Abraham's bosom, 131 and note, [1]192 (note) Academics Augustin has a leaning towards the philosophy of the, [2]86 they doubted everything, [3]86, [4]88 Academies, the three, [5]86 (note) Actions of the patriarchs, [6]65 Adam averted death by partaking of the tree of life, [7]73 (note) the first and second, [8]162 (note) Adeodatus, Augustin's son helps his father in writing The Master, [9]134 and note he is baptized by Ambrose, [10]134 (note) Adversity the blessing of the New Testament, prosperity of the Old, [11]76 (note) uses of, [12]159 (note) Aeneas, the wanderings of, [13]51 AEneid quotations from the, [14]51, [15]53 Affections in darkened, lies distance from God, [16]53 inordinate, bring their own punishment, [17]51, 53, [18]55 Agentes in rebus, their office, [19]123 and note Evodius is one of the, [20]135 Agonistic garland, Augustin receives the, 69 Allegories in Scripture, [21]92 (note) Augustin was fond of, [22]189 (note) Altar, Augustin begs that his mother may be remembered at the, [23]141 Alypius, bishop of Thagaste, [24]90 (note) was born at that city, [25]94 had studied there and at Carthage, [26]94 his love of the circus, [27]94 was taken up as a thief at Carthage, [28]96 how his innocence was proved, [29]96 his integrity in judgment and at Milan, [30]97 his discussion with Augustin as to celibacy, 98 Augustin undertakes to write the life of, [31]99 (note) retires with Augustin into the garden, [32]124 the conversion of, [33]128. Ambrose, bishop of Milan, effect of his preaching, [34]45 his ministry, [35]45 and note Augustin makes his acquaintance, and is received by him in a fatherly way, [36]88 his eloquence, [37]88 distinction between his teaching and that of Faustus, and its influence, [38]88 Monica's love for, [39]89, [40]90 celibacy of, [41]91 in his study, [42]91 he expounded the Scriptures every Lord's day, 91 Simplicianus succeeds him as bishop, [43]116 the Song of, and Augustin, [44]134 (note) is persecuted by Justina, the mother of Valentinian, [45]134 and note miracles wrought in behalf of, [46]134 Amelius the Platonist, [47]107 (note) Ampitheatre of Titus, Gibbon's description of the, [48]95 (note) Anaximenes of Miletus, his notions about God, 144 and note Angels source of their blessedness, [49]112 (note) God's eternity manifest in their unchangeableness, [50]179 Augustin asserts that they are changeable, 180 misery of, shows their former excellence, 192 Answer to prayer of Monica, [51]67, [52]84 Augustin's faith strengthened by, [53]133 Antony, an Egyptian monk the founder of Monachism, [54]122 was born at Thebes, and visited Paul in the desert before his death, [55]122 (note) Anubis, [56]119 Apokatastasis, the doctrine unnecessary, [57]79 (note) Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea, [58]113 (note) Approbation, Augustin's love of, [59]75 especially that of Hierius, [60]75 Arcesilas, teaching of, [61]86 (note) Arche, "The Beginning," applied to Christ, [62]166 (note) Architect, God the great, [63]72 (note), [64]157 Alypius and the, [65]97 Argument, Augustin's power in, [66]67 and note Arians, the Empress Justina seduced by the, 131 Aristotle's Ten Predicaments, [67]77 categories of, [68]77 and note he and Zeno prepared the way for Neo-Platonism, [69]86 (note) Arius, Victorinus wrote some books against, 117 (note) Arts, liberal, Augustin understood the books relating to the, unaided, [70]77 Asceticism, of Paul of Thebais, [71]122 (note) Manichæan, as compared with Christian, [72]122 (note) by embracing, we virtually deny the right use of God's gifts, [73]155 (note) Astrologers, Augustin's classification of, [74]69 (note) belief of the Jews in, [75]69 (note) divinations of the, [76]105 were called mathematicians, [77]106 (note) Astrology, refutation of, [78]105, [79]106 Atoms, in nature no two touch, [80]127 (note) Atonement, the, [81]162 Augustin, describes his infancy, [82]47 etc his boyhood, [83]49-54 how he learns to speak, [84]49 he prays to God that he may not be beaten, 49 his fondness for play, [85]49 educated from his mother's womb in the true faith, [86]50 he was signed with the cross, and seasoned with salt, [87]50 and note his hatred of study and the Greek language, but delight in Latin and the empty fables of the poets, [88]51 the reason of this, [89]52 Homer distasteful to him because it was in Greek, [90]52 he entreats that whatever he learnt as a boy may be dedicated to God, [91]52 his declamation applauded above that of his fellows, [92]53 he was more afraid of making a mistake in grammar than of offending God, [93]53 he committed petty thefts and sought dishonest victories at play, [94]54 he deplores the wickedness of his youth, 55 especially that of his sixteenth year, 56 he used to go to Madaura to learn grammar and rhetoric his father, though only a poor freeman of Thagaste, made a great sacrifice to send his son to Carthage, 56 he plumes himself upon being more licentious than his fellows his mother unwisely opposes his marrying, 57 he robs a neighbouring pear-tree from a love of mischief, [95]57 he is caught in the snares of a licentious passion, 60 his love of stage-plays, [96]60 he is affected by a foul spiritual disease, 61 his sacrilegious curiosity, [97]61 not even to church does he suppress his desires, [98]61 he becomes head in the school of rhetoric, 61 he begins to study eloquence, [99]61 his father dies in his seventeenth year, [100]61 in his nineteenth year he is led by the Hortensius of Cicero to philosophy, [101]61 he rejects the Sacred Scriptures as too simple, [102]62 he falls into the errors of the Manichæans, 62, [103]76 his longing after truth, [104]62, [105]63 Manichæan system peculiarly enthralling to an ardent mind like his, [106]63 (note) his desire for knowledge caused him to join the Manichæans, [107]64 (note) his victory over inexperienced persons, [108]67 and note the nine years from his nineteenth year, 68-78 he teaches rhetoric, [109]68 he has a mistress, [110]68 he receives the Agonistic garland, [111]70 he is given to divination, [112]70 his friend's illness and death, [113]70 he leaves Thagaste and goes to Carthage, 72 he writes books on the "Fair and Fit," [116]73 he dedicates them to Hierius; he longs for his commendation, [117]74, [118]75 he turns his attention to the nature of the mind, [119]75 in what he conceived the chief good to consist, [120]75 he calls it a Monad, and the chief evil a Duad, [121]76 when scarce twenty, he understood Aristotle's Ten Predicaments, [122]77 his ready understanding of the liberal arts, 77, and sciences, [123]77 his wit a snare to him, [124]77 the twenty-ninth year of his age, [125]79-88 he begins to appreciate the knowledge of God above secular learning, [126]81 he points out the fallacy of the Manichæan belief as to the Paraclete, [127]81 (note) he withdraws from the errors of the Manichæans, being remarkably aided by God, [128]83 he leaves Carthage to go to Rome, [129]84 he deceives his mother, [130]84 he is attacked by fever, [131]84 is restored [132]85 becomes one of the "elect" of the Manichæans, 86 his view of Arcesilas' philosophy, [133]86 (note) his erroneous views as to Christianity, [134]86 he goes to Milan to teach rhetoric, and there makes the acquaintance of Ambrose, [135]88 he resolves to abandon the Manichæans and become a catechumen, [136]88 his thirtieth year, [137]88-101 his mother follows him over the sea, [138]89 he recognises the falsity of his old opinions, 92 he describes how Alypius, led into the circus by his fellow-students, becomes fascinated by the fights held there, [139]95, [140]96 he becomes inflamed with the love of wisdom, 98 he is troubled in mind, [141]98, [142]100 he is prevented from marrying by Alypius, 98 he undertakes to write the life of Alypius, [143]99 (note) is urged by his mother to marry, and a maiden sought for him, [144]99 he sends his mistress back to Africa, but takes another, [145]100 in his thirty-first year he recalls the beginning of his youth, [146]102-115 his conception of God, [147]102 and note, [148]103, 104 his mind is severely exercised as to the origin of evil, [149]106 is stimulated to wisdom by the Hortensius of Cicero, [150]107 (note), [151]123 his conception of Christ, [152]112 he rejoices that he proceeded from Plato to the Scriptures, and not the reverse, [153]114 he found in the latter what was not in the former, [154]114 he consults Simplicianus as to the renewing of his mind, [155]116 he describes the thirty-second year of his age, [156]116, [157]128 he is still held by the love of women, [158]116 he burns to imitate Victorinus, [159]120 his review of his life, [160]123; he retires with Alypius into the garden, 124 his trouble of spirit, [161]125 he refutes the Manichæan notion of two kinds of minds, [162]125, [163]126 was still enthralled by his old loves, [164]126 he retires into solitude to meditate, and hears a voice saying, "Take up and read," [165]127 his reason for giving up his professorship, 129, [166]130 (note) his lungs become affected, [167]130 he retires to the villa of his friend Verecundus, [168]130 he finally gives up the professorship, [169]131 he found in retirement preparation for future work, [170]131 (note) effect of the Psalms on him, especially the fourth, [171]131, [172]132 his anger against the Manichæans, [173]132 in his thirty fourth year he writes his book The Master, a dialogue between him and his son, 133; he suffers from toothache, but loses it in answer to prayer, [174]133 he attributes all that he was to his mother's tears, [175]135 (note) his last conversation with his mother, [176]137 his grief at her death, [177]139-140 he is troubled that he was so long without God, [178]152 effect of church music on him, [179]156 object and use of his Confessions [180]143, [181]163 he entreats of God that he may be led to the truth through the Scriptures, [182]163, [183]164 he designates Eraclius as his successor, 163; he prays to be taught by God, [184]170 his old notions as to matter, [185]177 his longings for the heavenly Jerusalem, 182 was addicted to the allegorical explanation of Scripture, [186]190 Authority, and morals, [187]65 of the holy writings, [188]93 and note Bacon, the sentiments of, concerning friendship, [189]72 (note) Baptism Augustin being seized with illness, prays for, 50 on his recovery it was postponed, [190]50 in Augustin's days often deferred till death approached, [191]50 (note) wrongly deferred, [192]50 (note) guilt after, greater than before, [193]50 and note those who attended stage-plays were excluded from, by the Fathers, [194]60 (note) that of Nebridius took place when he was ill and unconscious, [195]70 candidates for, seasoned with salt, [196]89 (note) martyrdom described as a second [197]90 (note) the washing of, called illumination, [198]118 (note), [199]194 renunciation of Satan before, [200]118 (note) customs of the Eastern Churches at, [201]119 (note) being the sacrament of initiation, is not so profitable without the Lord's Supper, [202]199 (note) gives life, Lord's Supper maintains it, 199 the entrance into the Church [203]199 (note) [Hebrew] and [Hebrew] distinguished, [204]115 (note) Basilica, the Portian, [205]134 and note Bath, soothing powers of the, [206]139 Bauto, the consul at Milan, [207]94 (note) Beasts of the field, symbolical of those given to carnal pleasures, 80 (note), [208]81 clean and unclean, explanation of the division of, [209]91 (note) Beautiful, love of the, [210]74 Beauty of God, [211]46, [212]63 Beggar, the joyous, [213]94 Beginning, Christ the, of all things; the Word the, 166 the words, "In the beginning," interpreted differently, [214]183, [215]187 Bible literary, merit of the, [216]62 (note), [217]81 (note) the Psalms "a Bible in little," [218]131 (note) Birds of the air symbolical of pride, [219]80 (note) Blessedness, true, to be attained only by adhering to God, [220]190 (note) Blind man, the, cured, [221]134 his vow, [222]134 (note) Blindness, Augustin compares sin to, [223]192 (note) Body, soul, and spirit, [224]111 (note) as distinct from soul, [225]111, [226]112 the mind commands the [227]125 Books, the Manichæan, [228]83 Boyhood, Augustin's fondness for play in, 50 he thanks God for his, [229]54 Caesar, Christ paid tribute to, [230]80 Calling upon God, [231]45 Carthage, Augustin sent by his father to pursue his studies at, [232]56, [233]60 he leaves that city on account of the violent habits of the students there, [234]84 Cassiacum, Verecundus' villa at, [235]130 Catechumens, seasoned with salt, [236]50 and note, 89 (note) or "Hearers" of the Manichæans, their privileges, [237]66 (note) Augustin resolves to become one in the Catholic Church, [238]88 customs of, at baptism, [239]119 (note) before baptism, [240]197 (note) when ready for, they were termed Competentes, 197(note) Categories of Aristotle maybe classed under two heads, [241]77and note Catiline loved not his villanies, but had a motive for committing them, [242]58 Cavils, Manichæan [243]167, 174 Celibacy, discussion of Augustin and Alypius concerning, [244]98, [245]99 Chief evil, nature of the, [246]76 Chief good, Augustin's conception of the, [247]75 Varro gives [248]288different opinions as regards the, [249]75(note) God the, [250]194, 151(note) Childhood, the sins of, found in manhood; an emblem of humility, [251]54 Christ, the fulness of the Godhead is in, 62 perfect human sympathy of, [252]71 (note) humiliation of, for us, [253]74and note our very life, [254]74 paid tribute to Caesar, [255]80 humanity of, [256]85 (note), [257]108 Manichæan belief as to the human birth of, 87(note) fulness of, [258]108 the Mediator, [259]112, [260]114 (note) a perfect man, [261]113 the two natures of, [262]113 (note), [263]161 and note, 162 as God, the country to which we go, as man, the way by which we go, [264]114 healing in Him alone, [265]114 the Victor and Victim, Priest and Sacrifice, 162 the Beginning, [266]166 Christian, certainty of the faith of the, as compared with the uncertainty of the teaching of the philosophers, 86(note) the almost and altogether, [267]121(note) Christianity gives the golden key to happiness, [268]75(note) Augustin's erroneous views as to, [269]86(note) Church, the, history of, creation type of the, [270]194 music of, its effect on Augustin, [271]156 Circensian games, Alypius' love of the, [272]94 how cured of it, [273]95 he becomes Augustin's pupil, and is involved in the same superstition as his friend, [274]95 Augustin becomes carried away by the love of the, [275]95 they were put a stop to by the sacrifice of Telemachus the monk, [276]96 (note) Cicero's writings as compared with the Word of God, [277]81(note) his opinion concerning Arcesilas' teaching, 86(note) Augustin studies his Hortensius, [278]61, and is stimulated to wisdom thereby, [279]107(note), 123, [280]124 Circus, games of the, [281]95and note, 158(note) Classics, highly esteemed in Augustin's day, 51 objections to the study of the, [282]53 Commandments, modes of dividing the Ten, [283]65and note Community, Augustin and his friends propose to establish a, [284]99, [285]100 Companions, influence of bad, [286]59 Competentes, name given to catechumens when ready for baptism, [287]197 Conception of Christ, Augustin's, [288]112 of God, [289]102 and note, [290]103, [291]104 Confession to God, Augustin urges the duty of, 79 is piety, [292]81 useof Augustin's, [293]143 object of his, [294]163 Confirmation sometimes called a sacrament by the Fathers, [295]118(note) Constantine was not baptized till the end of his life, [296]50(note) his controversy with Sylvester, [297]69(note) Constantius enacted laws against Paganism, 