Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
19:1 5274-1161 19:1 υπολαβών δε 19:1 And undertaking, |
19:2 2193-5100 19:2 έως τίνος 19:2 For how long |
4160 ποιήσετε 1will you make |
19:3 2635 19:3 καταλαλείτέ 19:3 You speak ill |
153 αισχυνόμενοί being ashamed |
1945 επίκεισθέ you press upon |
19:4 3483 19:4 ναι 19:4 Yes |
3170 μεγαλύνεσθε 1you magnify yourselves], |
19:6 1097 19:6 γνώτε 19:6 Know |
5312 ύψωσεν 4he raised up high]. |
19:7 2400 19:7 ιδού 19:7 Behold, |
2896 κεκράξομαι I shall have cried out, |
2917 κρίμα is there judgment. |
19:8 2945 19:8 κύκλω 19:8 [2round about |
4039.1 περιωκοδόμημαι 1I have been enclosed], |
1224 διαβώ shall I pass over; |
1562 εξέδυσεν 1he took off], |
19:10 1288-1473 19:10 διέσπασέ με 19:10 He pulled me apart |
19:11 1171 19:11 δεινώς 19:11 [4awfully |
5530 εχρήσατο 2he treated], |
19:12 3661-1161 19:12 ομοθυμαδόν δε 19:12 And with one accord |
1455 εγκάθετοι 1ones lying in wait]. |
415 ανελεήμονες 5unmerciful |
1096 γεγόνασιν 4have become]. |
19:14 3756 19:14 ου 19:14 [5not to know |
4364 προσεποιήσαντό 4pretend |
19:15 1069 19:15 γείτονες 19:15 As for the neighbors |
2321.1 θεράπαιναι [3female attendants |
19:16 2324 19:16 θεράποντά 19:16 [2attendant |
19:17 2532 19:17 και 19:17 And |
2980 λαλούσιν 1they speak]. |
19:19 948 19:19 εβδελύξαντό 19:19 [4abhorred |
1881 επανέστησάν rose up against |
19:20 1722 19:20 εν 19:20 [3in |
19:21 1653 19:21 ελεήσατέ 19:21 Show mercy |
1705 εμπίπλασθε 3filled up]? |
1125 γραφήναι 3to be written |
19:24 1722 19:24 εν 19:24 written with |
1448.2 εγγλυφήναι 1being engraved]. |
19:25 1492-1063 19:25 οίδα γαρ 19:25 For I know |
104.1 αένναος [6everlasting |
19:26 450 19:26 αναστήσαι 19:26 to raise up |
369.1 αναντλούν being fatigued |
3778 ταύτα by these things. |
19:27 3739 19:27 α 19:27 which |
4902.2 συνεπίσταμαι am conscious of, |
4931 συντετέλεσται 1has been exhausted] |
19:28 1499.1 19:28 ει δε και 19:28 But if even |
19:29 2125 19:29 ευλαβήθητε 19:29 Venerate |
1942 επικαλύμματος a covering! |
459 ανόμους 3 the lawless ones |
1904 επελεύσεται 1shall come], |
1097 γνώσονται they shall know |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.