Subject Index
Adams, Sarah Flower, [121]AdamsS-p0.1

Addison, Joseph, [122]AddisonJ-p0.1

Alexander, Cecil Frances, [123]AlexandC-p0.1

Alexander, James Waddell, [124]AlexandJ-p0.1

Alford, Henry, [125]AlfordH-p0.1

Amis, Lewis Randolph, [126]AmisLR-p0.1

Andrew of Crete, [127]AndrewC-p0.1

Anstice, Joseph, [128]AnsticeJ-p0.1

Auber, Harriet, [129]AuberH-p0.1

Babcock, Maltbie Davenport, [130]BabcockM-p0.1

Baker, Sir Henry Williams, [131]BakerHW-p0.1

Bakewell, John, [132]Bakewell-p0.1

Barbauld, Anna Letitia, [133]Barbauld-p0.1

Barber, Mary Ann Serrett, [134]BarberM-p0.1

Baring-Gould, Sabine, [135]BaringGd-p0.1

Barton, Bernard, [136]BartonB-p0.1

Bateman, Henry, [137]BatemanH-p0.1

Bathurst, William Hiley, [138]Bathurst-p0.1

Baxter, Lydia, [139]BaxterL-p0.1

Baxter, Richard, [140]BaxterR-p0.1

Beddome, Benjamin, [141]BeddomeB-p0.1

Bernard of Clairvaux, [142]BernClai-p0.1

Bernard of Cluny, [143]BernClun-p0.1

Berridge, John, [144]Berridge-p0.1

Bethune, George Washington, [145]BethuneG-p0.1

Bickersteth, Edward Henry, [146]Bickerst-p0.1

Blacklock, Thomas, [147]Blacklok-p0.1

Bode, John Ernest, [148]BodeJE-p0.1

Boehm, Anthony Wilhelm, [149]BoehmAW-p0.1

Bonar, Horatius, [150]BonarH-p0.1

Bonar, Jane Catherine, [151]BonarJC-p0.1

Borthwick, Jane, [152]Borthwik-p0.1

Bourignon, Antoinette, [153]BourignA-p0.1

Bourne, William St. Hill, [154]BourneW-p0.1

Bowring, Sir John, [155]BowringJ-p0.1

Brace, Seth Collins, [156]BraceSC-p0.1

Brady, Nicholas, [157]BradyN-p0.1

Brewer, Leigh Richmond, [158]BrewerL-p0.1

Bridges, Matthew, [159]BridgesM-p0.1

Bromehead, Joseph, [160]Bromehed-p0.1

Brooks, Charles Timothy, [161]BrooksC-p0.1

Brooks, Phillips, [162]BrooksP-p0.1

Brown, Phoebe Hinsdale, [163]BrownPH-p0.1

Browne, Simon, [164]BrowneS-p0.1

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, [165]Browning-p0.1

Bryant, William Cullen, [166]BryantW-p0.1

Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf, [167]Bulfinch-p0.1

Burleigh, William Henry, [168]Burleigh-p0.1

Burns, James Drummond, [169]BurnsJD-p0.1

Burton, Henry, [170]BurtonH-p0.1

Campbell, Jane Montgomery, [171]CampbeJM-p0.1

Campbell, Margaret Cockburn, [172]CampbeMC-p0.1

Carney, Julia A., [173]CarneyJ-p0.1

Cary, Phoebe, [174]CaryP-p0.1

Caswall, Edward, [175]CaswallE-p0.1

Cawood, John, [176]CawoodJ-p0.1

Cennick, John, [177]CennickJ-p0.1

Charles, Elizabeth Rundle, [178]CharlesE-p0.1

Chorley, Henry Fothergill, [179]ChorleyH-p0.1

Claudius, Matthias, [180]Claudius-p0.1

Clement of Alexandria, [181]ClementA-p0.1

Codner, Elizabeth, [182]CodnerE-p0.1

Coghill, Annie Louisa, [183]CoghillA-p0.1

Collyer, William Bengo, [184]CollyerW-p0.1

Colquhoun, Frances Sara, [185]Colquhun-p0.1

Conder, Josiah, [186]ConderJ-p0.1

Copeland, Benjamin, [187]Copeland-p0.1

Cotterill, Jane, [188]CotteriJ-p0.1

Cotterill, Thomas, [189]CotteriT-p0.1

Cowper, Frances Maria, [190]CowperF-p0.1

Cowper, William, [191]CowperW-p0.1

Cox, Christopher Christian, [192]CoxChCh-p0.1

Cox, Samuel Keener, [193]CoxSamK-p0.1

Coxe, Arthur Cleveland, [194]CoxeAC-p0.1

Crewdson, Jane, [195]Crewdson-p0.1

Croly, George, [196]CrolyG-p0.1

Crosby, Fanny Jane, [197]CrosbyF-p0.1