120 Contemplation, the Christian ascends the mount of, by faith, [298]181(note) the reward of practical duties, [299]197 of things eternal, [300]197 (note) Continency, false and seducing, of the Manichæans [301]95and note beauty of, [302]126 imposed on us, [303]153, Continentia and Sustinentia, difference between, [304]153(note) Conversion, Monica's dream of her son's, 66 of Victorinus, [305]119 of Paul, [306]120 and note, [307]138(note) of Alypius, [308]128 Converts, how received in Justin Martyr's time, [309]118 (note) Corporeal brightness, Augustin thought of God as a, [310]71(note), [311]77 of the Manichæans [312]109 (note) forms, Augustin's mind ranges through, [313]75, [314]76, but later on he repudiates the notion of a, [315]92 Corruption, the five regions of, [316]103 Courtiers, history of the two, [317]122-123 Creasti, explanation of, [318]115 Creation praises God, [319]79, 110 harmony of the, [320]110-111 testifies to a Creator, [321]165 time began from the not it from time, [322]188 (note) doctrine of the Trinity emblemized in the, 191 history of the, a type of the Church, Creator, true joy to be found only in the, 58 putting the creature above the, [323]81 God the, [324]165 Credulity of the Manichæans, [325]93(note) Cross of Christ symbolized, [326]52(note) Curds, the mountain of, [327]130and note Curiosity, a help to learning, [328]52 affects a desire for knowledge, [329]58 Augustin's sacrilegious, [330]61 fishes of the sea symbolical of, [331]80(note) evil of, to Augustin, [332]95 a snare to Alypius, [333]99 temptation of, stimulated by the lust of the eyes, [334]157, [335]158 for experiment's sake, [336]158 manifold temptations of, [337]158 Curtain of Ps. civ.2, rendered "skin," [338]195(note) Custom, force of, [339]52 true inner righteousness doth not judge according to, [340]64 versus law, [341]84 conforming to, [342]90 (note) the weight of carnal, [343]111 power of, [344]121 Customs, human, to be obeyed, [345]65 Cyprian, oratory in memory of, [346]84 Danae, [347]52 Daniel praying in captivity, [348]181(note) Darkness and light, [349]103 (note) Dead, prayers for the, [350]90 (note), [351]139, [352]141 (note) festivals in honour of the, [353]90 origin of the custom, [354]90 (note) Death, origin of the law of, [355]73 (note) Augustin says Adam was able to avert it by partaking of the tree of life, [356]73 (note) Death-bed baptism of Nebridius, [357]70 Declamation, Augustin's, applauded above that of his fellow-students, [358]53 "Deep, the great," Augustin's interpretation of the, [359]191 (note), [360]194 (note) Dido, [361]51 Distentio, distraction, [362]174 and notes Divination, the soothsayers used sacrifices in their, [363]68 the mathematicians did not do so, [364]69 Augustin's obstinate belief in, but his friend Nebridius scoffs at it, [365]70 afterwards influenced by Augustin, he too believes in it, [366]70 of the astrologers, [367]105, [368]106 Divinity of Christ, [369]113 (note) Docetae, belief of the, [370]113 (note) Donatism, how developed in Augustin's time, [371]90 (note) spiritual pride of the Donatists, [372]162 (note) Drachma, the woman and the, [373]119, [374]149 Dream of Monica concerning her son's conversion, 66 temptation in, [375]154 Augustin's view of, [376]154 (note) Thorwaldsen's, result of, [377]154 (note) Drunkenness forbidden by God, [378]154, [379]155 Duad, Monad and, [380]76 and note how this dualistic belief affected the Manichæan notion of Christ, [381]87 (note) Dust, the mathematicians drew their figures in, [382]77 (note) Ear, the delights of the, [383]156 Earth, beauty of the, [384]144 (note) East, turning to the, at baptism, [385]119, (note) Education, Augustin disapproves of the mode of, in his day, [386]52 Egyptians, Faustus' objection to the spoiling of the, [387]66 (note) gold of the, belongs to God, [388]109 and note "Elect" of the Manichæans, [389]66 and note, [390]68, 83 (note) Augustin becomes one of the, [391]86 divine substance in the, [392]103, [393]104, [394]155 (note) Eloquence, wit and, baits to draw man to the Word, [395]45 (note) Augustin begins to study, [396]61 Greek and Latin, Hierius' knowledge of, [397]75 of Ambrose, [400]88 Endiathetos, "in the bosom of the Father," [401]108 (note), [402]166 (note) Enemies of God, who are the, [403]79 (note) Epicureanism, [404]100 popularity of, [405]100 (note) Eraclius, Augustin designates, as his successor, [406]163 (note) Esau, Jacob and, illustrations concerning, 106 his longing after the Egyptian food, [407]108 and note Eternal, on comprehending the, [408]167, [409]175 (note) Eternity, of God, [410]48, [411]109 and note; relation of, to the mutable creature, [412]179 time has no relation to, [413]167 God's to-day is, [414]168; reason leads us to the necessity of a belief in, [415]173 (note) has no succession, [416]175 (note) Eucharist, oblations for the, [417]85 (note) regeneration necessary before the reception of the [418]118 (note), [419]138 (note) called by the ancients "the sacrament of perfection;" maintains life which baptism gives, [420]200 Augustin's interpretation of the, [421]200 (note) Eunuchus, Terence's, [422]53 and note Eversores, or subverters, [423]61 and note Evil whence is? - see Manichæans Augustin's notions concerning, [424]64 (note) the chief Augustin calls a Duad, [425]76 Manichæan doctrine of, [426]83 (note), [427]86, [428]87 the cause of, [429]103, [430]104 origin of, [431]104-106 not a substance, [432]110, [433]111 Augustin's notion of, [434]110 (note) Evil habits bind like iron, [435]120 and note, 121 conviction powerless against, [436]121 Evodius became associated with Augustin, [437]135 he leads the singing at Monica's funeral, 139 Augustin's endeavours to unravel his difficulties as to the spirits in prison, [438]164 (note) Excess, by grace we avoid, [439]155 Eyes, the lust of the, [440]157, [441]158 Fables, Manichæan, [442]83 and note old wives', [443]85 the use of, common with mediaeval writers, [444]164 (note) "Fair and Fit, Augustin's book as to the, [445]74, 76 Faith, preaching leads to, [446]45 the Manichæans exalted reason at the expense of, [447]63 (note) the rule of, [448]67, [449]128 reason and, [450]93 and note and sight, [451]201 (note) Fame, the emptiness of popular, [452]68 Fasting enjoined by Justin Martyr as a preparation for baptism, [453]118 (note), [454]154 (note) Faustus, a bishop of the Manichæans, goes to Carthage, [455]80 eloquence of, [456]82, [457]83 his knowledge superficial, [458]82, [459]83 distinction between his teaching and that of Ambrose, [460]88 Fear, "pure," [461]69 (note) joy in proportion to past [462]119, [463]120 Fever, Nebridius falls sick of a, and dies, 70 Augustin is attacked by, [464]4 Fichte's strange idea as to St. John's teaching concerning the word, [465]185 (note) Fictions, Augustin's love of, [466]52, [467]53 results of, to Augustin, [470]61 Manichæan [471]63 Augustin's reply to Faustus as to Manichæan 93 (note) Fideles, the, [472]89 Fig-tree, Manichæan delusions concerning, 66 Firmament, allegorical explanation of the, 195, [473]196, [474]199 (note) Firminius, a friend of Augustin's, [475]105 studies the constellations, and relates a story to disprove astrology, [476]105, [477]106; Fish of the sea, symbolical interpretation of the, [478]80 (note), [479]200 (note) Flesh, the Word made, [480]107 and note, [481]108, [482]112-113, 162 as distinct from body, [483]164 (note) Forgetfulness the privation of memory, [484]148, 149 Fortunatus, Augustin's controversy with, 103 Free-will, [485]76 and note the cause of evil, [486]103, [487]104 absence of, the punishment of former sin, 125 the Pelagians held that through the power of, they could attain perfection, [488]140 (note) Friendship, of the world enmity to God, [489]51 between Augustin and Nebridius, [492]70 of Pylades and Orestes, [493]71 Lord Bacon's