Difficult Questions and Answers 2 Peter 3:3–4: Is the repeated delay of Christ’s return proof this prophecy isn’t true? 2 Peter 3:5–6: How can the global flood claims be squared with geological and historical evidence? 2 Peter 3:7: Does the idea of a future fiery destruction conflict with modern cosmology? 2 Peter 3:8–9: Does the flexible view of time here undermine the urgency of the message? Bible Study Questions 1. Why does Peter stress the importance of reminders in verses 1-2? 2. How do the scoffers mentioned in verses 3-4 relate to our modern society? Are there similar attitudes we see today? 3. How does the history of the creation and the flood (verses 5-7) serve as a warning for the future judgement? 4. How does God's patience as explained in verses 8-9 comfort you, and how does it challenge you? 5. What does the "Day of the Lord" mean to you personally? (verses 10-13) 6. How does the promise of a new heaven and a new earth shape your understanding of the future? 7. How can we live our lives to "speed its coming" as mentioned in verse 12? 8. How can you practically strive to be "spotless, blameless, and at peace with Him" as encouraged in verse 14? 9. In verse 15, Peter calls Paul’s writings scripture. What does this tell you about the early church’s view of apostolic writings? 10. How can we guard against the distortion of Scriptures as cautioned in verse 16? 11. How does Peter's warning against falling from our secure position (verse 17) apply in our spiritual lives today? 12. What does "growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" mean to you in practical terms? 13. How can the knowledge of the eventual destruction of the world impact how we live today? 14. How does God's patience give us a mission in our world? 15. How can we prepare ourselves for the "Day of the Lord" in our daily lives? 16. What changes might you need to make in your life to live more in line with the future reality of the new heavens and the new earth? 17. How can we promote spiritual growth in our communities, reflecting verse 18? 18. How can the truths in this chapter equip us to handle scoffers or doubters we encounter? 19. How does the promise of God's coming judgement influence your view of justice? 20. How does this chapter inspire you to spread the gospel and encourage repentance in others? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |