Psalm 63
A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.


^1Lord, thee my God, I'll early seek:

my soul doth thirst for thee;

My flesh longs in a dry parch'd land,

wherein no waters be:

^2That I thy power may behold,

and brightness of thy face,

As I have seen thee heretofore

within thy holy place.

^3Since better is thy love than life,

my lips thee praise shall give.

^4I in thy name will lift my hands,

and bless thee while I live.

^5Ev'n as with marrow and with fat

my soul shall filled be;

Then shall my mouth with joyful lips

sing praises unto thee:

^6When I do thee upon my bed

remember with delight,

And when on thee I meditate

in watches of the night.

^7In shadow of thy wings I'll joy;

for thou mine help hast been.

^8My soul thee follows hard; and me

thy right hand doth sustain.

^9Who seek my soul to spill shall sink

down to earth's lowest room.

^10They by the sword shall be cut off,

and foxes' prey become.

^11Yet shall the king in God rejoice,

and each one glory shall

That swear by him: but stopp'd shall be

the mouth of liars all.

psalm 62
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