sentiments as to, [494]72 (note) Fruit, distinction between the "gift" and the, 203, [495]200 of the earth allegorized, [496]203 Funerals, Roman customs at, [497]139 (note) rites at Monica's, [498]139 and note Gassendi vitalized Epicureanism, [499]100 (note) Genesis, what Moses meant in the book of, [500]186 repetition of the allegorical interpretation of, [501]206 Gibbon, his description of the amphitheatre of Titus, [502]95 (note) his charge of Platonism against Christianity, 107 (note) Gifts, diversities of, given by the Spirit, [503]197 distinction between the "gift" and the "fruit," [504]203-204 Gnostic opinion as to the origin of the world, 205 God, worthy of praise, [505]45, [506]79 man desires to praise Him, His power and wisdom, [507]45 true rest in Him only, [508]45, [509]59, [510]74, [511]161 knowledge of, [512]45 Augustin longs for that knowledge, [513]158 (note) omnipresence of, [514]79 attributes of, [515]45-46, [516]58 naught can contain, [517]46 He filleth all things, [518]46 by filling them He created them, [519]72 majesty of, [520]46 and note unchangeableness of, [521]46, [522]63, [523]73, [524]79 (note), 116 always working, yet always at rest, [527]46, 207 imperfect man cannot comprehend the perfect, 46 (note) providence of, [528]47 eternal, [529]48, [530]109 and note is Truth, [531]62, [532]72, [533]81, [534]109 and note, [535]151, [536]152, 187 and note sought wrongly not to be found, [537]63 His care of us, [538]67 held by the Manichæans to be an unmeasured light, [539]68 (note) the true light, [540]76 (note), [541]109 and note, 157 the source of light, [542]112 (note) the fountain of light, [543]161 the architect and artificer of His Church, [544]72 (note) wounds only to heal, [545]72 (note) should be our highest love, [546]72 all good is from, [547]74 unity of, [548]77 our supreme good, [549]78, [550]151 (note) to be preferred to learning, [551]87 Augustin's conception of, [552]102 and note, [553]103, 104 incomprehensible, [554]102 incorruptibility of, [555]103 and note, [556]104 never suffers evil, [557]104 the Chief Good, [558]105 subjection to, our only safety, [559]107 the Word, [560]108 "I am that I am," [561]109, 110 (note) hope and joy in Him alone, [562]142,153 searchings after, [563]144-145 the Creator, [564]165 the Immutable Light of wisdom, [565]190 (note) the mercy of, in conveying His truth by symbols, [566]199 Gods, why the poets attributed wickedness to the, [567]52 Homer transfers things human to the, [568]52 Gold of Egypt, [569]109 and note Good, the Manichæans taught that good and evil were primeval, and had independent existence, [570]64 (note) all, is from God, [571]74 Augustin's conception of the chief, [572]75, 105 God our Supreme, [573]78, [574]151, [575]190 (note) and evil illustrated, [576]110 (note) God saw that everything in creation was, [577]204, 205 Grace, the fulfilment of love, [578]183 (note) Grammar, the Christians forbidden by Julian to teach, [579]120 Grammar schools entrances of, covered with veils, [580]51 and note Great, joy in the conversion of the, [581]120 and note influence of the, [582]120 (note) Greek, Augustin's dislike to, [583]51 the reason of his dislike, [584]51, [585]52 his knowledge of, [586]107 (note) eloquence, Hierius' knowledge of, [587]74, [588]75 Greeks, led to Christ by philosophy, [589]107 (note) Grief, Augustin's, at the death of his friend, [590]70-71 at his mother's death, [591]139, [592]140 effect of time on, [593]72 silence a good consoler in, [594]127 (note) at the death of friends natural, [595]139 (note) Habits, evil, bind like iron, [596]120 and note conviction powerless against, [597]121 Happiness, Christianity gives the golden key to, [598]75 (note) knowledge of God the highest, [599]81 the Word of God a fount of, [600]81 (note) whence comes true, [601]124 consummation of, in heaven only, [602]131 (note) not joy merely, but joy in God, [603]152 Happy life, longings after the, [604]160-161 to be found in God only, [605]151 Harts of the forests, [606]164 and note "Hearers" or catechumens, privileges of the, [607]66 (note) why Augustin never went beyond the rank of a, 68 (note) did not practise abstinence, [608]155 (note) Heart, the law written on the, [609]74 (note) humility exalts the, [610]74 (note) lifting up of the, [611]192 (note) of man, Augustin interprets the "deep" to mean, [612]194 (note) Heaven, rest in, [613]45 (note), [614]207 the double, [615]176 the third, [616]176 the felicity of, [617]45 (note) fulness of reward in, [618]76 (note) consummation of happiness only in, [619]131 (note) a prepared place for prepared people, [620]192 (note) and earth shall pass away, but not the Word, 196 the peace of, [621]207 Heaven and earth, different interpretations of, [622]182, [623]183 Heavenly bodies, motions of the, not time, 171, [624]172 Hebrew, Augustin had no knowledge of, [625]164, [626]165 and note Hedonism and Epicureanism, [627]100 (note) Hedonists, their "good" is their own pleasure, 75 (note) Helpidius, disputes with the Manichæans, 87 Heresies confirm the truth, [628]113 Hierius, a native of Syria, an orator of Rome, [629]74 Augustin dedicates his books on the " Fair and Fit " to, [630]74 Hippocrates, Vindicianus early understood, 70 Holy City, light, life, and joy of the, is in God, [631]191 (note) Holy Spirit, why spoken of in Genesis as "borne over," [632]191, 192 brings us to God, [633]192 Homer, distasteful to Augustin because it was Greek, 51 fictions of, [634]52 Honoratus, a friend of Augustin, at one time a Manichæan [635]88 (note) Hope, we are saved and made happy by, [636]76 (note) all, is in the mercy of God, [637]153 Hope and joy in God alone, [638]142 Horace, quotation from, [639]71 Horoscope-casters, Vindicianus begs Augustin to throw away the books of the, [640]69 Hortensius, Cicero's, [641]52 Augustin's study of, [642]61 he is stimulated to wisdom thereby, [643]107 (note), [644]123, [645]124 Hour-glasses of Augustin's time, [646]163 Human life a distraction, [647]174 Humanity of Christ, [648]71 (note), [649]85 (note), [650]113 (note) Augustin thinks it profane to believe in the, 87 Manichæans' belief as to the, [651]87 (note) Humiliation of Christ for us, [652]74 to draw us to Himself, [653]74 (note) Humility, childhood the emblem of, [654]54 exalts the heart, [655]74 (note) the holy, of Scripture, [656]93 Hyle, or matter, the evil principle of the Manichæans [657]76 (note) Ichthus emblem of the, [658]200 (note) Ignorance, danger of, [659]47 (note) Illumination, the washing of baptism, [660]118 (note), [661]194 (note), [662]198 (note) Image of God, man created in the, [663]91 (note) Importunity, Monica's, to the bishop, [664]67 Incarnation of Christ, Manichæans, notion of the, [665]87 (note) a mystery to Porphyry, [666]161 (note) Infancy, sin in, [667]47 (note) waywardness in, [668]47, [669]48 prone to sin, [670]48, [671]49 its innocence is not in its will, but in its weakness, [672]48 Injury man does himself by sin, [673]79 (notes) Intuitionists, their "good" lies in following the dictates of conscience, [674]75 (note) Jacob and Esau, illustration concerning, 166 Jerome, his knowledge of Hebrew, [675]165 (note) Jerusalem, Augustin longs for the heavenly, [676]182 and note the mother of us all, [677]192 (note) Jews, the, their influence on Neo-Platonism, [678]118 (note) Julian the Apostate favoured the, and encouraged them to rebuild the temple, [679]120 (note) Jove, [680]52 Joy, true, to be found in the Creator only, [681]58 true and false, [682]94 source of true, [683]94, [684]151, in proportion to past fear, [685]119 in the conversion of the great, [686]120 (note) and hope, in God alone, [687]142 Julian, the Emperor, forbade the Christians to teach grammar and oratory, [688]120 he favoured Paganism, the Donatists, and the Jews, [689]120 Justice and