C. M. Holy fear, and tenderness of conscience. ver.10 ver.11 ver.63,53,158 ver.161,163 ver.161,120 ver.166,174 With my whole heart I've sought thy face: O let me never stray From thy commands, O God of grace, Nor tread the sinner's way. Thy word I've hid within my heart To keep my conscience clean, And be an everlasting guard From every rising sin. I'm a companion of the saints Who fear and love the Lord; My sorrows rise, my nature faints, When men transgress thy word. While sinners do thy gospel wrong My spirit stands in awe; My soul abhors a lying tongue, But loves thy righteous law. My heart with sacred rev'rence hears The threat'nings of thy word; My flesh with holy trembling fears The judgments of the Lord. My God, I long, I hope, I wait, For thy salvation still; While thy whole law is my delight, And I obey thy will. |