Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
7:1 3778 7:1 ταύτας 7:1 [3these |
2511 καθαρίσωμεν we should cleanse |
3436 μολυσμού contamination |
7:2 5562 7:2 χωρήσατε 7:2 Have space |
5351 εφθείραμεν we corrupted, |
4122 επλεονεκτήσαμεν we took advantage of. |
2633 κατάκρισιν 4condemnation |
4280-1063 προείρηκα γαρ for I have described beforehand |
4880 συναποθανείν dying together |
4800 συζήν living together. |
7:4 4183 7:4 πολλή 7:4 Great |
3954 παρρησία to be in an open manner |
4137 πεπλήρωμαι I have been filled |
3874 παρακλήσει with comfort; |
5248 υπερπερισσεύομαι I superabound |
2346 θλιβόμενοι being afflicted; |
3870 παρεκλήθη he was comforted |
3338 μετεμελόμην I repented; |
3076 ελύπησεν that it grieved |
3076 ελυπήθητε you were grieved, |
3076 ελυπήθητε you were grieved |
2210 ζημίωθητε you should suffer loss |
278 αμεταμέλητον 3an irrevocable |
2716 κατεργάζεται 2manufactures]; |
2716 κατεργάζεται 4manufactures]. |
2716 κατειργάσατο it manufactured |
24 αγανάκτησιν indignation, |
4921 συνεστήσατε you commended |
7:12 686 7:12 άρα 7:12 Then |
91 αδικήσαντος doing wrong, |
91 αδικηθέντος being wronged; |
5319 φανερωθήναι manifesting |
7:13 1223 7:13 διά 7:13 On account of |
3870 παρακεκλήμεθα we have been comforted |
373 αναπέπαυται [2has been put at rest |
7:14 3754 7:14 ότι 7:14 For |
2744 κεκαύχημαι 1I have boasted], |
2617 κατησχύνθην disgraced; |
7:15 2532 7:15 και 7:15 And |
4698-1473 σπλάγχνα αυτού his feelings of compassion |
4056 περισσοτέρως [2more exceedingly |
363 αναμιμνησκομένου calling to mind |
7:16 5463 7:16 χαίρω 7:16 I rejoice |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.