mercy, illustration of God's, [690]133 (note) Justin Martyr, [691]107 (note) how converts were received in his time, [692]118 (note) Justina, persecution of Ambrose by, [693]134 and note qn' and br' distinguished, [694]115 (note) Knowledge of God, [695]45 the highest happiness, [696]81 Augustin's great aim was to attain, [697]158 (note) Knowledge, human, more sought than divine, [700]53, [701]54 curiosity affects a desire for, [702]58 Augustin's desire for, made him join the Manichæans, [703]64 (note) has to do with action, [704]197 (note) not to be an end, [705]158 received by sight, [706]201 difference between that and divine, [707]207 Latin, Augustin's love of, [708]51, [709]52 Law of God, the same in itself, but different in application, [710]64 of development in Scripture, [711]64 of death, [712]73 (note) written on the heart (lex occults), [713]74 (note) and custom, [714]84 Levitical, concerning the division of beasts into clean and unclean, [715]91 (note) natural and moral, [716]196 (note) Laws, human, to be obeyed, [717]65 God to be obeyed in, or contrary to laws, [718]65, 66 and note Learning, rudiments of, distasteful to Augustin, [719]51 curiosity a help to, [720]52 vanity of, [721]53 knowledge of God to be appreciated above secular, [722]81 to be preferred to money, and God to it, 87 Lentile, the Egyptian food, [723]108 (note) Liberal arts and sciences, [724]68, [725]77, [726]80 Faustus had no knowledge of the, [727]82 Augustin sees that a knowledge of, does not lead to God, [728]158 (note) Licentius' notion concerning truth, [729]123 (note) Life, seeking for the blessed, [730]74 Christ our very, [731]74 longing after the blessed, [732]150-152 the misery of human, [733]153 Light, the Manichæans held God to be an unmeasured, [734]68 (note) God the true, [735]76 and note, [736]157 and darkness, [737]103 (note) God the unchangeable, [738]109 and note, [739]112 God the source of, [740]112 (note) that seen by Tobias, [741]157 that seen by Isaac and by Jacob, [742]157 the fountain of, [743]161 what Augustin understood by the Word in Genesis i.3, [744]191 Likeness to God, our, [745]91 (note) Little things, the power of, [746]135 (note), 136 Logos, the, [747]107 (note), [748]113, [749]166 Lord's Supper. See Eucharist Love, pure, [750]69 (note) God should be our highest, [751]72 love not to be condemned, but love in God is to be preferred, [752]73 of the beautiful, [753]74 of the world, [754]79 what it is to love God, [755]144 of praise, [756]159, [757]160 (note) grace the fulfilment of, [758]182 (note) supremacy of the law of, [759]188 (note) Loving God purely, [760]69 and note Lust of the flesh, the, continency from, [761]153 analogy between, and one of our Lord's temptations, [762]153 (note) eating and drinking a, [763]154, [764]155 of the eyes, curiosity stimulated by the, [765]157, 158 difference between it and love, [766]153 (note) Luther's Bible in Little, [767]131 (note) Madaura, formerly an episcopal city, now a village -- Augustin learnt grammar and rhetoric there, [768]56 Man, moved by God to delight in praising Him, 45 his existence from God, [769]45, [770]46 imperfect, cannot comprehend the perfect, [771]46 (note) made in God's image, [772]64, [773]91 (note) a great deep, [774]75 injures himself, not God, by sin, [775]79 (notes) Christ as, [776]108 a triad, [777]111 the trichotomy of, [778]111 (note), [779]113 (note) the Mediator between God and, [780]112 Christ a perfect, [781]113, [782]114 (note) knoweth not himself, [783]144 God does not need, although He created him, 190, [784]191 and note faint signs of the Trinity in, [785]193 and note how Augustin interprets the dominion of, over the beasts, [786]200 is renewed in the knowledge of God after His image, [787]201 knoweth nothing but by the Spirit of God, 205 on the creation of, [788]205 difference between his knowledge and God's, 207 Manichæans, their materialistic views of God, 46 (note), [789]68 (note), [790]76, [791]86 Augustin falls into the errors of the, [792]62 the Scriptures obscured to their mocking spirit, [793]62 (note), [794]67 (note), [795]88 (note) Augustin later on accused them of professing to believe in the New Testament to entrap the unwary, [796]62 (note), [797]83 (note) their system peculiarly enthralling to an ardent mind like Augustin's, [798]63 (note) kindred in many ways to modern Rationalism, [799]63 (note) Augustin attacks their notions concerning evil, [800]63 cavillings of the, [801]64, [802]87, [803]93, [804]167, [805]174 their doctrine concerning good and evil, [806]64 (note), [807]76 (note), [808]83 (note) their delusions concerning the fig-tree, 66 their reason for refusing to give bread to any but their own sect, [809]66 and note, [810]68 they held that God was an unmeasured light, [811]68 (note) their notion concerning the soul, [812]76 (note) when opposed, they pretended the Scriptures had been corrupted, [813]81 (note), [814]87 and note their belief as to the humanity of Christ, [815]87 (note) their false and seducing continency, [816]95 and note Romanianus falls into the errors of, [817]100 (note) delusions of the, [818]103 (note) Augustin's anger against the, [819]132 Augustin refutes they opinions as to the origin of the world, [820]205 Manichæanism, cannot satisfy, [821]63 a strange mixture of the pensive philosophy of Persia with Gnosticism and Christianity, [822]64 (note) Manichæus asserted that the Holy Ghost was personally resident in him, [823]81 asceticism of his followers, [824]122 (note) Manna, meaning of, [825]48 and note Marriage, Augustin desires, but his parents oppose it, [826]57 Mars, [827]117 Martyrdom, reason for exalting, [828]90 (note) described as a second baptism, [829]90 (note) Martyrs, honour done to the, [830]90 and notes two of the, buried in the Ambrosian Basilica, 134 and note Materialists, the, seek the common "good" of all, [831]75 (note) Mathematicians used no sacrifices in their divinations [832]69 they drew their figures in dust or sand, [833]77 (note), [834]106 (note) Matter, or Hyle, the evil principle according to Faustus, [835]76 (note) the Platonic theory concerning, [836]76 (note) God did not create the world from but by His word, [837]165 the world not created out of, but by God's word, [838]165 Augustin's old notion as to, [839]177 not created out of God's substance, [840]177 Augustin discusses whether it was from eternity or was made by God, [841]184 Medea, [842]63 Mediator, Christ the, [843]112, [844]114 (note) God and man, [845]162 and note or medius, [846]162 Memory, nature and power of, [847]145, [848]149 privation of, is forgetfulness, [849]149 God cannot be attained unto by the power of, 149 possessed, by beasts and birds, [850]149 manifoldness of, [851]149, [852]150, [853]161 God dwells in the, [854]152 Mercy, and misery, [855]47 (note), [856]60 of God, all hope is in the, [857]153 Milan, Augustin is sent to teach rhetoric at, [858]87, 88 he recites his panegyric to the Emperor at, [859]94 (note) Church hymns and psalms first introduced at, 134 Mind, Augustin turns his attention to the nature of the, [860]75 commands the body, [861]125 Augustin refutes the Manichæan notion of two kinds of, [862]125 four perturbations of the, [863]148 time the impression of things on the future and past things in relation to the, [864]173 Minerva, [865]117 Ministers, how they should work, [866]200 Miracles, the cessation of, and its probable result, [867]69 (note), [868]106 (note) wrought in behalf of Ambrose, [869]134 and note necessary to some ignorant men, [870]200 cessation of, [871]204 (note) Misery of the angels and their former excellence, [872]192 Moderation in eating and drinking, [873]154 Monachism, Antony the founder of, [874]122 and note Monad and Duad, [875]76 and notes Money, learning to be preferred to, [876]87 Monica, the mother of