Cross, Ada Cambridge, [198]CrossAC-p0.1

Cummins, James John, [199]CumminsJ-p0.1

Cutter, William, [200]CutterW-p0.1

Davies, Samuel, [201]DaviesS-p0.1

Decius, Nicolaus, [202]DeciusN-p0.1

Deems, Charles Force, [203]DeemsCF-p0.1

Denny, Sir Edward, [204]DennyE-p0.1

Dessler, Wolfgang Christopher, [205]DesslerW-p0.1

Dexter, Henry Martyn, [206]DexterHM-p0.1

Dix, William Chatterton, [207]DixWC-p0.1

Doane, George Washington, [208]DoaneGW-p0.1

Doane, William Crosswell, [209]DoaneWC-p0.1

Doddridge, Philip, [210]Doddridg-p0.1

Dryden, John, [211]DrydenJ-p0.1

Duffield, George, [212]Duffield-p0.1

Dwight, John Sullivan, [213]DwightJS-p0.1

Dwight, Timothy, [214]DwightT-p0.1

Edmeston, James, [215]Edmeston-p0.1

Ela, David Hough, [216]ElaDH-p0.1

Ellerton, John, [217]Ellerton-p0.1

Elliott, Charlotte, [218]ElliottC-p0.1

Elliott, Emily Elizabeth Steele, [219]ElliottE-p0.1

Esling, Catherine Harbison, [220]EslingC-p0.1

Evans, William Edwin, [221]EvansWE-p0.1

Everest, Charles William, [222]EverestC-p0.1

Faber, Frederick William, [223]FaberFW-p0.1

Fabricius, Jacob, [224]Fabricis-p0.1

Farrar, Frederick William, [225]FarrarFW-p0.1

Fawcett, John, [226]FawcettJ-p0.1

Findlater, Sarah Borthwick, [227]Findlatr-p0.1

Fortunatus, Venantius, [228]Fortunats-p0.1

Francis, Benjamin, [229]FrancisB-p0.1

Freckelton, Thomas Wesley, [230]Freckelt-p0.1

Gerhardt, Paul, [231]Gerhardt-p0.1

Gibbons, Thomas, [232]GibbonsT-p0.1

Gilder, Richard Watson, [233]GilderRW-p0.1

Gill, Thomas Hornblower, [234]GillTH-p0.1

Gilman, Samuel, [235]GilmanS-p0.1

Gilmore, Joseph Henry, [236]GilmoreJ-p0.1

Gladden, Washington, [237]GladdenW-p0.1

Goode, William, [238]GoodeW-p0.1

Grant, Robert, [239]GrantR-p0.1

Greg, Samuel, [240]GregS-p0.1

Grigg, Joseph, [241]GriggJ-p0.1

Gurney, Dorothy Frances, [242]GurneyD-p0.1

Gustavus Adolphus, [243]Gustavus-p0.1

Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte, [244]GuyonJM-p0.1

Hall, Christopher Newman, [245]HallCN-p0.1

Hammond, William, [246]HammondW-p0.1

Hankey, Katherine, [247]HankeyK-p0.1

Hart, Joseph, [248]HartJos-p0.1

Hastings, Thomas, [249]HastingT-p0.1

Hatch, Edwin, [250]HatchEd-p0.1

Hatfield, Edwin Francis, [251]Hatfield-p0.1

Havergal, Frances Ridley, [252]HaverglF-p0.1

Haweis, Hugh Reginald, [253]HaweisH-p0.1

Hawker, Robert, [254]HawkerR-p0.1

Hawks, Annie Sherwood, [255]HawksAS-p0.1

Hay, John, [256]HayJohn-p0.1

Hayward, [257]Hayward-p0.1

Hearn, Marianne, [258]HearnM-p0.1

Heath, George, [259]HeathG-p0.1

Heber, Reginald, [260]HeberR-p0.1

Hedge, Frederick Henry, [261]HedgeFH-p0.1

Herbert, George, [262]HerbertG-p0.1

Herbert, Petrus, [263]HerbertP-p0.1

Holden, Oliver, [264]HoldenO-p0.1

Holland, Josiah Gilbert, [265]HollandJ-p0.1

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, [266]HolmesO-p0.1

Hopper, Edward, [267]HopperE-p0.1

Hopps, John Page, [268]HoppsJP-p0.1

Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, [269]HosmerF-p0.1

Hoss, Elijah Embree, [270]HossEE-p0.1

How, William Walsham, [271]HowWW-p0.1

Hunter, William, [272]HunterW-p0.1

Hutton, Frances A., [273]HuttonFA-p0.1

Ingemann, Bernhardt Severin, [274]Ingemann-p0.1

