How did the sun 'stand still' safely?
How could the sun “stand still” in Joshua 10:13 without catastrophic effects on Earth?

1. Background of Joshua 10:13

Joshua 10:13 states, “So the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation took vengeance upon its enemies.” The narrative describes Israel’s victorious battle against the Amorites, facilitated by an extraordinary event in which the sun did not set as expected. This miracle has ignited questions about how such a phenomenon could happen without devastating repercussions on Earth.

2. The Specific Wording of the Text

The Hebrew wording behind “the sun stood still” and “the moon stopped” conveys that these heavenly bodies appeared to halt in the sky. The focus is on the observable phenomenon-how it looked to Joshua’s army. In historical accounts, Scriptural authors often use “phenomenological language,” describing what they see in ways consistent with everyday observation (as we still say “sunrise” and “sunset”).

3. Possible Explanations Within a Miraculous Framework

1. Supernatural Suspension of Normal Laws

God-who formed and sustains creation-has the authority to alter natural processes. If He can part the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-22), then suspending or modifying the Earth’s rotation, or local atmospheric properties, does not pose any logical impossibility. Moreover, if this event were truly miraculous, God could mitigate any adverse effects. A biblical worldview recognizes that the Creator is not limited by natural laws.

2. Localized Phenomenon

Some interpreters suggest that God caused an unusual refraction of light or an extended period of daylight localized to the battle region. This might have made it appear that the sun and moon paused, yet without global catastrophe. Other biblical miracles-such as the light phenomenon in Exodus 10:23, where the Israelites had light while Egypt was darkened-support the idea of localized supernatural events.

3. Divine Control Over Catastrophic Consequences

The fear of catastrophic tidal waves, violent atmospheric shifts, or geologic disruptions is valid if the Earth’s rotation suddenly stopped in a strictly naturalistic scenario. However, the text presents a direct divine intervention: the same power that created and upholds all things (Genesis 1:1; Hebrews 1:3) could ensure stability, even if the Earth’s spin altered. Since God inaugurated the laws of physics, He could also suspend or adjust them for His purpose and restore them without broad destruction.

4. Historical and Archaeological Corroborations of the Battle

The Book of Joshua, including the account of the conquest of Canaan, has been examined through various archaeological studies. Discoveries at sites like Hazor and Lachish have yielded artifacts consistent with destruction layers dated to a time that conservative chronologies associate with the Israelite campaigns. While these findings do not all solve the “sun stand still” phenomenon directly, they underscore the broader reliability of the events described in Joshua.

5. Scriptural Cohesion of Miraculous Events

1. Consistency With Other Biblical Miracles

Scripture repeatedly recounts miraculous acts with cosmic significance. In 2 Kings 20:9-11, the shadow on King Hezekiah’s stairway goes backward by ten steps. Rather than dismissing these occurrences as symbolic, biblical teaching emphasizes God’s authority over nature. The extraordinary is thus consistent with the very nature of biblical miracles.

2. No Internal Contradictions

The passage in Joshua 10:13 fits seamlessly with the overarching narrative that God is actively involved in human history, delivering His people and revealing His power at key moments. This is not an outlier miracle that contradicts the rest of Scripture; instead, it reinforces the biblical theme of divine intervention during pivotal events.

6. Responses to Scientific Objections

1. Miracles as Singular Events

Science typically deals with repeatable and observable phenomena. Miracles, by definition, are extraordinary and not subject to routine repetition or methodological testing. Events like the “sun standing still” belong to the realm of special, one-time acts of God’s intervention.

2. Protective Providence

From a natural standpoint, abruptly stopping Earth’s rotation would be disastrous. However, if we accept the premise of a Creator actively holding all things together (Colossians 1:17), then it follows logically that this same Creator can protect life on Earth while orchestrating a localized or global sign. The lack of recorded cataclysm in Joshua’s day is consistent with a carefully governed miracle rather than an uncontrolled cosmic event.

3. No Authentic “Missing Day” Myth

There is a popular anecdote about NASA scientists allegedly finding a “missing day” in calculations of planetary motion, supposedly referencing Joshua 10. Despite its popularity, this story has been debunked as an urban legend. It serves as a reminder that Scripture does not require external verification by modern computations to validate its accounts.

7. Philosophical and Theological Implications

1. God’s Sovereignty Over Creation

The Joshua 10 event accentuates God’s sovereignty. If He created everything out of nothing (Genesis 1:1) and continues to govern it (Psalm 103:19), the miraculous extension of daylight remains fully within His prerogative. This demonstrates God’s authority over human affairs and His willingness to intervene on behalf of His people.

2. Reliability of Scriptural Testimony

The early manuscripts of the Book of Joshua show consistent text transmission, supported by a breadth of manuscript evidence (including fragments found in the Dead Sea Scrolls). This reliability encourages readers to place confidence in the event’s authenticity and significance.

3. God’s Purpose in the Miracle

Ultimately, Joshua 10:13 highlights God’s commitment to fulfilling His covenant promises and guiding Israel toward establishing their homeland. The preservation of life and the success of the Israelite army reflect God’s redemptive plan in history, showcasing His power and compassion.

8. Conclusion: A Miracle Consistent With Divine Care

Joshua 10:13, which records the sun “standing still,” represents one of Scripture’s most striking miracles. While modern reasoning points to destructive consequences if Earth’s rotation stopped naturally, the biblical text portrays a divinely orchestrated event carried out under God’s sustaining power. Historical and archaeological data reinforce the reliability of the overall narrative in Joshua, while the theological message underscores God’s sovereignty and covenant faithfulness.

In the final analysis, if the event is taken at face value-as a genuine miracle-then the God who created and sustains the universe would also have the capacity to shield humanity from catastrophic outcomes. Far from a mere myth, Joshua 10:13 fits organically in a biblical worldview in which the Creator’s rule extends over all nature, and in which He can and does accomplish extraordinary signs for His redemptive purposes.

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