Augustin, her obedience to her husband, [877]50 her dream concerning her son's conversion, 66 the wooden rule therein symbolical of the rule of faith, [878]66 her anxiety about her son, [879]67 she goes to consult a certain bishop, [880]67 how her prayers for her son were answered, [881]67, 84 her son deceives her, [882]84 her sorrow at his deception, [883]84 she never failed to make oblations at God's altar twice a day, [884]85 object of her prayers, [885]85 her visions, [886]67, [887]85, [888]89 she follows her son over sea and land, and encourages the sailors in danger, [889]89 her confidence that she could not die without seeing her son a Catholic Christian, [890]89 her love for and her obedience to Ambrose, [891]89, 90 she gives up making offerings at the oratories, [892]90 she urges her son to marry, and chooses a wife for him, [893]99 early training and life of, [894]135, [895]136 her youthful love of wine, [896]135 how cured of it, [897]136 her conduct as a wife, [898]136 her peace-making and endurance, [899]137 she gains her husband to God, [900]137 her death draws near, [901]137 her last conversation with her son, [902]137, 138 her death at Ostia, [903]138 Monophysites, still turn to the west in renouncing Satan, [904]118 (note) Montanus, the pretensions of, similar to that of the Manichæans, [905]82 (note) Moon, sun and, Manichean belief as to the, 63 its falsity, [906]82, [907]83 and note influence of the, [908]103 (note) the natural man and the, [909]198 Morality of the Manichæans, [910]95 Morals, authority and, [911]65 Mortality, skins the emblem of, [912]112 and note, 195 Mortification, pain better than, [913]100 and note Moses [914]109 (note) on Mount Nebo, [915]181 (note) what he meant in book of Genesis, [916]186 he is supposed to have perceived all the truth in its words, [917]188 Mountain of milk and curds, [918]130 and note Mountains of God, Augustin's interpretation of the, [919]191 Music, church, effect of, on Augustin, [920]156 Mysteries, of Scripture, God's reason for the, 48 (note) the mystery and simplicity of Scripture, [921]62, 93 the unfolding of God's, in the future life only, [922]124 (note) of Scripture, [923]164 (note) symbolized, [924]164 (note) well-regulated minds do not seek to pry into the, [925]193 when revelation is clear and devoid of, [926]196 (note) of God can be revealed by Him alone, [927]207 Mystery or "sacrament," [928]118 (note) Natures, the two, [929]125, [930]126 Nebridius, a goodly youth Augustin's friend, 70, [931]105, [932]130 he left Carthage for Milan to be near Augustin, [933]97 tried to dissuade Augustin from belief in the astrologers, [934]70, [935]105 his argument against Manichæanism, [936]103 consented to teach under Verecundus, [937]122 his humility, [938]122 dies in Africa after the conversion of his household, [939]131 letter of Augustin to, [940]131 Neo-Platonism, Aristotle and Zeno prepared the way for, [941]86 (note) Amelius developed and formulated, [942]107 (note) doctrine of, as to the "Word," [943]107 (note) as to the soul's capacity, [944]198 (note) Augustin speaks with admiration of, [945]117 (note) Neptune, t [946]17 New Song, the, of Praise [947]45 (note) New Testament, the Manichæans professed to believe in the, to entrap the unwary, [948]62 (note) adversity the blessing of the, [949]76 (note) the Manichæans asserted that the writings of, had been corrupted, [950]87 and note Obedience, to teachers enjoined, [951]49 to princes, [952]65 to God, in or against human laws, necessary, 65, [953]66 Oblations, what they are, [954]85 (note) Monica made them twice a day, [955]85 offered at Queen Victoria's coronation, [956]85 (note) at the tombs of the martyrs, [957]90 (note) Odours, the attraction of, [958]156 Oil of sinners, [959]160 and note Old Testament, its histories, typical and allegorical, [960]65 (note) prosperity the blessing of the, [961]76 (note) Omnipresence of God, [962]45 Onesiphorus, hospitality of, [963]203 Oratories, in memory of Cyprian, [964]84 in memory of the saints and martyrs, [965]90 and note offerings at the, forbidden by Ambrose and afterwards by Augustin, [966]90 Monica discontinues hers, [967]90 and note Oratory, undue appreciation of, [968]53 the Christians forbidden by Julian to teach, 120 Orestes and Pylades, [969]71 Origen's knowledge of Hebrew, [970]165 (note) Origin of the law of death, [971]73 (note) of the human soul, Augustin on the, [974]183 (note) of the world, the Manichæan notion concerning the, [975]205 Ostia, Augustin and his mother stay at, 137 she dies at, and is buried there, [976]138 Ovid, quotations from, [977]71 (note) Pachomius, the good done by the monks of, [978]122 (note) Paganism, Constantius enacted laws against, but Julian the Apostate reinstated it in its former splendour, [979]120 (note) Pain, spiritual and physical, better than mortification, [980]100 and note Paraclete, the, of the Manichæans [981]62 Manichæus asserted that He was personally resident in him, [982]81 and note the Spirit of Truth, [983]132 Paradise, allegorized by some, [984]92 (note) Parents, make light of the childish troubles of their offspring, [985]5 ambition for their children's progress often injudicious, [986]50 our first, doctrine of the early Church concerning their immortality had they not sinned, [987]73 (note) Past and future, in the, there is time, 169 they exist only in the soul, [988]170 Patriarchs, actions of the, prophetic, [989]65 and note Patricius, the father of Augustin, a poor freeman of Thagaste, he was only a catechumen when his son was to his sixteenth year, [990]56 he dies when Augustin is sixteen, [991]61 was at first unkind to his wife, but was melted by her enduring meekness, etc., [992]136 is gained over to God by her, [993]137 Paul, St., Augustin studies the writings of, 114 conversion of, [994]120 and note his rejoicing at the good works of the Philippians, [995]203 Paul of Thebais, asceticism of, [996]122 (note) Peace of heaven, the only true, [997]207 (note) Pearl of great price, Augustin compares Christ to the, [998]117 (note) Peiraterion a "warfare," [999]153 (note) Pelagians, they laid claim to the attainment of perfection through power of freewill, [1000]140 (note) Pelagius and the bishop, dispute between, 155 Pelican, the fable of the, [1001]164 (note) Pen of the Spirit, [1002]114 Phantasies, unreality of, [1003]63 poetical fictions less dangerous than, [1004]63 Phantasm, Augustin thinks of God as a, [1005]71, 72 and of Christ also, [1006]85 (note), [1007]86, [1008]87 Augustin ceases to look upon God as a, [1009]111 Philo, the Therapeutae of, [1010]122 (note) Philosophy, made the beginning of Augustin's conversion, [1011]61 in Greek, the love of wisdom is called [1012]62 effect of, on the writings of the Fathers, [1013]61 (note) the various schools of, [1014]75 (note) revelation alone can reconcile the different systems of, [1015]75 (note) the academic and other schools of, [1016]86 (note) unsatisfying, [1017]100 (note) led the Greeks to Christ, [1018]107 (note) Augustin's opinion of the various schools of, 107 (note) Plato's, the nearest to Christ, [1019]117 Photimus heresy of, [1020]113, Pyrrhonists, doctrine of the, [1021]86 (note) Piety, confession to God is, [1022]81 Plato, works of, compared with the Word of God, [1023]81 (note) dogmatic and sceptical sides of his philosophy, [1024]86 (note) doctrine of, in connection with Christianity, 107 (note), [1025]114 parallels between his doctrine and that of God, [1026]109 much in Platonism in common with asceticism, 122 (note) Platonic theory of matter, [1027]76 (note) Platonists, Augustin studies the books of the, probably those of Amelius, [1028]107 and note Pleasures, carnal, the beasts of the field symbolical of, [1029]80 (note), [1030]81 Plotinus, theories of, [1031]107 and note, [1032]112 Pneuma