What is God's age?
What is God's age?

Definition of “Age” in a Biblical Context

When exploring the question “What is God’s age?” it is essential to clarify what is meant by “age.” In human terms, “age” refers to the measured passage of time between birth and a given point in life. However, Scripture describes God as without beginning or end, making Him timeless. This concept immediately broadens our approach: rather than looking for a numeric value, we look for scriptural affirmations of God’s eternal nature.

God’s Self-Existence and Eternity

From the first pages of the Bible, we encounter God as the uncreated Creator. Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This central statement shows that God was already present before the universe or time as we know it existed.

Scripture repeatedly affirms that no one brought God into being, nor will anyone outlast Him. Psalm 90:2 clarifies, “Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.” The phrase “from everlasting to everlasting” underscores that God’s existence stretches beyond all boundaries of time.

Key Biblical Passages Affirming God’s Timelessness

1. Isaiah 40:28: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.”

• This verse calls Him “everlasting,” indicating no start or conclusion to His existence.

2. Malachi 3:6: “Because I, the LORD, do not change, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed.”

• God’s unchanging nature implies a constancy that cannot be measured or limited by time.

3. Revelation 1:8: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and was and is to come-the Almighty.”

• By describing Himself as the beginning and the end, God presents His eternal presence throughout all of history and beyond.

4. John 8:58: “Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

• Jesus, identifying with the eternal “I AM,” testifies to the claim that God transcends human chronology.

The Timeless Nature of God and Human Time

Although Scripture offers genealogical timelines (e.g., Genesis 5; 1 Chronicles 1) that help readers trace human history-often interpreted in a way that suggests a young earth of several thousand years-God’s existence stands apart from these measures. The genealogies catalog humanity’s generations, not the origin of God Himself.

In practical terms, while we discuss the passing of years in creation, God exists outside these parameters. The philosophical term “aseity” is often employed to express God’s self-existence-that He depends on nothing external. John 5:26 echoes this, stating that the Father “has life in Himself.” Such a statement points to God’s nature as eternally alive, eternally existing.

Archaeological and Manuscript Testimony to God’s Eternality

Over the centuries, archaeological finds and manuscript evidence have consistently supported the consistent message of Scripture. For instance:

Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery (Qumran): These ancient manuscripts (dated from around the third century BC to the first century AD) contain portions of nearly every Old Testament book. The preserved texts reflect the same declarations of God’s eternal nature-demonstrating that this central theme has been foundational in Jewish and Christian belief for millennia.

Other Ancient Writings: Jewish texts outside of the Bible, such as some writings from the Second Temple Period, resonate with the Bible’s portrayal of God’s timelessness, indicating that this conviction was widespread and anchored the faith communities of the time.

Philosophical Reflections on God’s “Age”

When approaching the question from a practical or philosophical angle, the realization emerges that time itself is part of the created realm (Genesis 1:14-19, where heavenly bodies mark seasons and years). If God is the Creator of time, there is no way to apply the standard measurement of years, centuries, or millennia to Him.

The Bible consistently communicates that God is not merely older than creation; He transcends “old.” He is simply “I AM” (Exodus 3:14, referenced in John 8:58) and exists in the eternal present. This belief upholds the idea that God’s nature remains the same for all eternity, never aging, never growing, and never diminishing.

Practical Implications for Believers

1. Confidence in Worship: Since God’s existence is without limit, believers can trust that He remains the same throughout their lives, providing consistent comfort and guidance (Hebrews 13:8, referencing God’s unchanging nature).

2. Assurance of Salvation: God’s eternal character undergirds the assurance that His promises are irrevocable. When Scripture declares eternal life is found in Christ’s resurrection (John 11:25-26), it rests on the foundation of a God who has no end.

3. Reliability of Scripture: The uniform message of God’s eternity across all canonical books-supported by ancient manuscripts-adds credibility to the trustworthiness of the Bible’s teachings on His nature.


No numerical age can be assigned to the One who created time itself. The Bible presents God as everlasting, existing “from everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2), with no point of origin and no conclusion of existence. Archaeological and manuscript discoveries corroborate this view, and philosophical reflection helps us understand that God is fundamentally outside the bounds of time.

Thus, the most complete answer to “What is God’s age?” is that He is ageless-eternal and without limit. The eternal nature of God offers believers confidence in a steadfast Creator who remains the same through every generation, and it underscores the reliability of the biblical record that proclaims Him.

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