When Lazarus Rose at Christ's Command,
tr., John Brownlie


Dia Lazarou ten egersin Kurie

(Antiphonon G' Echos B')

Echos ho autos

ho autos

ho autos

ho autos

ho autos

When Lazarus rose at Christ's command,

And God was glorified of men,

The children cried Hosanna then,

But Judas would not understand.

When seated with Thy chosen band

Thou didst to Thy disciples say

That one, O Christ, would Thee betray,

But Judas would not understand.

The sop revealed the traitor's hand,

In answer to the question made;

They saw by whom Thou wert betrayed,

But Judas would not understand.

The Jews, O Christ, Thy life demand,

'Twas purchased for a price like this --

For silver pieces and a kiss,

But Judas would not understand.

Thou, with Thine own unstainèd hand,

Didst wash the feet, and humbly teach

That such a task becometh each,

But Judas would not understand.

Watch thou and pray,' was Thy command,

Lest, thoughtless, the disciples fall

Beneath the tempter's bitter thrall;

But Judas would not understand.

when on the cruel cross
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