the, [1033]111 (note), [1034]113 (note) Poetry, classical, evils of, [1035]51-53 Pompey, the ruse of, [1036]135 (note) Pontitianus, a countryman of Augustin's, 122 his delight at finding Augustin reading St. Paul's writings, [1037]122 he relates to him the history of Antony, 122 Porphyry's pride in regard to the Incarnation of Christ, [1038]161 Poverty, in what that which displeases God consists, [1039]123 (note) Praise, God worthy of, [1040]45 Augustin begins his book with, [1041]45 (note) man desires to praise God, [1042]45, [1043]79 God's, is inexhaustible, [1044]45, [1045]46 and note silence the highest, to God, [1046]46 (note) love of worldly, [1047]159, [1048]160 and note sometimes not to be avoided, [1049]160 Prayers, the manner of Easterns when at, [1050]66 (note), [1051]84 God's answer to Monica's, [1052]67 how He answered them, [1053]84 Augustin's faith strengthened by answer to, 133 for the dead, [1054]139, [1055]141 Preaching, leads to faith, [1056]45 effect of Ambrose's, [1057]45 Pretium regium, meaning of, [1058]97 (note) Pride, debases the heart, [1059]74 (note) Augustin errs through, [1060]75-77 birds of the air symbolical of, [1061]80 (note) temptation of, [1062]158 Priority of origin illustrated, [1063]187 Prodigal son, the, allusions to, [1064]53, [1065]63, 77 Progress, the law of, in Scripture, [1066]64 Prophorikos i.e. "made flesh," [1067]107 (note), [1068]166 (note) Prosperity the blessing of the Old Testament, adversity of the New, [1069]76 (note) Providence of God [1070]47 Psalms and hymns first sung in church at Milan, [1071]134 sung at death-beds and burials, [1072]139 (note) Psaltery of ten strings, [1073]65 and note Psuche the, [1074]111 (note), [1075]113 (note) Psuchikos "soulish" or "natural," [1076]112 (note) Punishment of sin, [1077]72, [1078]79 (note) the absence of free-will a, [1079]125 Purgatory, prayers for the dead imply a belief in, [1080]141 (note) Pylades and Orestes, [1081]71 rqy "the firmament," [1082]199 Rationalem, term applied to holy things, [1083]203 (note) Rationalism, modern, Manichean system kindred to, [1084]63 (note) Reason, the Manichæans exalted it at the expense of faith, [1085]63 (note) and faith, [1086]93 and note leads us to a belief in the necessity of eternity, [1087]173 (note) Reddere, used of the creed [1088]118 (note) Regeneration, [1089]45 and notes necessary before receiving the Eucharist, [1090]118 (note) Rest, true, in God alone, [1091]45, [1092]58, [1093]59, [1094]74, [1095]94 (note) in heaven, ours here an earnest of the future, 45 (note) God ever worketh and yet is always at rest, 207 Retirement, Augustin finds in, preparation for future work, [1096]131 (note) Revelation, law of the development of, [1097]64 (note) can alone reconcile the difficulties of the various systems of philosophy, [1098]75 (note) is like a broad and deep river, [1099]178 (note) devoid of mystery, [1100]196 (note) Rhetoric, Augustin becomes head in the school of, [1101]61 he teaches it at Thagaste, [1102]68, then at Carthage, [1103]72, then at Rome, [1104]83 Romanianus, a relative of Alypius, rich and talented, and good to Augustin, [1105]100 and note is influenced by Augustin to embrace the Manichæan, heresy, [1106]100, (note) Augustin's explanation of his conversion to, 115 (note) Rome, Augustin's motive for wishing to go to, 83, [1107]84 he leaves, [1108]88 Rule, the wooden, seen by Monica in her dream, 66 symbolical of the Rule of Faith, [1109]67, [1110]128 the, or "line," of Ps. xix.3, 4, [1111]199 (note) Rumination, spiritual, [1112]91 (note) of the harts, [1113]164 (note) Sacrament, or mystery, [1114]118 (note) confirmation, etc., sometimes spoken of by the Fathers as a, [1115]118 (note), [1116]197 and note Sacrifices were used by the soothsayers in their divinations, [1117]68 Saint, a Manichean [1118]66 and notes Sallust, quotation from, [1119]58 Salt, seasoning with, on admission as a catechumen, [1120]52 and note, [1121]89 (note) Sarx the "flesh," [1122]112 (note) Satan, renunciation of, before baptism, 118 Schools, Augustin disapproves of the method of instruction in, [1123]52, [1124]53 the different, of philosophy, etc., [1125]107 (note) Science does not lead to God, [1126]80, [1127]158 (note) Sciences called "liberal," [1128]68 Augustin read the books concerning, unaided, 77 Faustus was reputed to be skilled in, [1129]80, but had no real knowledge of them, [1130]82, [1131]83 Scipio's change of name, [1132]120 (note) Scripture, God's reason for the mysteries in, 48 (note) veiled in mysteries, [1133]62, [1134]94 made plain to the "little ones," being obscured to the mocking spirit of the Manichæans, [1135]62 (note) Manichean perversion of, [1136]62 (note), [1137]67 (note) they tried to deprive it of all authority, [1138]63 (note) the law of progress in, [1139]64 and note the Manichæans, when opposed, pretended that the, had been corrupted, [1140]81 (note) what they censured in the, [1141]87 Ambrose expounded the, every Lord's day, 91 "letter"of, [1142]92 (note) types in, [1143]92 (note) Manichean cavillings at, [1144]93 authority of, [1145]93, [1146]117 (note) belief in, [1147]93. (note) plainness and depth of, [1148]93 and note Augustin rejoices that he studied Plato before, and not the reverse, [1149]113, [1150]114 Augustin entreats of God that he may be led to the truth through the study of, [1151]163, [1152]164, [1153]178 and note mysteries and right use of, [1154]164 (notes) symbolized, [1155]164 (note) the Hebrew and Greek, [1156]165 awful depth of, [1157]180 truth to be seen in, but not by all, [1158]182 Sea, allegorical explanation of the, [1159]196 and notes Security, false, [1160]156 and note Self-deception, Augustin's, [1161]123 Self-knowledge to be preferred to ignorance, 47 (note) Self-love and pride the sources of sin, 65 Sense, God has given to each its proper pleasure as well as use, [1162]79 (note) Sermons, Goodwin's description of the effect of, [1163]89 Shakespeare, quotation from, [1164]69 (note) Shame, false, [1165]53, [1166]57 Sight, the allurements of, [1167]156 knowledge received by, [1168]201 faith and, [1169]201 (note) Silence, the highest form of praise to God, [1170]46 (note) a consoler in grief, [1171]127 (note) Simplicianus, and the Platonist, [1172]113 (note) Augustin consults him about the renewing of his mind, [1173]116,117 he succeeded Ambrose as Bishop of Milan,.117 his skill, [1174]117 his uncompromisingness, [1175]117 Sin, in infancy, [1176]47, [1177]48 original, [1178]47, [1179]48, [1180]84 the Manichæans, denied, [1181]76 (note) guilt of, after baptism, greater than before, 50 our motives to, [1182]57, [1183]58 love of, for the sin's sake, [1184]59 self-love and pride the sources of, [1185]65 its own punishment, [1186]72, [1187]79 (note), [1188]143 (note) the absence of free-will the punishment of former sin, [1189]125 forgiveness of, after baptism, [1190]140 and note, 141 has not substance, only weakness, [1191]192 (note) Augustin compares it to blindness, [1192]192 (note) Sinners cannot escape God, [1193]79 injure themselves, not God, [1194]79 (notes) Skins, Augustine makes, the emblems of mortality, [1195]112 and note, [1196]195 (note) Sodom, the sea of, [1197]60 and note Solomon, the enigma of, [1198]63 Son, the prodigal, [1199]53 Song of Ambrose and Augustin, [1200]134 (note) Soothsayer, the, promises Augustin victory on certain conditions which he despises, [1201]68 Sorrow, why sent to us, [1202]72 (note) effect of time and consolations of friends on, 72 effect of silence in, [1203]127 (note) Soul, Augustin fancied that he and Nebridius had only one soul between them, [1204]71 invocation to it to return to God, [1205]73 the Manichæan, notion concerning the, [1206]76 (note) sight or eye of the, [1207]92 body, spirit, and, [1208]111 (note) speculations concerning it after death, [1209]164 (note) Augustin on the origin of the human, [1210]183 (note) Neo-Platonic idea as to its capacity for seeing God, [1211]198 (note) Sozomen's account of the origin of Monachism, 122 (note) Spirit, the letter and the, of Scripture, [1212]92 and note body, soul, and, [1213]111 (note) pen of the, [1214]114 (note) leadings of the, [1215]153 gifts of the, [1216]197 Spiritual body, the, [1217]112 (note) Stage-plays, Augustin's love of, [1218]60 reprobated by the Fathers, those who went to them being excluded from baptism, [1219]60 (note) Stars, knowledge of the, etc., [1220]80, [1221]81 Manichean teaching as to the, false, [1222]82 the catechumen to be content with the light of the moon and the, [1223]197, [1224]198 Stereoma the firmament, [1225]199 (note) Stoics, the great year of the, [1226]202 (note) Study, Augustin's distaste for, in boyhood, [1227]50 Ambrose in his, [1228]91 Substance, corporeal, Augustin's idea of God as a, [1229]102 and note, [1230]103 God's substance incorruptible, [1231]104 evil not a, [1232]110 the two substances, [1233]111 Augustin thinks of God as an incorruptible, 116 matter not created out of God's, [1234]177 sins have not, [1235]192 (note) Subverters, Augustin delighted in their friendship, although he abhorred their acts, [1236]61 the name of a pestilent and licentious set of persons, also termed Eversores, [1237]61 and note Sun, the Christian should always aspire to look at the, [1238]108 when able to do so, [1239]198 Christ the central, [1240]198 (note) Sun and moon, Manichean belief as to the, [1241]63, proved false, [1242]82, [1243]83 and note influence of the, [1244]103 (note) Sustinentia and continentia, difference between, [1245]153 (note) Sylvester, bishop of Rome, before Constantine, 69 (note) Symbols, use of, [1246]91 (note) God's goodness in conveying His truth by, 189 Symmachus the prefect sends Augustin to Milan, 87, [1247]88 Sympathy, real and false, [1248]51, [1249]60, [1250]61 Christ's perfect human, [1251]71 (note) Syria, Hierius a native of, [1252]74, [1253]75 Tablets, matrimonial, [1254]136 and note Talmud, illustrations of God's majesty, in, [1255]46 (note) of His mercy and justice in, [1256]133 (note) Tears, why sweet to the unhappy, [1257]71 Technites, or artificer, God a, [1258]72 (note) Te Deum, the song of Ambrose and Augustin, [1259]134 (note) Telemachus the monk sacrificed his life to put an end to the circus fights, [1260]96 (note) Temptation, the winds and waves of, stilled by Christ, [1261]144 (note) life a, [1262]153 as a testing, [1263]153 (note) we should not court, [1264]156 (note) Christ's, typical, [1265]80 (note), [1266]153 (note) Terence, Eunuchus of, [1267]53 Testament, the Old and New, [1268]76 (note), [1269]180 Thagaste, Augustin's father a poor freeman of, 56 Augustin taught rhetoric there, [1270]68 it was there Augustin met Nebridius, [1271]70 Augustin leaves to go to Carthage, [1272]72 the birthplace of Alypius, [1273]94 Thebes, Antony a native of Paul the hermit of, [1274]122 (note) Theft, Augustin commits, from his parents' table, [1275]54 and later, he steals not from poverty, but the love of wrong-doing, [1276]57-59 innocent Alypius is apprehended for, [1277]96 Theophilus of Antioch's opinion concerning Adam's immortality, [1278]73 (note) Theraputæ of Philo, the, [1279]122 (note) Thorwaldsen, the Danish sculptor, dream of, 153 (note) Time, effect of, on grief, [1280]72 God speaks to us in, [1281]166 has no relation to eternity, [1282]167 itself a creature, therefore not before creation, [1283]167, [1284]168 present, not long, [1287]168, [1288]169 cannot be measured, [1289]169,172,173 and note nevertheless, there is past and future, 196 motions of the heavenly bodies not, [1290]172 of what is it the protraction? [1291]172 the impression of things on the mind, [1292]173 regarded as an agent, [1293]174 (note) Augustin argues that it and the world had one beginning, [1294]175 begins from the creation, not the creation from it, [1295]188 (note) has no relation to God and His Word, [1296]205 Titus, amphitheatre of, [1297]95 (note) Tobias, the light seen by, [1298]157 Toothache, Augustin suffers from, [1299]133 De Quincey on, [1300]133 (note) Tradition, Rabbinical, concerning the children of Israel, [1301]64 (note) belief in, [1302]93 (note) Tree of life, able to avert death from Adam, 73 Triad, man a, [1303]111 Trichotomy of man, doctrine of the, [1304]111 (note), [1305]113 (note) Triers, the monastery at, [1306]122 Trinity, the Manichean notion of the, [1307]62 (note) doctrine of the, conveyed in creation, [1308]191 types of, in man, [1309]193 and note mystery of the doctrine of the, [1310]193 (note) illustrations of the, [1311]193 (note) Trouble, why sent to us, [1312]72 (note) effect of time on, [1313]72 Truth, Augustin's desire and longing for, [1314]62, 63 the Manichæans abused the word truth, [1315]62 God is, [1316]62, [1317]72, [1318]81, [1319]151, [1320]152, [1321]186 and note Augustin's despair of finding the, [1322]86 is God's alone, [1323]109 (note) heresies confirm, [1324]113 Licentius' and Trygetius' notions concerning the search after, and the finding, [1325]123 (note) joy in the, [1326]152 he who finds, finds God, [1327]152 Augustin begs that God will lead him to the, through the Scriptures, [1328]163-164 wisdom and, [1329]166 the discovery of, difficult, [1330]176 to be seen in Scripture, but not by all, 183 Trygetius' notion concerning truth, [1331]123 (note) Tully, Augustin at one time thought the Holy Scriptures not to be compared in dignity to, [1332]62 his contrary opinion, [1333]81 (note) orations of, [1334]83 Types in Scripture, [1335]92 (note) of the Trinity in man, [1336]193 Universe, beauty of the, [1337]79 (note) Victorinus, conversion of, [1338]117 Wax, writing on, [1339]133 and note Way, Christ the, [1340]114 (note), [1341]116 Weeping, why sweet to the unhappy, [1342]71 West, custom of turning to the, [1343]113 (note) Wife, Monica fears that a, would prove an encumbrance to her son, [1344]57 but afterwards seeks for one for him, [1345]99 Will, evil a perversion of the, [1346]111 feebleness of, [1347]125 conflict in the, [1348]125, [1349]126 of God is eternal, [1350]180 Wine-bibbing, Ambrose forbids it at oratories, [1351]90 Monica's, in her youth, [1352]135 how cured, [1353]136 Wisdom, Augustin's love of, [1354]62, [1355]98 the love of, called philosophy in Greek, 62 God enjoins man to behold, [1356]81 Augustin stimulated to the love of, by Cicero's Hortensius, [1357]107 (note) and truth, [1358]166 of God eternal, [1359]180, [1360]181 the word of, given by the Spirit, [1361]197 and note Wit, [1362]45 (note) Augustin's, a snare to him [1363]77 Wizards, Augustin's opinion of, [1364]68 (note) Woman, creation of, [1365]206 and note Wood, the cross called a ship of, [1366]52, [1367]53 (note), [1368]114 (note) Word, wit and eloquence baits to draw man to the, [1369]45 (note) the written, likened to the swaddling-clothes of the child Jesus, [1370]64 (note) made flesh, [1371]107, [1372]108 and note, [1373]112, [1374]113, [1375]162 God the, [1376]108 Christ the, [1377]112 God created the world by His, [1378]165 God speaks to us eternally in His, [1379]166 the beginning of all things, [1380]166 happiness of the spiritual creature to be found only in the, [1381]190 the firmament the type of the, [1382]195, [1383]196 heaven and earth shall pass away, but not the, 196 Word of God, eternal, [1384]73 a fount of happiness, [1385]81 (note) incorruptible, [1386]103 and note Words and ideas, [1387]49 World, the things of this, are fleeting, [1388]73 love of the, [1389]79 the sea ened to the wicked, [1390]196 and notes the Manichæan, and Gnostic opinion as to the origin of the, [1391]205 the, was created out of nothing, [1392]206 Zeno and Aristotle prepared the way for Neo-Platonism, [1393]86 (note) |