Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Put Your Hope in The LORD |
1343-1473 δικαιοσύνης μου 3of my righteousness]; |
4:2 5207 4:2 υιοί 4:2 O sons |
924.3 βαρυκάρδιοι will you ease being heavy hearted? |
1522 εισακούσεταί shall hear |
4:4 3710 4:4 οργίζεσθε 4:4 Be angry, |
2660 κατανύγητε 1Let be vexed]! |
4:5 2380 4:5 θύσατε 4:5 Sacrifice |
1343 δικαιοσύνης of righteousness, |
4:6 4183 4:6 πολλοί 4:6 Many |
4593 εσημειώθη [4was signified |
4:7 1325 4:7 έδωκας 4:7 You put |
4129 επληθύνθησαν 1they were filled]. |
2837 κοιμηθήσομαι 1I will go to bed] |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.