Difficult Questions and Answers How does 1 Corinthians 15:6 claim over five hundred witnesses to the resurrection with no corroborating historical or archaeological evidence? Why does 1 Corinthians 15:3–8 omit the empty tomb narrative found in the Gospels? Bible Study Questions 1. How does the reality of Christ's resurrection impact your personal faith? 2. Why is the resurrection of Christ so crucial to the Christian faith, according to Paul? 3. How does Paul's argument for the resurrection of believers affirm your hope in Christ? 4. In what ways does the promise of the resurrection influence your daily life and decisions? 5. How does Paul's description of the resurrection body challenge or affirm your understanding of eternity? 6. What does Paul mean by the phrase "the last enemy to be destroyed is death"? 7. How does Paul's affirmation of victory over death through Jesus Christ encourage you in your personal walk with God? 8. How can we ensure that our "labor in the Lord is not in vain"? 9. In what ways does Paul's discourse on resurrection provide comfort in times of loss or grief? 10. How does the belief in resurrection shape our understanding of mortality and the afterlife? 11. What are the implications of the resurrection for our understanding of sin, grace, and salvation? 12. How does this chapter challenge our attitudes towards death? 13. In light of the promised resurrection, how should we live our lives today? 14. How does Paul's portrayal of the gospel message in this chapter inspire you in your personal evangelism? 15. How can we use Paul's argument in this chapter to address doubts about life after death in our contemporary world? 16. What is the role of eyewitness testimony in affirming the reality of Christ's resurrection? 17. How does Paul link the reality of Christ's resurrection to the necessity of living a Christ-focused life? 18. How does the understanding of the future resurrection help you deal with present trials? 19. What does the concept of "victory in Jesus" mean to you personally? 20. How do you understand and apply Paul's call to "stand firm" in your own life, considering the future promise of resurrection? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |