The Scriptures (ISR 1998) 1Ascribe to יהוה, O you sons of the mighty, Ascribe to יהוה esteem and strength. 2Ascribe to יהוה the esteem of His Name; Bow yourselves to יהוה in the splendour of set-apartness. 3The voice of יהוה is over the waters; The Ěl of esteem thunders; יהוה is over many waters. 4The voice of יהוה is with power, The voice of יהוה is with greatness. 5The voice of יהוה is breaking the cedars, יהוה is breaking the cedars of Leḇanon in pieces. 6And He makes them skip like a calf, Leḇanon and Siryon like a young wild ox. 7The voice of יהוה cuts through the flames of fire. 8The voice of יהוה shakes the wilderness; יהוה shakes the Wilderness of Qaḏĕsh. 9The voice of יהוה makes the deer give birth, And strips the forests bare; And in His Hĕḵal everyone says, “Esteem!” 10יהוה sat enthroned at the Flood, And יהוה sits as Sovereign forever. 11יהוה gives strength to His people; יהוה blesses His people with peace. |