[Footnote 1: This word is not used in any disparaging sense, but simply meaning "originating in a given place."]

[Footnote 2: Colloquial Chinese term for a bride.]

[Footnote 3: Bound small in childhood.]

[Footnote 4: Adapted from The Lord Stood by Me (Philadelphia: China Inland Mission, n.d.), pp.67-75 (out of print).]

[Footnote 5: Cf. ch.8.]

[Footnote 6: General Director of the China Inland Mission at that time.]

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Title Page: The title and author have been changed from lower case to title case.

Page 45: Typo corrected: vistior to visitor.

Page 105: Typo corrected: gardner to gardener.

Page 119: Typo corrected: happend to happened.

chapter 12 he had no
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