Acts 6
Difficult Questions and Answers
Acts 6:1 – How could a church supposedly led by the Holy Spirit allow discrimination against Hellenistic widows in its earliest stages?

Acts 6:3 – Is there any historical evidence outside the Book of Acts to confirm the selection of these specific seven men “full of the Spirit and wisdom”?

Acts 6:7 – If a “large number of priests” truly converted, why do contemporary Jewish or Roman sources not document such a mass defection from Judaism?

Acts 6:8 – Where is the historical or archaeological corroboration for Stephen’s “great wonders and signs” if these events were so extraordinary?

Acts 6:13–14 – Why are there no independent records of Stephen’s trial and the accusations of blasphemy, given it was ostensibly a public and contentious event?

Bible Study Questions

1. What does the apostles' approach to resolving the complaint among the Hellenistic and Hebraic Jews teach about conflict resolution within the Church?

2. How does the appointment of the seven deacons emphasize the importance of servant leadership in the Church?

3. In what ways does Stephen's wisdom and the miraculous signs he performs demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit?

4. How does Stephen's response to false accusations inspire your personal faith journey?

5. Why do you think the apostles believed it was important for them to focus on prayer and the ministry of the word rather than distributing food?

6. How does Stephen's wisdom exceed human wisdom, and what implications does this have for your understanding of spiritual wisdom?

7. How can the principles of conflict resolution demonstrated in this chapter be applied to contemporary Church situations?

8. How does Stephen's courage in the face of opposition encourage believers facing similar situations today?

9. How should the appointment of the seven deacons influence the Church's approach to meeting the needs of its community?

10. What qualities made Stephen an effective servant leader in the early Church?

11. In what ways do the false accusations against Stephen underscore the risks of standing for one's faith?

12. How can the Church today ensure fair treatment and justice for all its members, as demonstrated in the apostles' response to the Hellenistic Jews' complaint?

13. How does Stephen's example inspire you to serve within your own church community?

14. What can we learn from the rapid growth of the Church following the appointment of the deacons?

15. How does the opposition to Stephen's ministry demonstrate the challenges faced by those boldly proclaiming the Gospel?

16. How does the early Church’s resolution of the widows’ neglect apply to resolving inequalities in the Church today?

17. In your life, how can you demonstrate the grace and power seen in Stephen?

18. How would you respond to false accusations about your faith, as Stephen did?

19. How does the principle of appointing deacons for practical service in the Church apply to the distribution of tasks and responsibilities in your community?

20. In what ways does the example of Stephen challenge you to display wisdom and spiritual boldness in your Christian journey?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Acts 5
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