716. 8s.7s. & 4s. M. L. C. Browne. The Same.
1 As the evening shadows gather
O'er us, from thy holy hill
May thy blessing, righteous Father,
Like the evening dew distil;
And thy presence
Every heart with rapture fill!
2 While in summer's warmth and beauty,
We our brother set apart
To the pastor's solemn duty,
May thy spirit warm his heart;
Without measure,
Wisdom, strength and love impart.
3 To perform the sacred function
As thy servant we ordain,
Father, may the holy unction
Fall on him, like summer rain!
Make him fertile,
Bearing fruit like golden grain.
4 In the path of duty guide him,
Firm in virtue may he stand;
And from storm and peril, hide him
In the hollow of thy hand;
Keep his footsteps
Till he tread the better land.
5 When at last his toils are over,
Summer ended, autumn near,
May he and his flock, like clover
Ripened for the scythe, appear;
And when falling,
Guardian angels linger near.