Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Rage of The LORD Completed |
268.5 αμαυρωθήσεται [3shall be darkened |
241.2 αλλοιωθήσεται [4changed |
1632 εξεχύθησαν [3were discharged |
1869 επηρμένοι being encouraged |
3049 ελογίσθησαν they are considered |
3749 οστράκινα 1earthenware], |
2763 κεραμέως of the potter. |
2364 θυγατέρας the daughters |
446.3 ανίατον irretrievability |
2337 θηλάζοντος 3of one nursing] |
1246.3 διακλών [2one snapping it |
853 ηφανίσθησαν were removed |
5087.1 τιθηνούμενοι having been suckled |
4033.2 περιελάβοντο were embracing |
3170 εμεγαλύνθη [4was magnified |
458 ανομία 1 the lawlessness |
2364 θυγατρός 2of the daughter |
458 ανομίας the lawlessness |
2690 κατεστραμμένης being eradicated |
2510.1 εκαθαριώθησαν [2were clean |
*-1473 Ναζαραίοι αυτής 1Her Nazarites]; |
2989 έλαμψαν 1they radiated]; |
4448 επυρώθησαν 1they were purified]. |
4552 σαπφείρου 4of sapphire |
1921 επεγνώσθησαν recognized |
3583 εξηράνθησαν they are dried up, |
4501 ρομφαίας by the broadsword |
1574 εκκεκεντημένοι being pierced |
3629 οικτιρμόνων 1of pitying] |
1096 εγενήθησαν they became |
4938 συντρίμματι destruction |
2730 κατοικούντες dwelling, |
3611 οικουμένην ones living, |
1525 εισελεύσεται [4shall enter |
1570.2 εκθλίβων 3one afflicting] |
4531 εσαλεύθησαν [2were shaken |
3435 εμολύνθησαν they were tainted |
1742-1473 ενδυμάτων αυτών their garments with it. |
169 ακαθάρτων from the unclean! |
381 ανήφθησαν they were lit, |
4531 εσαλεύθησαν they were shaken. |
4369 προσθώσι should they proceed |
3939 παροικείν to sojourn there. |
1914 επιβλέψαι to look upon |
1653 ηλέησαν 2show mercy on]. |
644.2 αποσκοπευόντων 2watching |
644.2 απεσκοπεύσαμεν We watched |
2340 εθηρεύσαντο They hunted |
4137 επληρώθησαν [2were fulfilled |
1748 ενήδρευσαν they lie in wait |
5547 χριστός the anointed one , |
2198 ζησόμεθα we shall live |
1330 διελεύσεται shall go through |
3184 μεθυσθήση You shall be intoxicated |
670.3 αποχεείς shall pour forth. |
1587 εξέλιπεν [2is vanished |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.