2 Chronicles 21
Difficult Questions and Answers
How could Elijah send a letter to Jehoram (2 Chronicles 21:12) if Elijah had already been taken up into heaven according to 2 Kings 2:11?

What historical or archaeological evidence supports the account of the Philistines and Arabs invading Judah (2 Chronicles 21:16–17)?

Why does this passage depict God inflicting a fatal bowel disease on Jehoram (2 Chronicles 21:18–19) instead of using more merciful methods?

How do we reconcile the timeline of Jehoram’s reign in 2 Chronicles 21 with other biblical records regarding the succession of Judah’s kings?

Why is there little to no extra-biblical documentation of this particular conflict and disease described in 2 Chronicles 21, if it was such a notable event?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jehoram's reign compare and contrast with his father Jehoshaphat's?

2. In what ways did Jehoram's actions bring calamity upon Judah?

3. How did Jehoram's rule lead to rebellion in Edom and Libnah?

4. How does the prophecy of Elijah demonstrate God's justice?

5. How does the narrative of 2 Chronicles 21 show the importance of righteous leadership?

6. Why do you think Jehoram chose to follow the path of unrighteousness despite his father's legacy?

7. What are some ways the story of Jehoram can be a warning for leaders today?

8. How did Jehoram's decisions affect those under his rule?

9. Why did God not destroy Judah despite Jehoram's actions?

10. What is the significance of the letter from Elijah to Jehoram?

11. What does Jehoram's death reveal about the biblical perspective on divine punishment and justice?

12. In the modern world, what could be some repercussions of leading a life similar to Jehoram's?

13. Can you see any parallels in today's world with the consequences of Jehoram's wicked reign?

14. If you were a citizen in Judah during Jehoram's reign, how might you have responded to his rule?

15. How might the story of Jehoram influence your own personal decision-making?

16. How does Jehoram's story relate to the overall narrative of the Bible about sin and its consequences?

17. What could Jehoram have done differently to avoid his downfall?

18. How does 2 Chronicles 21 underscore the importance of ethical and moral leadership?

19. How might Jehoram's story impact your understanding of justice?

20. How can Jehoram's reign and the resulting consequences serve as a lesson for modern society?

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2 Chronicles 20
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