Difficult Questions and Answers Acts 21:9 – Why is there no further historical or scriptural mention of Philip’s four prophesying daughters or their specific prophecies? Bible Study Questions 1. How does Paul's journey to Jerusalem exemplify his obedience to God's will? 2. How can we draw strength from Paul's resolve when faced with personal trials in our lives? 3. What does the prophecy of Agabus teach us about accepting God's plan, even when it leads to hardships? 4. How does Paul's interaction with the disciples at Tyre demonstrate the bonds of Christian brotherhood? 5. How does Paul's arrival in Jerusalem and his subsequent actions clarify his mission? 6. How do we balance standing up for our faith and maintaining peace within our community, as Paul attempted to do in Jerusalem? 7. What strategies can we learn from Paul when faced with misrepresentations or misunderstandings about our faith? 8. How does Paul’s arrest highlight the cost of discipleship? 9. How can Paul's experience inspire us to handle opposition and criticism in our daily lives? 10. In what ways does Paul's decision to address the crowd reflect his unwavering dedication to spread the Gospel? 11. How do we reconcile with the reality of persecution and trials in our Christian journey, as exemplified by Paul's experiences? 12. How does the story of Paul's journey to Jerusalem challenge our understanding of sacrifice in our faith? 13. How can we discern God's will in the midst of opposition or challenges, as Paul did? 14. How can we maintain our faith and commitment in the face of foreseen difficulties and risks? 15. How does Paul's example guide us in defending our faith amidst criticisms and accusations? 16. How should we respond when our attempts to foster peace are met with hostility, as happened with Paul in Jerusalem? 17. How can we show resolve and courage when our faith is tested, following Paul's example? 18. How does the prophecy of Agabus speak to the importance of understanding and accepting God's will? 19. How should we react when our commitment to God's will leads us into challenging situations? 20. How does Acts 21 inspire us to stay the course, trusting in God's plan, regardless of the challenges we face? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |