Has God ceased to exist? HAS GOD CEASED TO EXIST? Definition and Scope The question of God’s continued existence centers on whether the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (Genesis 1:1) can suddenly cease to be. This entry explores key Scriptural testimonies, philosophical and scientific observations, and historical evidence to address the claim that God no longer exists or has ever ceased to exist. 1. BIBLICAL ASSURANCE OF GOD’S ETERNAL NATURE Scripture consistently depicts God as eternal, without beginning or end. Psalm 90:2 declares, “Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.” This description places God outside the boundaries of time, fundamentally different from created beings. Isaiah 40:28 underscores this eternal quality: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.” Moreover, God’s immutability (His unchanging character) gives reason to trust His perpetual presence. Malachi 3:6 states, “Because I, the LORD, do not change, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed.” If God were capable of ceasing to exist, He would not be truly immutable. The consistent testimony of the Scriptures, therefore, emphasizes that God endures forever. 2. PHILOSOPHICAL AND SCIENTIFIC CONSIDERATIONS From a philosophical perspective, the concept of contingency points to the need for a Necessary Being. All finite, dependent things require a cause. If the universe had a beginning, as modern cosmology indicates, there must be a cause outside the constraints of time, space, and matter. A being that is non-contingent, or self-existent, cannot “cease” to be without contradicting the very notion of eternal self-existence. Scientific observations of the universe’s fine-tuning further support the idea of an intelligent Designer. Astonishingly precise constants—such as the gravitational constant and the strong nuclear force—make possible complex life. Such precision is consistent with the existence of a Designer who has always been and will always be. Findings from fields such as biochemistry reveal complex information systems (e.g., DNA) that strongly suggest an eternal source of intelligence, rather than a universe with no sustaining foundation. 3. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL CORROBORATIONS Though archaeological evidence does not measure God’s existence directly, it provides confirmation of the reliability of the biblical record that testifies of His eternal nature. Discoveries of ancient manuscripts, including portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls, align remarkably with the modern biblical text and demonstrate the careful preservation of references to God’s eternal attributes over millennia. Inscriptions such as the Tel Dan Stele, referencing the “House of David,” corroborate the historicity of Israel’s monarchy—an integral part of biblical narratives that proclaim the reality of God in history. The consistency of such evidence shows that the biblical depiction of God as an everlasting being has been faithfully transmitted through generations. 4. TESTIMONY OF CHRIST’S RESURRECTION The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands at the center of Christian belief that God continues to exist and act within history. According to multiple historical sources within the New Testament, such as 1 Corinthians 15:3–8, Jesus was crucified, buried, and then rose from the dead. The resurrection is not merely a spiritualized event; rather, it is portrayed as a historical occurrence with eyewitness accounts. This pinnacle miracle affirms that God is not absent or extinct; He is active, sustaining and redeeming creation. Additionally, Jesus’ own claims identify Him uniquely with the eternal God. John 8:58 records Jesus stating, “Truly, truly, I tell you … before Abraham was born, I am!”—linking Him to the divine name revealed in Exodus 3:14. Such a statement from the One raised from the dead reinforces that God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) eternally exists. 5. RELEVANCE FOR DAILY LIFE AND BEHAVIOR If God had ceased to exist, moral values and human purpose would lose any absolute grounding. Instead, Scripture calls for a life oriented toward a God who is always there. Acts 17:27 teaches that He is “not far from each one of us,” implying constant relationship and accountability. The knowledge of God’s ongoing presence shapes moral decisions, inspires hope, and provides comfort in adversity (Psalm 46:1). Moreover, countless personal testimonies throughout history reveal experiences of miraculous healing and provision—anecdotal yet powerful indicators that God remains active. Such accounts align with biblical teachings that God is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), further dispelling the notion that He has vanished. 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The biblical, philosophical, scientific, and historical evidence collectively affirms that God has not ceased to exist. Scripture repeatedly refers to Him as eternal, unchanging, and sustaining all things (Hebrews 1:3). Philosophical arguments about necessary existence, along with scientific evidences of fine-tuning, support the notion of an ever-living Creator. Archaeological discoveries, manuscript evidence, and the testimony of Christ’s resurrection corroborate the Bible’s historical reliability and point to an active, omnipresent Lord. No legitimate indication—biblical, historical, or rational—supports the conclusion that God has ceased to be. Rather, all lines of evidence unite to present the reality of a God who holds the universe together and remains intimately involved with His creation. As the Apostle Paul writes, “For in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28), testifying that He continues to exist, sustain, and guide. |