Difficult Questions and Answers How can we reconcile Exodus 20:1-17, declaring divine authorship of the Ten Commandments, with the lack of archaeological or historical evidence supporting a miraculous event on Mount Sinai? Bible Study Questions 1. What does the commandment "You shall have no other gods before Me" mean to you personally? 2. How can you apply the principle of not taking God's name in vain in your daily life? 3. How does the commandment about the Sabbath reflect God's care for His creation? 4. Why do you think God included a commandment about honoring parents? 5. What does the prohibition against murder, adultery, theft, false testimony, and covetousness tell you about God's views on personal integrity and respect for others? 6. How did the Israelites react to God's display of power and what does this reveal about their understanding of God? 7. How can we balance a healthy fear of God with the knowledge of His love for us, based on Moses' words? 8. Why do you think God insisted on not having an altar built with stones shaped by tools? 9. How does God's command about not ascending His altar on steps relate to the principles of humility and respect in worship? 10. In a modern context, what might "making gods of silver or gold" look like, and how can we avoid this? 11. How does God's promise to come and bless the Israelites wherever His name is remembered encourage you in your faith? 12. Why might God have chosen to communicate these commandments at this particular point in the Israelites' journey? 13. How does understanding the Ten Commandments affect your view of God's character? 14. How can we practically honor the Sabbath day in our modern society? 15. Why do you think God associated keeping His commandments with loving Him? 16. How can we ensure that we do not "covet" in today's materialistic society? 17. What lessons can we draw from the Israelites' fear of God speaking directly to them? 18. How does the concept of the Sabbath day promote physical and mental well-being? 19. What does the instruction for building an altar tell us about God's desire for sincerity in worship? 20. How does the warning against exposing nakedness on the altar metaphorically relate to our attitude and behavior in worship? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |