For the names of individual arches, basilicas, catacombs, churches, forums, palaces, piazzas, statues, streets, temples, tombs, and villas, see the headings, Arch, Basilica, Catacombs, Churches, etc. Academy of Pomponio, 359. Achilleus, martyr, bas-relief representing his execution, 339 (cut). Acilii Glabriones. See Glabriones. AErarium Saturni, 163. Agapae, 42, 336. Ager Fonteianus, 270. Agrippa, M., 79, 82, 99; Agrippina, fate of her pedestal once in the ustrinum, 183, 184 (cut); her death, 183. Aius Locutius, 72. Albanum, amphitheatre of, 6. Alexamenos, 12. Alexander VII., Pope, 36. Altars, ancient, 33; -- -- of Aius Locutius, 71, 72 (cut); Amasis, King, sphinx of, 94 (cut). Ambrose, S., 43. Amphitheatre at Albanum, 6. Ampliatus, his tomb, 342; Anagni, basilica of, 25. Anastasius IV., Pope, his sarcophagus, 197. Ancyra, Augusteum at, 173. Anisson, Charles d', 36. Annius, a maker of lamps, in Ostia, 17. Annona, 27. Antinous, statue of, 240, 241 (cut). Apollo, in Christian art, 25. Appian Way. See Via Appia. Aqueduct of Damasus, 121. Aquila and Prisca, 110; Arae compitales, 33. See Altars. Arch of Claudius, 99; Arco di S. Lazaro, 181. Argeorum sacraria, 33. Artemisium Nemorense, 59. Arx, 85. Athens, Acropolis, probable origin of the gold found here by Herodes Atticus, 289. Atrium sutorium, 275. Atticus, Herodes, bibliography, 288 n.; Atticus, Pomponius, house of, 191. Atys, 27. Augustea, 173. Augustine, S., his pupil Licentius, 14; Augustus, Emperor, strenae calendariae offered to, 34; offerings in the temple of Concord, 54; Banqueting-halls, 42. Basilica, origin of its plan in that of the private house, 114 (cut); its form derived from the schola, 118. -- -- of Constantine, 162; Bassus, Junius, basilica of, 28. Bassus, Pomponius, 192. Baths, in connection with Christian churches, 37; Bayazid, his gift of the holy lance, 243. Beatrix, martyr, 333; Belloni, Paolo, 151. Benedict VII., Pope, tomb, 234. Benedict XII., Pope, 138. Benedict XIV., Pope, 37. Bernini, influence of his school, 250. Bidentalia, 106. Biga, in the Vatican, 27. Bologna, monumental crosses, 35. Boniface I., Pope, 319. Bonifatius, origin of the name, 344. Bosio, Ant., investigator of the Catacombs, 329. Bovillae, altar to Vedjovis, 68. Bridge of Caligula, 101. Brattius Praesens, 10. Burial, rights of, accorded the Christians, 119; Burial companies, 258. Byzantine princes, their images in Rome, 162. Caecilia, S., her tomb discovered by Pope Paschal I., 326. Caepio, Aulus Crispinius, his tomb, 267. Caesar, Caius, beloved by Augustus, 184. Caesar, Julius, his offerings in the temple of Concord, 54. Caffarella, Valle della, 286. Calda, 357. Caligarii, 274. Caligula, his bridge, so-called, 101; Callixtus, death, 220. -- -- , Catacombs of. See Catacombs. Calpurnii, their tomb, 276; Cambyses, conquest of Egypt, 94. Camillus, capture of Veii, 64. Campagna, 286 (plate). Campo dell' Augusta, 179. Campus Esquilinus, 256. Campus Martius, 74; Candelabrum, in church of SS. Nereo ed Achilleo, 26 (cut); in Church of S. Paolo, 239 (cut). Canevari, Ant., 159. Canova, his tomb of Clement XIII., 250. Capitoline games, 281. Capitoline Hill, 85; Capitoline museum, 15, 42, 59, 70, 93, 106, 190, 255, 290 n. See, also, dei Conservatori, under Palaces. Capitolium. See Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Caracalla, 12. Carrhae, 355. Carthage, excitement against the Christians in, 318. Castel S. Angelo, 