Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
4931-* συνετέλεσε Σολομών Solomon completed |
4336 προσευχόμενος praying, |
3646 ολοκαυτώματα whole burnt-offerings |
2597 καταβαίνον [3come down |
3038 λιθόστρωτον stone pavement , |
4352 προσεκύνησαν they did obeisance |
2380 θύοντες were sacrificing |
2367.3 θύματα the things offered for sacrifices |
1005.1 βοσκημάτων pastured sheep— |
1457 ενεκαίνισε [7dedicated |
2476 εστηκότες 1were standing], |
1843 εξομολογείσθαι to acknowledge |
4537 σαλπίζοντες were trumpeting |
37-* ηγίασε Σολομών Solomon sanctified |
3646 ολοκαυτώματα whole burnt-offerings, |
4992 σωτηρίων deliverance offerings; |
4160-* εποίησε Σολομών Solomon made |
3646 ολοκαυτώματα whole burnt-offerings, |
4160-* εποίησε Σολομών Solomon observed |
4970 σφόδρα 1an exceedingly], |
5493 χειμάρρου the rushing stream |
1840.5 εξόδιον a holiday recess; |
7:10 2532 7:10 και 7:10 And |
2165 ευφραινομένους being glad |
7:11 2532 7:11 και 7:11 And |
4931-* συνετέλεσε Σολομών Solomon completed |
2309-* ηθέλησε Σολομών Solomon wanted |
2137 ευωδώθη he was prospered. |
7:12 2532 7:12 και 7:12 And |
4912 συσχώ I should hold up |
1781 εντείλωμαι [3should be given charge |
7:14 2532 7:14 και 7:14 and |
1788 εντραπή they should have shame |
4336 προσεύξωνται should pray, |
654 αποστρέψωσιν should turn |
1522 εισακούσομαι shall listen |
7:15 2532 7:15 και 7:15 And |
7:16 2532 7:16 και 7:16 And |
37 ηγίακα I have sanctified |
7:17 2532 7:17 και 7:17 And |
1781 ενετειλάμην I gave charge |
7:18 2532 7:18 και 7:18 then |
450 αναστήσω I will raise up |
3756-1808 ουκ εξαρθήσεταί There shall not be removed |
7:19 2532 7:19 και 7:19 But |
654-1473 αποστρέψητε υμείς you should turn, |
1459 εγκαταλείπητε should abandon |
4198 πορευθήτε you should go |
3000 λατρεύσητε should serve |
4352 προσκυνήσητε should do obeisance to |
7:20 2532 7:20 και 7:20 then |
7:21 2532 7:21 και 7:21 And |
1279 διαπορεύομενος traveling by |
1839 εκστήσεται shall be amazed, |
7:22 2532 7:22 και 7:22 And |
2046 ερούσι they shall say, |
1459 εγκατέλιπον they abandoned |
482 αντελάβοντο they took hold of |
4352 προσεκύνησαν they did obeisance to |
1398 εδούλευσαν they served |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.