1 Praise ye the Lord, exalt his Name,
While in his holy courts ye wait,
Ye saints, that to his house belong,
Or stand attending at his gate.
2 Praise ye the Lord; the Lord is good;
To praise his Name is sweet employ;
Israel he chose of old, and still
His church is his peculiar joy.
3 The Lord himself will judge his saints;
He treats his servants as his friends;
And when he hears their sore complaints,
Repents the sorrows that he sends.
4 Thro' every age the Lord declares
His Name and breaks th' oppressor's rod;
He gives his suffering servants rest,
And will be known th' almighty God.
6 Bless ye the Lord, who taste his love,
People and priests exalt his Name:
Amongst his saints he ever dwells;
His church is his Jerusalem.