throne room shape your perspective of worship?

19. How can you help others see and understand God's truths in a world filled with distraction and resistance?

20. How might this vision of God's holiness and the transformative effect it had on Isaiah inspire your personal journey with God?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Isaiah 5
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