234. Catacombs. -- -- of Callixtus, 50, 117, 216, 219, 339; Cippus of Agrippina the Elder, 184 (cut). Circus of Nero and Caligula, 127. Clemens, Flavius, martyr, 3, 6, 7. Clement VIII., 150. Clement IX., 37. Clement XI., 48. Clement XIII., 48; Clivus Rutarius, 270. Cocumelle, 172. Coliseum, Christian churches on the site of, 161. Colonnas, banished from Rome, 179. Columbaria, 256; Columbus, Christopher, birthplace of, 245 n. Column of Antoninus, bas-reliefs, 170, 171 (cuts). Commodus, 313. Concordia Sagittaria, its cemetery, 323. Constantia, S., her mausoleum, 199. Constantine, Emperor, 50; Consul suffectus, 10 n. Convent of the Visitation, 71 n. Cornelii, their family vaults, 218. Cornelius, Pope, his tomb, 215 (cut), 218 (plate); Cortile di S. Damaso, 121. Crassus Frugi, M. Licinius, 277. Cremation, introduced in the 5th century of Rome, 255; Crescentius de Theodora, 234. Crispina, Bruttia, Empress, 10. Cross of Henry IV. of France, 36. Crosses, monumental, 35. Crows, a platform dedicated to, 268. Cups, 43. Cybele, 27. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, 217. Cyril, S., fresco showing the translation of his remains, 32 (plate). Damasus, Pope, 139, 217, 219; Decursiones, 171. Demetrius, 116. Dentists, inscriptions from the tombs of, 353 (cuts). Destruction of Roman monuments in the Middle Ages, 8, 53, 66, 87, 90, 98, 103, 113, 136, 137, 143, 155, 156, 177, 182, 185, 195, 202, 233, 237, 256, 269, 286, 301, 320, 324, 329. Diocletian, persecution of the Christians, 314. Diplomata, 91. Discoveries. See Excavations and discoveries. Doll, found in the sarcophagus of Crepereia Tryphaena, 305. Domitian, 5, 6, 281; Domitilla Flavia, 10; Domitillae, 3. Donatists, 21. Donnus I., Pope, 271. Drinking cups, 43. Egeria, grotto of, 293. Egyptian art, specimens found near the Iseum, 92; Elagabalus, included Christ among the other gods, 13; his extravagances, 131. Episcopus, a municipal officer, 12. Epitaphs, 261, 262; Eugenius IV., Pope, 92, 138. Eupor, Fabius, 310. Excavations and discoveries, in the Campus Martius, 98; in 1374, obelisk of the Piazza della Rotonda, 92; Exedrae, 42. Ex-votos, found on the sites of temples, 58; Faliscan Museum, 354. Farnesina gardens, house discovered in, 263, 264 (plate). Favissae, 58. Flavians, the members of the family who became Christians, 337; their crypt in the Catacombs of Domitilla, 316 (cut), 330, 336 Flowers, feasts of, in ancient times, 49. Fortunatus, S., 360. Forum Julium, 54; Foundation of a city, ceremonies of, 70. Fountain, in the atrium of S. Peter's, 135, 136 (cut); in front of S. Paolo, 155. Frescos. See Paintings. Funeral ceremonies and memorial feasts, 117, 171. Funerary banquets, 42. Funeraticia collegia, 116. Furnilla, Marcia, wife of Titus, 207; Gauls, their invasion foretold by a mysterious voice, 72. Genesius, S., 360. Germano, Padre, 158. Geta, remains of his mausoleum, 196 (cut). Giardino delle Tre Pile, 101. Glabrio, Manius Acilius, consul A. D.91, 5; Glabriones, Acilii, discovery of their burial place, 4; history of the family, 5. Gods, the name and sex of those little known, seldom mentioned, 72. Goths, their pillage of the Catacombs, 324. Graecina, Pomponia, a Christian convert, 9. Graffiti, evidence on the position of the church, 12; in the catacombs, 42, 219, 327, 356. Granaries, 44; Great litany, 165. Greek language used by the church, 216. Gregorian chant, 229. Gregorovius, Ferdinand, 213. Gregory I. (the Great), 47; Gregory XIII., Pope, 48. Grimaldi, 122. Hadrian, Emperor, 49, 99; Hadrian's Mole, and apartments built by Paul III., 247. Hair, restoration of, ascribed to Minerva, 63. Haran, or Charan, 355. Helena, tomb of, 197 (cut), 198 (plate). Henry IV. of France, column of, 36. Hercules, 104; Hermes Trismegistos, 25. Hermione, Claudia, her tomb, 129. Herod, King, profaned the tomb of David, 205. Herodes Atticus. See Atticus. Hierones, 67. Hippolytus, statue of, 141, 143 (cut). Hispellum, temple dedicated to Constantine, 22. Honorius I., Pope, 137. Horace, the Carmen Saeculare, 78, 81. Horrea publica, 44; House of a patrician, discovered in the Farnesina gardens, 263 (cut). Improvvisatori, 281, 283. Innocent VIII., Pope, his tomb, 145, 242 (plate). Inscription, to Acilius Glabrio (cut), 4; Iseum. See Temple of Isis. Isis, altar to, in church of Aracoeli, 27; Italians, tolerant in matters of religion, 16. Januarius, S., his grave in the Catacombs, 322 (cut). Jerome, S., on the celebration of S. Peter's day, 44. Jesuits, expelled from Portugal, Spain, and France, 251. Jews, position in the Roman Empire, 12; Johannipolis, 153. John III., Pope, 38. John VIII., Pope, builds the defences of S. Paolo, 154; defeats the Saracens off Cape Circeo, 154 John X., Pope, death and burial, 235. Jubilee of 1350, 166. Julian the Apostate, 355. Jupiter, statue of, in Constantine, Algeria, 56. Labyrinths, in church pavements, 31. Lamps, ornamented with figure of the Good Shepherd, 18 (cut); found in the Catacombs, 218. Lance, Holy, story of, 243. Laocooen, fragments found under the church of S. Pudentiana, 113. Lateran museum, 141. Lateran palace, its early occupation by the Church, 21. Leo I. (the Great), 155; his tomb, 223. Leo IV., Pope, 137. Leo X., Pope, 93. Leto, Pomponio, his academy, 359. Licentius, a pupil of S. Augustine, his career, 14; his tomb discovered, 14. Licinianus, Calpurnius, 278. Licinii Calpurnii, their tomb, 276; Linus, the successor of Peter and Paul, 125; Lipsanotheca, 166. Locanda della Gaiffa, 181. Loretto, Santa Casa, 25. Louis XIV., pyramid of, in Rome, 36. Love-feasts, 42. Lucca, Cathedral, 31. Lucina, a Christian matron, 9. Ludi saeculares. See Secular games. Ludi Tarentini, 75. Luke, cardinal, his tomb, 159. Mamertine prison, 163. Map of Rome, the author's, 163 n. Marius, pillages the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter, 87. Mark, Pope, 50. Marriages, mixed, in pagan Rome, 15; Martial, Valerius, house of, 192. Martyrs, early, 3; Mausolea. See Tombs. Mellini, Pietro and Mario, 166. Memoriae, 42. Messalina, 277. Meta, its signification lost, 128. Meta di Borgo, 27. Michael, archangel, summits of hills consecrated to, 226; the statue on the mausoleum of Hadrian, 227, 228 (cut). Michelangelo, his first design for S. Peter's, 146. Military inscriptions from the Praetorian camp, 351. Military service of Christians under the Roman Empire, 18. Minerva in Christian art, 25; Monastery of S. Alessio, 235; Monte Mario, 165. Monte Testaccio, 181. Mosaics, in church of S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane, 25; in church of S. Andrea, 29 (cut); Mundus muliebris, 204. Museo delle Terme, 268. Museums. See Capitoline, Lateran, Vatican; Music, religious, school of, established by Gregory, 229. Naples, church of the Olivetans, 25. Nemi, the site of a temple of Diana, 60 (cut). Neptunium. See Temple of Neptune, 99. Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs, 337. Nero, 127, 287; Nerva, 177. Nicomachus Flavianus, attempt to restore paganism, 97. Oaths, 105. Obelisks, discovered in Rome, 92, 97, 172; Oils, 218. Oratories, private, of the early Christians, 109. Orientation of churches, 120, 152. Orpheus, in Christian art, 23 (cut). Ossaria, 256. Ostia, imperial palace at, 25; Otho II., his tomb, 136. Pacuvius, 69. Paetus, Lucilius, tomb of, 283. Pagan rites and customs adopted by the Church, 23. Paintings, fresco in S. Clemente, translation of Cyril's remains, 32 (plate); Palaces: Albani del Drago, 30; Pammachius, 158. Pantheon, 56. Parenzo, Dalmatia, basilica of, 30. Paschal I., Pope, 326. Passion-plays in Rome, 181. Paul, the apostle, his friendship with Seneca, 17; Paul, S., basilica of. See S. Paolo fuori le Mura, under Churches. Paul and Peter, names on a pagan tomb, 16. Paul III., tomb, 245; Paul V., Pope, 48, 136, 144. Paulinus of Nola, 43; Pavements, basilica of Parenzo, 30. Pavia, Church of S. Michele Maggiore, 31. Pelagius II., Pope, 121. Pentecost, celebration of, 50. Perpetua, Acts of, 49. Persecution under Claudius, 310; Peter, S., celebration of the feast of, 43; Peter and Paul, houses connected with their stay in Rome, 110, 112. Petronilla, 3, 200; Phaon, Nero's flight to villa of, 186; Philip the Arab, Emperor, a Christian, 13. Philip the Younger, son of Philip the Arab, bust, 13 (cut). Piacenza, church of S. Sevino, 31; Piazza di S. Maria Maggiore, 172, 182; Pilate, house of, 180. Pincian Hill, palace of the Acilii Glabriones, 5. Piso Frugi Licinianus, L. Calpurnius, 277. Platorinus, C. Sulpicius, his tomb, 265, 268 (plate). Poetical contests on the Capitol, 282. Polla, Lucilia, tomb of, 283. Polla, Minasia, 267 (plate). Pompeius Magnus, son of Licinius Crassus, 277; Pomponius Laetus, 246; Ponderaria, in churches, 39. Pons Vaticanus, 126. Ponte Nomentano, 187 (cut). Pontius, Bishop, 167. Popes, their portraits in the basilicas of Rome, 209; their tombs, 213. Porta Sanqualis, 104. Portico of the Argonauts, 99; Poseidonion. See Temple of Neptune. Praesens, Bruttius, 10. "Preaching of Peter," 124. Priscilla, wife of Abascantus, tomb of, 300. Pudens, 110; Pudens, L. Valerius, 282. Pyramids on the Via Triumphalis, 271. Quadragesima Sunday, 50. Quietus, Postumius, 9. Quindecemviri, call for the celebration of the Secular games, 75. Ravenna, church of S. Vitale, 31. Regilla, Annia, wife of Herodes Atticus, 290; Renaissance, the interest in archaeology, 101. Renzo di Maitano, 32. Rhodismos, 49. Ricci, Lorenzo, 252. Rienzi, 155; Robigalia, 165. Roma Quadrata, 70. Rome, its transformation to a Christian city, 1; Rosaria, 48. Rosationes, 49. Rose, symbolism of, 49; Rossi, De, discovers the crypt of the Acilii Glabriones, 4; discovers tomb of Cornelius, 215; Rousalia, 49. Rues de Jerusalem, 31. Rusalky, 49. Rusticus, Junius, 40. Sabinianus, Pope, sold the grain in the church's granaries, 47. Sabinus, Flavius, 337. Sacellum Sanci, 104. Sacrifices, right to perform, granted to civilians, 57; tariff for, 57. Saint-Omer, church at, labyrinth, 31. Sallust, gardens of, 276. Sancus, worship of, 104. Sannazzaro, tomb of, 25. Saracens in Rome, in 846, 149; Sarcophagi of the Calpurnii, 279, 280 (cut); Sarcophagus, of the empress Helena, 198 (plate); Saturus, martyr, 49. Scholae, 42, 116; Scirtus, charioteer, 260. Seasons, the four, in Christian art, 25. Secular games, the inscription describing