Irons, William Josiah, [275]IronsWJ-p0.1

Jacobi, John Christian, [276]JacobiJC-p0.1

Jacopone da Todi, [277]Jacopone-p0.1

John of Damascus, [278]JohnDam-p0.1

Johnson, E., [279]JohnsonE-p0.1

Johnson, Samuel, [280]JohnsonS-p0.1

Jones, Edmund, [281]JonesEd-p0.1

Julian, John, [282]JulianJ-p0.1

Keble, John, [283]KebleJ-p0.1

Keen, R., [284]KeenR-p0.1

Kelly, Thomas, [285]KellyT-p0.1

Ken, Thomas, [286]KenTh-p0.1

Kethe, William, [287]KetheW-p0.1

Kimball, Harriet McEwen, [288]KimballH-p0.1

Kipling, Rudyard, [289]KiplingR-p0.1

Lanier, Sidney, [290]LanierS-p0.1

Lathbury, Mary Artemisia, [291]LathburyM-p0.1

Leeson, Jane Elizabeth, [292]LeesonJE-p0.1

Lloyd, William Freeman, [293]LloydWF-p0.1

Longfellow, Samuel, [294]LongfelS-p0.1

Luke, Jemima Thompson, [295]LukeJT-p0.1

Luther, Martin, [296]LutherM-p0.1

Lynch, Thomas Toke, [297]LynchTT-p0.1

Lyte, Henry Francis, [298]LyteHF-p0.1

Macduff, John Ross, [299]MacduffJ-p0.1

Mackay, Margaret, [300]MackayM-p0.1

Macleod, Norman, [301]MacleodN-p0.1

Madan, Martin, [302]MadanM-p0.1

Malan, Henri Abraham Caesar, [303]MalanHA-p0.1

March, Daniel, [304]MarchD-p0.1

Marcy, Elizabeth Eunice, [305]MarcyEE-p0.1

Marriott, John, [306]MarriotJ-p0.1

Marsden, Joshua, [307]MarsdenJ-p0.1

Mason, John, [308]MasonJ-p0.1

Massie, Richard, [309]MassieR-p0.1

Matheson, George, [310]Matheson-p0.1

McDonald, William, [311]McDonalW-p0.1

Medley, Samuel, [312]MedleyS-p0.1

Messenger, John Alexander, [313]Messengr-p0.1

Midlane, Albert, [314]MidlaneA-p0.1

Miller, Emily Huntington, [315]MillerE-p0.1

Mills, Henry, [316]MillsH-p0.1

Milman, Henry Hart, [317]MilmanHH-p0.1

Milton, John, [318]MiltonJ-p0.1

Mohr, Joseph, [319]MohrJ-p0.1

Monod, Theodore, [320]MonodT-p0.1

Monsen, John Samuel Bewley, [321]MonsenJS-p0.1

Montgomery, James, [322]Montgomr-p0.1

Moore, Thomas, [323]MooreT-p0.1

Mote, Edward, [324]MoteEd-p0.1

Moultrie, Gerard, [325]MoultriG-p0.1

Muhlenberg, William Augustus, [326]Muhlenbg-p0.1

Neale, John Mason, [327]NealeJM-p0.1

Needham, John, [328]NeedhamJ-p0.1

Neumark, Georg, [329]NeumarkG-p0.1

Newman, John Henry, [330]NewmanJH-p0.1

Newton, John, [331]NewtonJ-p0.1

Noel, Gerard Thomas, [332]NoelGT-p0.1

North, Frank Mason, [333]NorthFM-p0.1

Olivers, Thomas, [334]OliversT-p0.1

Palmer, Ray, [335]PalmerR-p0.1

Park, Roswell, [336]ParkR-p0.1

Perronet, Edward, [337]Perronet-p0.1

Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden, [338]PhelpsS-p0.1

Pierpoint, Folliott Sanford, [339]Pierpoin-p0.1

Pierpont, John, [340]Pierpont-p0.1

Plumptree, Edward Hayes, [341]Plumptre-p0.1

Pott, Francis, [342]PottF-p0.1

Potter, Thomas Joseph, [343]PotterTJ-p0.1

Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson, [344]Prentiss-p0.1

Procter, Adelaide Anne, [345]ProcterA-p0.1

Prynne, George Rundle, [346]PrynneGR-p0.1

Rabanus Maurus, [347]RabanusM-p0.1

Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, [348]RankinJE-p0.1

Rawson, George, [349]RawsonG-p0.1

Reed, Andrew, [350]ReedAnd-p0.1

Rice, Caroline Laura, [351]RiceCL-p0.1

Richter, Christian Frederic, [352]RichterC-p0.1

Rinkart, Martin, [353]RinkartM-p0.1

Robert IX., [354]RobertIX-p0.1

