What is contemplating purity?
What does it mean to contemplate purity?

Definition and Scope

Contemplating purity involves cultivating a mindset and way of living that honors what is morally, spiritually, and ethically sound. In biblical terms, purity encompasses a heart committed to God (Matthew 5:8), a mind set on righteous thoughts (Philippians 4:8), and actions that reflect obedience to the commands and character of the Creator. The emphasis on purity is not solely about outward conduct but extends to inward motivations and intentions.

Biblical Foundations of Purity

The Scriptures repeatedly highlight the significance of inner purity. For instance, in Psalm 51:10, we read: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” This plea ties purity to God’s renewing power at the core of a person’s being.

Likewise, the Sermon on the Mount teaches, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8). Here, purity of the heart becomes a key to experiencing the presence of God. In 1 Peter 1:16, the command “Be holy, because I am holy” reveals that purity is modeled after the divine nature itself, reinforcing that believers reflect God’s holiness through a pure lifestyle.

Heart and Mind Alignment

Scripture consistently teaches that thoughts and the condition of the heart have as much bearing on purity as outward actions. King David’s request in Psalm 51:10 demonstrates that only God can transform the inner self. Similarly, Philippians 4:8 exhorts believers: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.” This counsel underscores that focusing our minds on virtuous subjects shapes a heart more inclined to purity.

Contemplation as a Discipline

Contemplation refers to attentively and consistently fixing our thoughts on God, His Word, and His ways. Regular reading, study, and meditation on Scripture guide believers to evaluate their motives against God’s standard. According to Romans 12:2, transformation comes through “the renewing of your mind.” This renewal process takes place gradually through repeated exposure to biblical truth and by allowing the Holy Spirit to shape one’s perspective and behavior.

Practical Steps to Contemplate Purity

1. Daily Scripture Meditation

Setting aside time to read and reflect on passages about God’s holiness and the conduct He desires fosters an ongoing awareness of purity.

2. Prayerful Self-Examination

Through prayer, believers invite God to expose hidden thoughts, attitudes, or behaviors that compromise purity (Psalm 139:23–24). This reflective practice leads to confession and spiritual growth.

3. Accountability and Community

Sharing one’s spiritual journey with trustworthy believers can provide encouragement and correction. Hebrews 10:24–25 emphasizes mutual edification, spurring each other on toward love and good deeds.

4. Guarding Input

Being selective about what we read, watch, or listen to helps sustain a focus on pure and upright thoughts (Proverbs 4:23).

5. Emulating Christ’s Character

The life of Jesus, recorded in the Gospels, provides the supreme example of inner and outer purity. Reflecting on His life and teachings helps align our attitudes and actions with God’s will.

The Holy Spirit’s Role

The Holy Spirit is integral to guiding believers in purity. John 16:13 says that the Spirit “will guide you into all truth.” As the believer submits to the Spirit, they gain the wisdom and strength to resist temptation and to engage in wholesome thinking—a vital practice for those desiring authentic purity (Galatians 5:16).

Outcomes and Blessings of Contemplating Purity

Scripture often links purity with intimacy with God. In 1 Timothy 1:5, we learn, “The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith.” When a believer earnestly contemplates purity, they experience assurance in their relationship with God, a deeper capacity to love others, and a consistent testimony before the watching world.

Additionally, contemplating purity contributes to emotional and relational well-being. When thoughts, words, and behavior align with God’s standard, people typically experience increased peace, healthier interpersonal relationships, and freedom from the turmoil that often accompanies guilt.

Lifestyle Implications

Choosing to pursue purity affects every aspect of life, from managing personal habits to conducting business ethically and engaging in relationships honorably. This pursuit also manifests a commitment to living in harmony with the Creator’s design, reflecting His glory to others, and fulfilling the calling to be a “light of the world” (Matthew 5:14).

While perfection remains unattainable in this life, contemplating purity refines character progressively. Believers become more intentional about pursuing virtuous goals, resisting impure influences, and maintaining integrity. This pattern of living evidences spiritual maturity and underscores a central biblical truth: purity in thought and action brings the individual into a closer walk with God and a more profound understanding of His holiness.


To contemplate purity is to direct thoughts, desires, and actions toward God’s standard of holiness, seeking interior transformation that manifests in outward conduct. Through Scripture meditation, prayerful examination, fellowship, and dependence on the Spirit, believers grow in purity daily. This ongoing process brings blessings of greater peace, stronger relationships, and deeper communion with God, fulfilling what Scripture teaches about living with a “pure heart” (Matthew 5:8).

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