1 [Let all our tongues be one
To praise our God on high,
Who from his bosom sent his Son
To fetch us strangers nigh.
2 Nor let our voices cease
To sing the Saviour's Name;
Jesus th' ambassador of peace,
How cheerfully he came!
3 It cost him cries and tears
To bring us near to God;
Great was our debt, and he appears
To make the payment good.]
4 [My Saviour's pierced side,
Pour'd out a double flood;
By water we are purify'd
And pardon'd by the blood.
5 Infinite was our guilt,
But he our Priest atones;
On the cold ground his life was spilt,
And offer'd with his groans.]
6 Look up, my soul, to him
Whose death was thy desert,
And humbly view the living stream
Flow from his breaking heart.
7 There on the cursed tree
In dying pangs he lies,
Fulfils his Father's great decree,
And all our wants supplies.
8 Thus the Redeemer came
By water and by blood;
And when the Spirit speaks the same
We feel his witness good.
9 While the eternal Three
Bear their record above,
Here I believe he dy'd for me,
And seal my Saviour's love.
10 [Lord, cleanse my soul from sin,
Nor let thy grace depart;
Great Comforter, abide within,
And witness to my heart.]