Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Falsehood of Ephraim and Samaria |
601 απεκαλύφθη [4was uncovered |
2038 ειργάσαντο they worked |
1553.1 εκδιδύσκων [2stripping him |
3027 ληστής 1 and a robber] |
7:2 3704 7:2 όπως 7:2 so that |
4865.1 συνάδωσιν they be together in concert |
3403 εμνήσθην 1I remember]. |
1096 εγένοντο 1they took place]. |
2165 εύφραναν they gladdened |
7:4 3956 7:4 πάντες 7:4 All |
3431 μοιχεύοντες committing adultery |
7:5 2250 7:5 ημέραι 7:5 In the days |
2373 θυμούσθαι to be enraged |
1614 εξέτεινε he stretched out |
3061 λοιμών pestilent ones. |
341.1 ανεκαύθησαν [2were kindled |
1705 ενεπλήσθη 2was filled]; |
341.1 ανεκαύθη it was kindled |
7:7 3956-2328 7:7 πάντες εθερμάνθησαν 7:7 They were all heated |
2719 κατέφαγον they devoured |
7:8 * 7:8 Εφραϊμ 7:8 Ephraim |
4874 συνανεμίγνυτο 1is intermixed]; |
1470.1 εγκρυφίας a cake baked in hot ashes |
3756-3344 ου μεταστρεφόμενος not being turned over. |
7:10 2532 7:10 και 7:10 And |
5013 ταπεινωθήσεται [4shall be humbled |
7:11 2532 7:11 και 7:11 And |
1941 επεκαλείτο he called upon, |
4198 επορεύθησαν they went. |
7:12 2531 7:12 καθώς 7:12 As |
4198 πορεύσονται they shall go |
3811 παιδεύσω I will correct |
7:13 3759 7:13 ουαί 7:13 Woe |
633.6 απεπήδησαν they leaped back |
764 ησέβησαν they were impious |
7:14 2532 7:14 και 7:14 and |
2697.3 κατετέμνοντο they mutilated themselves. |
7:15 3811 7:15 επαιδεύθησαν 7:15 They were corrected |
2729 κατίσχυσα I strengthened |
3049 ελογίσαντο they devised |
7:16 654 7:16 απεστράφησαν 7:16 They returned |
1780.2 εντεταμένον being stretched tight; |
4098 πεσούνται [2shall fall |
4501 ρομφαία 4 the broadsword |
520.2 απαιδευσίαν the stupidity |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.