Roberts, Daniel C., [355]RobertsD-p0.1

Robinson, George, [356]RobinsnG-p0.1

Robinson, Richard Hayes, [357]RobnsnRH-p0.1

Robinson, Robert, [358]RobinsnR-p0.1

Rodigast, Samuel, [359]Rodigast-p0.1

Roscoe, William, [360]RoscoeW-p0.1

Rothe, Johann Andreas, [361]RotheJA-p0.1

Scheffler, Johann Angelus, [362]Schefflr-p0.1

Schmolke, Benjamin, [363]Schmolke-p0.1

Scott, Sir Walter, [364]ScottW-p0.1

Scott, Thomas, [365]ScottT-p0.1

Scriven, Joseph, [366]ScrivenJ-p0.1

Seagrave, Robert, [367]SeagravR-p0.1

Sears, Edward Hamilton, [368]SearsEH-p0.1

Seymour, Aaron Crossley Hobart, [369]SeymourA-p0.1

Shepherd, Thomas, [370]ShephrdT-p0.1

Shurtleff, Ernest Warburton, [371]Shurtlef-p0.1

Singleton, Robert Corbet, [372]SingltnR-p0.1

Slade, Mary B. C., [373]SladeNB-p0.1

Smith, Samuel Francis, [374]SmithSF-p0.1

Spangenberg, Augustus Gottlieb, [375]Spangnbg-p0.1

Spitta, Carl Johann Philipp, [376]SpittaCJ-p0.1

Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, [377]StanleyA-p0.1

Steele, Anne, [378]SteeleA-p0.1

Stennett, Joseph, [379]StennetJ-p0.1

Stennett, Samuel, [380]StennetS-p0.1

Stockton, John Hart, [381]StocktnJ-p0.1

Stone, Samuel John, [382]StoneSJ-p0.1

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, [383]StoweHB-p0.1

Stowell, Hugh, [384]StowellH-p0.1

Stratton, Lovie Ricker, [385]StrattnL-p0.1

Strong, Nathan, [386]StrongN-p0.1

Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey, [387]StrykerM-p0.1

Swain, Joseph, [388]SwainJ-p0.1

Tappan, William Brigham, [389]TappanWB-p0.1

Tate, Nahum, [390]TateNah-p0.1

Taylor, Thomas Rawson, [391]TaylorTR-p0.1

Tennyson, Alfred, [392]TennysnA-p0.1

Tersteegen, Gerhard, [393]Terstegn-p0.1

Theodulph, [394]Theodulf-p0.1

Thomas of Celano, [395]ThomasC-p0.1

Thomson, Mary Ann, [396]ThomsonM-p0.1

Thring, Godfrey, [397]ThringG-p0.1

Toplady, Augustus Montague, [398]TopladyA-p0.1

Tuttiett, Lawrence, [399]TuttietL-p0.1

Twells, Henry, [400]TwellsH-p0.1

Unknown, [401]Unknown-p0.1

Van Alstyne, Mrs. Fanny Crosby, [402]VanAlstn-p0.1

Vokes, Mrs., [403]Vokes-p0.1

Walford, William W., [404]WalfordW-p0.1

Ware, Henry, [405]WareHen-p0.1

Waring, Anna Laetitia, [406]WaringAL-p0.1

Warner, Anna Bartlett, [407]WarnerAB-p0.1

Warren, Willis Fairfield, [408]WarrenWF-p0.1

Waterbury, Jared Bell, [409]Watrbury-p0.1

Watts, Isaac, [410]WattsI-p0.1

Wells, Marcus Morris, [411]WellsMM-p0.1

Wesley, Charles, [412]WesleyC-p0.1

Wesley, John, [413]WesleyJ-p0.1

Wesley, Samuel, [414]WesleyS-p0.1

West, Robert Athow, [415]WestRA-p0.1

White, Henry Kirke, [416]WhiteHK-p0.1

Whittier, John Greenleaf, [417]Whittier-p0.1

Williams, Helen Maria, [418]WilliamH-p0.1

Williams, William, [419]WilliamW-p0.1

Willis, Nathaniel Parker, [420]WillisNP-p0.1

Winchester, Caleb Thomas, [421]WinchstC-p0.1

Winckler, John Joseph, [422]WincklrJ-p0.1

Winkworth, Catherine, [423]Winkwrth-p0.1

Wolcott, Samuel, [424]WolcottS-p0.1

Woodhull, Alfred Alexander, [425]WoodhulA-p0.1

Wordsworth, Christopher, [426]WordswthC-p0.1

Wreford, John Reynell, [427]WrefordJ-p0.1

Xavier, Francis, [428]XavierF-p0.1

Zinzendorf, Count Nicolaus Ludwig, [429]Zinzendf-p0.1

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