1 When man grows bold in sin
My heart within me cries,
"He hath no faith of God within,
Nor fear before his eyes."
2 [He walks awhile conceal'd
In a self-flattering dream,
Till his dark crimes at once reveal'd
Expose his hateful name.]
3 His heart is false and foul,
His words are smooth and fair;
Wisdom is banish'd from his soul,
And leaves no goodness there.
4 He plots upon his bed
New mischiefs to fulfil;
He sets his heart, and hand, and head,
To practise all that's ill.
5 But there's a dreadful God,
Tho' men renounce his fear;
His justice hid behind the cloud
Shall one great day appear.
6 His truth transcends the sky;
In heaven his mercies dwell;
Deep as the sea his judgments lie,
His anger burns to hell.
7 How excellent his love,
Whence all our safety springs!
O never let my soul remove
From underneath his wings.