Should you disregard prophecies?
Should you disregard prophecies?


Prophecies have been a topic of both fascination and skepticism throughout history. Some see them as vital messages from the Divine, while others want to disregard them altogether. This entry explores the biblical teaching on prophecy, its purpose, how it is tested, and whether one should dismiss prophecies in today’s world.

Definition of Prophecy

A “prophecy” refers to a message believed to be communicated by God, often concerning future events or spiritual truths. In the Scriptures, these messages come through prophets—individuals “set apart” and inspired to speak God’s word (cf. Amos 3:7). This concept of offering divine insight underpins much of the biblical narrative.

Biblical Foundation

Scripture contains numerous passages underscoring the importance of prophecy. In the Old Testament, prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel conveyed messages about Israel’s immediate situation and foretold pivotal events—some centuries before they occurred.

In the New Testament, Paul encourages believers not to dismiss prophetic utterances, exhorting: “Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things” (1 Thessalonians 5:20–21). Here, prophecy is elevated as one means by which God continues to guide His people, yet believers are instructed to weigh it carefully.

Value of Prophecies

1. Helps in Guidance and Direction

Stories in the Old Testament reveal how God directed entire nations through prophetic voices (e.g., the prophet Samuel guiding Israel in 1 Samuel). Prophecy imparted instruction, catalyzed repentance, and shaped the destiny of God’s people.

2. Highlights Divine Sovereignty

Prophecy attests that the Lord orchestrates events in accordance with His will (cf. Isaiah 46:9–10). Fulfilled prophecies—such as those concerning the Messiah—demonstrate a divine plan culminating in Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.

3. Strengthens Faith

When fulfilled accurately, prophecies bolster believers’ confidence that truth originates from God rather than empty human speculation. The precise fulfillment of Old Testament predictions about the Messiah (e.g., Micah 5:2 regarding the birthplace of Christ) remains a core apologetic statement of the Bible’s reliability.

Warnings against False Prophets

While the Bible holds prophecy in high esteem, it also repeatedly warns about false prophets. In Deuteronomy 18:22, it says, “If the word does not come to pass…” indicating a false messenger. Jesus too cautions, “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing…” (Matthew 7:15).

False prophecies are not only a problem of ancient times. Scripture enjoins discernment and testing by matching any prophecy against the full counsel of God’s Word, ensuring coherence with the character and revealed will of God.

Quality of Fulfilled Prophecies

From an evidential standpoint, many biblical prophecies have been confirmed by historical and archaeological findings. For instance:

The Fall of Jericho: Excavations have revealed collapsed walls dating back to a plausible timeframe consistent with the biblical narrative of Joshua 6.

The Prophecy against Tyre: Ezekiel 26 foretold Tyre’s downfall. Historical records document successive conquests, culminating in Alexander the Great’s invasion—a compelling fulfillment of the prophecy’s details.

Messianic Prophecies: Discoveries of the Isaiah Scroll (part of the Dead Sea Scrolls) show that the messianic prophecies in Isaiah 53, recorded centuries before Christ, match remarkably well with what is preserved in modern Bibles.

These findings reinforce confidence that prophecies in Scripture are not merely post-event editorial additions but authentic anticipations documented beforehand.

Testing Prophecies

Scripture challenges believers to “test all things; hold fast to what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Two primary criteria often emerge:

1. Consistency with Biblical Teaching

Any prophecy must align with the character and revealed Word of God. If a message contradicts established doctrine regarding God’s nature, salvation, or moral standards, it is suspect (cf. Galatians 1:8).

2. Confirmation through Fulfillment or Fruit

Deuteronomy 18 indicates that the failure of a prophecy to come to pass reveals a falsehood. In addition, Jesus taught that “by their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16). If a prophecy leads to repentance, edification, and worship of the Lord, it aligns with the biblical pattern of truth.

Should We Disregard Prophecies?

The consistent biblical instruction is not to dismiss or disregard genuine prophecies outright. Rather, believers are called to evaluate them. The apostle Paul’s command is emphatic: “Do not treat prophecies with contempt” (1 Thessalonians 5:20). This suggests that ignoring all prophecies could lead to the neglect of vital truths God intends to convey.

However, Scripture also teaches prudence. Blind acceptance of every claim to “divine revelation” can lead to deception. The stance taught in both the Old and New Testaments is neither blanket acceptance nor blanket rejection, but prayerful, biblically grounded discernment.

Practical Application

1. Prayerfully Evaluate

Approach any alleged prophecy or prophetic message with prayer. Seek the Lord’s guidance in understanding, measuring it against the Bible’s teachings for consistency and truthfulness.

2. Consult Scripture

Compare any claim with the Word of God. Since “All Scripture is God-breathed…” (2 Timothy 3:16), it serves as the final criterion for what is genuine or spurious.

3. Look for Godly Fruit

Observe the effects of the prophecy. Does it strengthen faith and point to a deeper reverence for God? Does it align with Christ’s call to holiness, love, and truth?

4. Seek Wise Counsel

In challenging or ambiguous matters, consult mature believers or trained leaders who have deep knowledge of Scripture. They can assist in discerning whether a word truly originates from the Holy Spirit.


When considering the question “Should you disregard prophecies?” the answer derived from Scripture is clear: do not dismiss them, but test them carefully. Prophecies have consistently guided, warned, and comforted God’s people throughout history, pointing to God’s foreknowledge and sovereign plan. Archaeological discoveries, historical records, and scholarly research further affirm the marvel of fulfilled scriptural prophecies.

Rather than disregard prophecies, believers are called to maintain alertness, exercise prudent judgment, consult Scripture, and seek confirmation in accord with biblical standards. In this manner, they remain open to the guidance of the Lord while guarding against false teachings. According to the biblical witness, genuine prophecy stands as a potent testimony of God’s active communication with humanity—a reality not to be dismissed, but rightly discerned and embraced.

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