them found in 1890, 73 (cut); origin of the games, 74; Semo Sancus, worship of, 104; statue, 105 (cut). Senate, resolutions relating to the Secular games, 80. Senate house, 163. Seneca, his friendship for Paul, 17. Septimius Severus, 12. Sergius II., Pope, 149. Serrae, citizens of, their banqueting-hall, 41. Severus Alexander, relation to Christianity 11, 13. Shoemakers, 274. Shrines, in Rome, 33; Sibyls in Christian art, 24. Siena, Duomo, 25, 32. Silvio Antoniano, an improvvisatore, 283. Simon the Magician, confused with Semo Sancus, 104, 161. Simplicius and Faustinus, martyrs, 332; Siricius, Pope, 112, 152. Sixtus II., Pope, 117. Sixtus V., Pope, the dome of St. Peter's, 146. Skeletons found in tombs, 273, 286. Solomon, Judgment of, represented in a Roman tomb, 270, 271 (cut). Sponges, found in tombs, 303 n. Statues, their immense number in ancient Rome, 52; -- -- to Acilius Glabrio, 5; Stephen III., Pope, 48. Street-shrines in Rome, 33. Streets (ancient): Alta Semita, 190, 191 (cut); Streets (modern): Bocca della Verita, 181; Sublician bridge, 33. Sulla, reconstructed the Capitolium, 87; Sulpicius Maximus, Q., his tomb, 280, 282 (plate); Sutores, 274. Sylvester I., 221. Sylvester II., his tomb, 236. Symmachus, Pope, 37, 135. Syringes, 321. Tablinum, 114. Tabularium, 53. Tarpeian Rock, 89. Tempietto del Bramante, 128. Temples, standards of weights and measures kept in, 40, 51; the art treasures collected in them, 52; Terebinth of Nero, 27. Terentum, the pool, 74. Thebes, the tombs of the kings, 321. Theresa, Empress of Brazil, excavations at Veii, 65, 66. Tiber, ex-votos probably to be found in, 62. Tiberius, Emp., 11, 96; Tiles of the roof of S. Peter's, 139. Tivoli, mensae ponderariae found at, 40; Toilet-box, in the sarcophagus of Crepereia Tryphaena, 303. Tombs of Christians of high rank in Rome, 10; -- -- of Ampliatus, 342; Torre Marancia, 335. Torre Pignattara, 197 (cut). Totila, siege of, A. D.546, 46. Trajan, instructions in regard to the persecution of Christians, 313. Triopium, 290. Tryphaena, Crepereia, her tomb discovered in 1889, 302; objects found in the sarcophagus, 303 (plate). Tubilustrium, 275. Tulliola, daughter of Cicero, 300. Tusculum, Roman expedition against, 177. Urania, daughter of Herodes Atticus, 9. Urban VI., Pope, desecration of his tomb, 146. Urbino, Sphaeristerion, 97. Urns, cinerary, 266. Ustrinum of the imperial family, 170; Val d' Inferno, 287. Valle della Caffarella, 286. Valle dei Morti, 178. Vases, found in the tomb of Maria, 205. Vassalectus, an inscription of, 238 (cut); Vatican district, its early topography, 127. Vatican museum, 26, 93, 105, 106, 182, 185, 198. Vedjovis, shrine of, 85. Vegetus, Valerius, house of, 192. Veii, its capture by Camillus, 64; Verus, Lucius, tomb of his horse, 272. Vestal virgins, 33, 81. Via Appia, 172, 215; Via Dolorosa of Jerusalem, imitated at Rome, 181. Viatrix, S., 334 (cut). Victor, S., Pomponio's academy placed under his patronage, 359. Vigilius, Pope, 46; Vigna Barberini, 162. Vigne Nuove, 287. Villa Amaranthiana, 335; Virgin, immagine di Ponte, 35. Volesus, founds the Ludi Tarentini, 74. Volkanalia, 84. Vortumnus, 104. Votive head, to Minerva, 63 (cut). Votive offerings. See Ex-votos. Warehouses, 44. Wedding presents, of Maria, wife of Honorius, 204; Weights and measures, standards of, 39. Wilpert, Joseph, his skill in tracing old paintings, 358. Xerxes and the battle of Salamis, 289. |