Jesus Went into the Deeps. |
And so to every one of us to-day comes afresh that ringing command, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught." "'Launch out into the deep;' The awful depth of a world's despair; Hearts that are breaking and eyes that weep; Sorrow and ruin and death are there. And the sea is wide; And its pitiless tide Bears on its bosom away. Beauty and youth, In relentless ruth, To its dark abyss for aye. But the Master's voice comes over the sea, 'Let down your nets for a draught for Me.' And He stands in our midst, On our wreck-strewn strand. And sweet and loving is His command. His loving word is to each, to all. And wherever that loving word is heard, There hang the nets of the royal Word. Trust to the nets, and not to your skill; Trust to the royal Master's will. Let down the nets this day, this hour; For the word of a king is a word of power, And the King's own word comes over the sea, Let down your nets for a draught for Me.'" There is a last word that comes up insisting to be said. It is this: Jesus went down into the deeps for us. Deeper deeps than we know or ever shall He sounded with the line of His own life on our behalf. He got badly scarred that night of darkness. It is this scarred Jesus who earnestly asks us to come along after Him so far as we can. His voice with a tenderness of love wrought into it on the cross says to us, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught."