The Second Scotch Confession, or the National Covenant A.D.1580. [This Confession is a strong anti-papal appendix to the former, and was subscribed by the King, the Council and Court, at Holyrood House, 1580, by persons of all ranks in 1581, again in 1590 and 1638. The text, with the quaint old spelling, is likewise taken from Dunlop's Collection of Scotch Confessions, Vol. II. pp.103 sqq. and 811 sqq. The Latin version is said to have been made by John Craig, who wrote the Scotch, and is superior to the one in the Syntagma Confess. (pp.126 sqq.), which Niemeyer (pp.357 sqq.) has reproduced.] The Confession of Faith of the Confessio Fidei Ecclesiæ Kirk of Scotland; Scoticanæ; the Confession of our Faith, stablished, and publickly confirmed by sundrie Actis of Parliaments, and now of a lang tyme hath been openlie professed by the Kings Majesty, and haill body of this Realme both in brugh and land. To the quhilk Confession and forme of Religion we willingly agree in our consciences in all pointis, as unto Godis undouted trewth and veritie, groundit only upon his written word. et propugnata est; explicata etiam uberius, in Fidei confessione, plurimis comitiorum publicorum actis confirmata, regisque serenissimi et universorum hujus regni civium publica multorum jam annorum professione approbata. Cui nos Confessioni cultusque divini formulæ, ut veritati divinæ certissima sacrarum autoritate subnixæ, lubentissimis animis in singulis assentimur. and obedience to the law; the nature, number, and use of the holy sacraments: His fyve bastard sacraments; with all his ritis, ceremonies, and false doctrine, added to the ministration of the trew sacraments without the Word of God: His cruell judgement againis infants departing without the sacrament: His absolute necessitie of baptisme: His blasphemous opinion of transubstantiation, or reall presence of Christis body in the elements, and receiving of the same by the wicked, or bodies of men: His dispensations with solemnit aithis, perjuries, and degrees of marriage forbidden in the Word: His crueltie againis the innocent divorcit: His divilish messe: His blasphemous priesthead: His prophane sacrifice for the sinnis of the deade and the quicke: His canonization of men, calling upon angelis or sanctis depairted; worshipping of imagerie, reliques, and crocis; dedicating of kirkis, altares, dayes; vowes to creatures: His purgatory, prayers for the dead; praying or speaking in a strange language: His processions and blasphemous letany: His multitude of advocatis or mediatours with his manifold orders, and auricular confessions: His despered and uncertain Repentance: His sacramentorum doctrinam: quinque adulterina sacramenta; omnesque ritus, ceremonias falsasque traditiones genuinorum sacramentorum administrationi, citra autoritatem verbi divini, accumulatas: crudelem de infantibus ante baptismum morte præreptis sententiam: districtam et absolutam baptismi necessitatem: blasphemam de transsubstantiatione, et corporali præsentia Christi in coenæ dominicæ elementis, cujus etiam impii fiant participes, atque orali ejusdem manducatione doctrinam: juramentorum perjuriorumque gratiam faciendi arrogatam potestatem: matrimonii in Verbo Dei interdictis permissionem: crudelitatem erga innocentes matrimonii nexu solutos: diabolicam missam: sacrilegum sacerdotium: abominandum pro vivorum mortuorumque peccatis sacrificium: hominum indigetationem seu canonizationem, angelorum mortuorumque invocationem; crucis, imaginum reliquiarumque venerationem; in creaturarum honorem dicata fana et altaria, dies sacratos, vota nuncupata: purgatorium; pro defunctis deprecationem: ignotæ linguæ in precibus sacrisque usum, sacrilegas supplicationum pompas, blasphemam litaniam: mediatorum turbam, ordinum ecclesiasticorum multiplicem general and doutsum Faith: His Satisfactionis of men for their sinnis: His justification by warkis, opus operatum, warkis of supererogation, merites, pardons, peregrinations, and stations: His holie water, baptising of bellis, conjuring of spreits, crocing, saining, anointing, conjuring, hallouing of Godis gude creatures, with the superstitious opinion joyned therewith: His warldlie monarchie and wicked hierarchie: His three solemnet vowes, with all his shavellings of sundrie sortis: His erroneous and bloodie Decreets made at Trente, with all the Subscryvars and approvers of that cruell and bloodie Band conjured againis the Kirk of God. And finallie, We detest all his vain allegories, ritis, signes, and traditions brought in the Kirk, without or againis the Word of God and doctrine of this trew reformed Kirk; to the quhilk we joyn our selves willinglie in Doctrine, Faith, Religion, Discipline, and use of the holy sacraments, as livelie members of the same, in Christ our head: Promising and swearing be the Great Name of the LORD our God, That we sall contenow in the obedience of the Doctrine and Discipline of this Kirk, [800] and sall defend varietatem, auricularem confessionem: incertam et desperationis plenam poenitentiam, generalem et ancipitem fidem: peccatorum per satisfactiones humanas expiatonem, justificationem ex operibus, opus operatum, operum supererogationem, merita, indulgentias, peregrinationes et stationes, aquam lustralem: campanarum baptizationem, exorcismos; bonas Dei creaturas cruce obsignandi, lustrandi, ungendi, conjurandi et consecrandi superstitionem: politicam ipsius monarchiam, impiam hierarchiam: tria vota solennia, variasque rasuræ sectas: impia et sanguinaria concilii Tridentini decreta, omnesque atrocissimæ istius in Christi ecclesiam conjurationis populares et fautores: denique inanes omnes adversamur allegorias, omnesque ritus et signa, traditiones omnes, præter aut contra autoritatem Verbi Dei ecclesiæ obtrusas, et doctrinæ hujus ecclesiæ veræ reformatæ repugnantes. Cur nos ecclesiæ reformatæ, in doctrinæ capitibus, fide, religione, disciplina, et usu sacramentorum, ut vita illius sub Christo capite membra, libentes nos aggregamus: sancte promittentes magnumque et termendum DOMINI DEI NOSTRI NOMEN the same according to our vocation and power, all the dayes of our lyves; under the pains conteined in the law, and danger baith of bodie and saul in the day of Godis fearfull Judgment. jurantes, nos in ecclesiæ hujus doctrina et disciplina constanter perseveraturos, et pro cujusque vocatione ac viribus ad extremum spiritum defensuros; sub poena omnium in lege maledictionum, æternique cum animæ tum corporis exitii periculo in tremendo illo Dei judicio. through the knawledge and love of Godis trew Religion prented in our heartis be the Holie Spreit, as we sal answer to him in the day when the secreits of heartis sal be disclosed. ex amore veritatis divinæ per Spiritum Sanctum in cordibus nostris inscriptæ, ad eam nos inductos esse; ita DEUM propitium habeamus eo die quo cordium omnium arcana palam fient. Footnotes: [800] The Confession, which was subscribed at Halyrudhouse the 25 of February, 1587-8, by the King, Lennox, Huntlye, the Chancelour, and about 95 other Persons, hath here added, Agreeing to the word. Sir John Maxwel of Pollock hath the original Parchement. |